
Exam Key for Year 8/9 Lite

Term 1 - Term 2 - Term 3

Year 8-9 Lite Term 1

Bible and Spiritual Formation
   1. Can you give some evidence for the Resurrection? OR What are some credentials that support Jesus' claims to being the Messiah? (More Than a Carpenter ch 8 or 9)
   2. What blessings and/or curses did God promise Israel as they entered the land? or, Tell about the treaty with the Gibeonites. (Deuteronomy 28; Joshua 9)
   3. Give an account of the greatest commandment, OR Tell about the sheep and the goats. (Matthew 22:34-40, or 25:31-46)

   Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared)
For if I be bound to pray for all that be in distress, I am sure that I am bound, so far as it is in my power, to practice what I pray for. And though I do not wish for the like occasion every day, yet let me tell you, I would not willingly pass one day of my life without comforting a sad soul or shewing mercy. And I praise God for this occasion. (History of English Literature ch 55)

   1. Tell what you know about John Milton. (History of English Literature ch 57)
   2. Describe an episode from Westward Ho! or I Promessi Sposi.
   3. Summarize a poem you read this term.

English Grammar
   1. What are the plural forms of these words? Knife, sheep, man, child. (knives, sheep, men, children)
   2. Identify whether the italicized word is a direct object, or indirect object.
            Now completely frustrated, Mallory tossed the lopsided cake into the trash. (direct)
            Coach Taylor purchased the wrong jerseys for the team. (direct)
            Brad finally gave Mom a call last Tuesday. (indirect)
   3. Choose "she" or "her." Ashlyn wrote more pages than __. (she)
   4. Identify parts of speech for the italicized words. For nouns, say also whether the noun is singular or plural. For verbs, say also whether the verb is in past, present, or future tense: When her mother informed Lucy that Renzo was well and in safety, she derived great relief from the intelligence, desiring but one thing more, which was, that he should forget, or rather, that he should endeavour to forget her. (I Promessi Sposi ch 27) ANSWERS - when: adverb; informed: verb, past tense; well: adjective; safety: noun, singular; which: pronoun; forget: verb, present tense (infinitive is also correct); her: pronoun

   1. Describe King Charles I's gradual decline from constitutional government. OR Describe the New Model Army and trace the growth of Cromwell's power. (Churchill's New World ch 16)
   2. "Traitor Scot sold his King for a groat." Tell the story. (Churchill's New World ch 18)
   3. Who was the Merry Monarch? Tell about him. (Churchill's New World ch 22)
   4. Tell about the great plague and the Great Fire of 1666. (Churchill's New World ch 22)
   5. What is the difference between Whig and a Tory? (Churchill's New World ch 24)

   1. Explain what longitude is. (Longitude ch 1)
   2. How did mariners map their position before 1700? Or, describe the "lunar method." (Longitude ch 3)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   2. Choose a second question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   3. How do plants give off water? (First Studies in Plant Life ch 13)
   4. Is air pur oxygen? Explain. (Chemical History of a Candle Lecture 3)
   5. What do you know about Leeuenhook, or about the circulation of the blood? (Microbe Hunters, or William Harvey)

   1. Use the Year 7-10 Questions for this term's Plutarch from this page.
   2. Discuss two "unsolved problems" that our high-tech society has not answered. (Whatever Happened to Justice pg 177-)
   3. Discuss the Courage of sticking to our opinions. Or, Explain two areas in life where we are obligated to show Loyalty. (Ourselves pg 115 or 118-125)

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. If a cab ride costs $1.20 for the first one-tenth of a mile, and $0.90 for each additional one-tenth of a mile, how many miles is the cab ride that costs $12.00? (1.3 miles)
   2. At a basketball tournament involving 5 teams, each played each other team once. How many games were played in all? (10)
   3. If one leg of a right triangle is 18 cm and its area is 108 square cm, what is its perimeter? (51.6 cm)
   4. A tray can hold 234 eggs. If there are 18 rows in a tray, how many columns are there? (13)

Foreign Language
   1. Imagine you're going on a trip. In your foreign language, write a list of instructions (in complete sentences) for the person who will be watching your house.
   2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study
   1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)
   Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation
   1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
   2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Year 8-9 Lite Term 2

Bible and Spiritual Formation
   1. Give examples of some rival conceptions of God, OR Discuss the three parts of morality. (Mere Christianity, Bk 2 ch 1 or Bk 3 ch 1)
   2. Tell about Deborah, Gideon, or Samson. (Judges 4-5; 6-8; 13-16)
   3. Tell about Jesus and the rich young ruler, OR about how to be great in God's kingdom, OR What story did Jesus specifically say will be told everywhere the gospel is preached? Tell it. (Mark 10 or 14)

   Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared)
To almost every house in the land, as regular as the milk man, more regular than the postman, there comes each morning the newspaper boy. To most of us breakfast means, as well as things to eat, mother pouring out the tea and father reading the newspaper. As mother passes father's tea she says, "Anything in the paper, John?" And how often he answers, "Nothing, nothing whatever." (History of English Literature, ch 61)

   1. Tell something of the life of Alexander Pope or Samuel Johnson. (History of English Literature ch 67-69)
   2. What was the part you found most humorous in Gulliver's Travels or Battle of the Books?
   3. Summarize a poem you enjoyed this term.

English Grammar
   1. Write sentences using the conjunctions but, yet and because.
   2. Write sentences showing correct use of "loose" and "lose."
   3. Is the italicized word an adverb or adjective?
            She is a graceful dancer. (adj)
   4. Identify parts of speech for the italicized words. For nouns and pronouns, say also whether the word is singular or plural. For verbs, say also whether the verb is in past, present, or future tense: It left scars upon his good-looking face, and nearly robbed him of his eyesight. In those days people still believed that this dreadful disease would be cured if the person suffering from it was touched by a royal hand. So when he was two, little Samuel was taken to London by his father and mother, and there he was 'touched' by Queen Anne. (History of English Literature ch 68) ANSWERS - left: verb, past tense; good-looking: adjective; nearly: adverb; days: noun, plural; by: preposition; when: adverb; was taken: verb, past tense; he: pronoun, singular

   1. Give an account of William of Orange OR The Duke of Marlborough. (Age of Revolution ch 1 or 4)
   2. What were some of the issues of The Great Debate of 1787? (Miracle at Philadelphia ch 10)
   3. What do you know about the Treaty of Ultrechte? (Age of Revolution ch 6)
   4. What do you know about Sir Robert Walpole? (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 8)
   5. Give an account of the War of Austrian Succession. (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 9)
   6. Tell what you know about the Seven Years' War. (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 11)

   1. What is "the clock of heaven"? How was it used by mariners? (Longitude ch 9)
   2. "Harrison's big sea clocks, like his tower clock at Brocklesby Park, have more wherewithal to withstand regular use because of . . ." Because of what? (Longitude ch 10)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   2. Choose a second question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   3. Explain how plants make starch and what they give off as a by-product. (First Studies of Plant Life, ch 15-17)
   4. Discuss the particulate nature of matter. (Chemical History of a Candle, Lecture 6) Or, What did Phineas Gage's accident teach scientists?
   5. What is phenol or isoprene? Or, How does soap clean? (Napoleon's Buttons, ch 7-8 or Marvels of the Molecule, pg 30)

   1. Use the Year 7-10 Questions for this term's Plutarch from this page.
   2. Explain nihilism or existentialism. (Universe Next Door, ch 5 or 6)
   3. What duties towards others does Justice claim from us? (Ourselves pg 131-156)

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. Ansel has a job collecting eggs. He is paid $3.00 per hour and 20 cents for each egg he finds. If Ansel collects an average of 12 eggs per hour and earns a total of $21.60 for one day's work, how many hours has he worked? (4)
   2. Brian had 48 jelly beans. He ate 5/8 of them; his sister ate 1/3 as many jelly beans as he did. How many jelly beans did his sister eat? (10)
   3. Write 3 3/8 as a decimal. (3.375)
   4. There are 13 animals in a barn. Some are chickens and some are pigs. There are 40 legs in all. How many of each animal are there? (6 chickens, 7 pigs)

Foreign Language
   1. Write a paragraph in your foreign language about someone who displayed loyalty in your term's reading.
   2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study
   1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)
   Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation
   1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
   2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Year 8-9 Lite Term 3

Bible and Spiritual Formation
   1. Is Christianity hard or easy? Explain, or Explain, Nice people or new men? (Mere Christianity Bk 4 ch 8 or 10)
   2. Tell about Deborah, Gideon, or Samson. (Judges 4-5; 6-8; 13-16)
   3. Tell about Jesus and the rich young ruler, OR about how to be great in God's kingdom, OR What story did Jesus specifically say will be told everywhere the gospel is preached? Tell it. (Mark 10 or 14)

   Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared)
Elizabeth could not repress a smile at this, but she answered only by a slight inclination of the head. She saw that he wanted to engage her on the old subject of his grievances, and she was in no humour to indulge him. The rest of the evening passed with the appearance, on his side, of usual cheerfulness, but with no further attempt to distinguish Elizabeth; and they parted at last with mutual civility, and possibly a mutual desire of never meeting again. (Pride and Prejudice ch 41)

   1. Narrate an episode from She Stoops to Conquer or one of Jane Haldimand Marcet's essays.
   2. Write about your favorite character from Pride and Prejudice.
   3. Summarize a poem you enjoyed this term.

English Grammar
   1. Write a sentence using an adverb formed by adding the "-ly" suffix to an adjective. (cheap, cheaply; slow, slowly)
   2. Write sentences showing correct use of "to," "two" and "too."
   3. Is the italicized word an adverb or adjective?
            I passed the test easily. (adv)
            He is a good speller. (adj)
   4. Identify parts of speech for the italicized words. For nouns and pronouns, say also whether the word is singular or plural. For verbs, say also whether the verb is in past, present, or future tense: In Lydia's imagination, a visit to Brighton comprised every possibility of earthly happiness. She saw, with the creative eye of fancy, the streets of that gay bathing-place covered with officers. She saw herself the object of attention, to tens and to scores of them at present unknown. (Pride and Prejudice ch 41) ANSWERS - imagination: noun, singular; comprised: verb, past tense; creative: adjective; streets: noun, plural; with: preposition; herself: pronoun, singular; of: preposition; unknown: adjective

   1. Tell what you know about the Stamp Act. (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 12)
   2. Tell what you know about the War of Independence (Revolutionary War). (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 13 and 14)
   3. Tell about Robert Clive, Warren Hastings and India. Or, tell what you know about Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 15 or Miracle at Philadelphia, ch 23)
   4. Discuss reforms and changes in England after they lost the war with America OR Tell what you know about Trafalgar. (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 16 or 20)
   5. What do you know about the American Constitution? (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 17)
    6. What were the causes of the French Revolution? OR Tell all you know about the War of 1812. (Churchill's Age of Revolution ch 18 or 24)

   1. Describe H-4's voyage with Captain Cook and the results. (Longitude ch 13)
   2. Why is longitude calculated from Greenwich? (Longitude ch 15)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   2. Choose a second question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   3. How do plants form fruit? (Fist Studies of Plant Life, ch 23)
   4. What is the dark side of freons? Or, What is the 2,6,10 rule? (Napoleon's Buttons, ch 16 or Marvels of the Molecule, pg 78)
   5. "Force-carrying particles can be grouped into four categories." List them, and briefly explain each. Or, briefly discuss quantum gravity. (Briefer History of Time, ch 11 or 9)

   1. Use the Year 7-10 Questions for this term's Plutarch from this page.
   2. What are some things we need to form opinions about? (Ourselves, pg 182-186)
   3. Would the world be better if all wages were doubled? Explain. (Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet)

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. Demonstrate the distributive property: 9(2a + b + 4) = ____ (18a + 9b + 36)
   2. Julie has a jar of beads. She used half of them to make a bracelet. Later she bought more, tripling the number of beads in the jar. Now there are 33 beads in the jar. How many beads did Julie start with? (22)
   3. A triangle has three angles labeled x, y, and z. The ratio of x to y is 1:13. The ratio of y to z is 13:1. What is the value of each of the angles, x, y, and z? (x is 12, y is 156, z is 12)
   4. A store is advertising a 35 percent discount on an item they marked up 5 percent from the factory price of $350. The sales tax is 8.25 percent. What does the item cost? ($258.58)
   5. A train leaves the station at 2:00 pm at 40 mph. Another train headed in the opposite direction leaves the same station at 4:00 pm at 60 mph. To the nearest mile, how far are the two trains from each other at 6:00 pm? (280 miles)
   6. Solve for x: 68 = 4(2x + 3) (x is 7)

Foreign Language
   1. In your foreign language, tell in complete sentences how you would arrange and decorate a room you'll be spending a lot of time in.
   2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study
   1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)
   Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation
   1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
   2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

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