

"In general, the purpose of exams is to let the student show what they know, not what they don't know. The principle to use in shaping an exam for your child is: how can they show what they know?" -- Karen Glass Karen also wrote a post about "What if my child doesn't remember?" on the AO Advisory blog. AO mom Celeste Cruz talked with Cindy Rollins about exams for The Mason Jar podcast. And don't miss Wendi's post about exams on the AO Advisory's Archipelago blog.

In April, 2023, AO updated books in the subject areas of Spiritual Formation and Citizenship for Years 7 and up, in the subject area of Science for Years 5 and 6, and in Bible reading for all years. The exams have been updated to reflect these changes. Those who are still using AO's old six-year Bible schedules can access the exam questions for the old Bible assignments on our Bible page (or, for Groups, from our Bible exams page). If you were doing a Lite Year or Combo Year, those old Bible exam questions are at the very bottom of the Bible page.

Before you print out out one of these exams, try editing the "Student's name" and "Date of Exam" at the top by replacing the line ___ with the relevant information.

Exams for AO Years 1-6:

Exams for AO Years 7-11:

7-9 in Two Years:

9-11 in Two Years:

Other Exams

Exams for Nature Study
Exams for Plutarch
Exams for AO4G (AmblesideOnline for Groups)

AmblesideOnline's free Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum prepares children for a life of rich relationships with God, humanity, and the natural world.
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