
Exam Key for Year 11

Term 1 - Term 2 - Term 3

Year 11 Term 1

Bible and Spiritual Formation
   1. Discuss the unholy gods of idolatry, OR How does holy vision help make us holy? (Holier Than Thou ch 4 or 6)
   2. "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light." Explain the significance, OR, What message did Isaiah give to Hezekiah after the visit of the Babylonian envoys? (Isaiah 9:2 or Isaiah 39)
   3. "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Explain what this means. OR, "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." What else does Paul say about how Christians ought to live? (2 Corinthians 5:17 or Romans 12)

   Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared)
He made a desperate but only partially successful effort to turn the talk on to a less ghastly topic; he was conscious that his hostess was giving him only a fragment of her attention, and her eyes were constantly straying past him to the open window and the lawn beyond. It was certainly an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary. (The Open Window)

   1. "Comrade, I did not want to kill you . . . But you were only an idea to me before . . ." Explain. (All Quiet on the Western Front)
   2. Describe the air-ship in The Machine Stops.
   3. Write a concise summary of a short story you read this term.

English Grammar
   1. Write sentences showing correct use of "its" and "it's."
   2. Choose "is" or "are." The cover, and not the pages, __ brittle from years of improper storage. (is)
   3. When should "who" be used, and when "whom"? Give examples.
   4. Parse the sentence, identifying: 1) the part of speech for each word; 2) for nouns and pronouns, the number (singular, plural) and case (nominative, objective/accusative, dative, possessive/genitive, vocative); 3) for verbs, the tense (past, present, future), voice (active, passive), and--if applicable--person (first, second, third). In addition, circle the verbs that belong to independent clauses (also called primary or coordinate clauses), and underline the verbs that belong to dependent (or subordinate) clauses. (Teacher: you may ask the student to provide more or less information, as appropriate.)
Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. (The Great Gatsby ch 1) ANSWER - reserving: noun, nominative (or verb, present, active--this is a tricky one, because the word is actually a gerund, a type of verbal noun); judgments: noun, plural, objective (or accusative); is: verb, present, active, third person; a: article (or adjective); matter: noun, singular, objective (or accusative); of: preposition; infinite: adjective; hope: noun, singular, dative. Student should circle "is."

History (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century or Johnson's Modern Times)
   1. Give a short account of what caused the Great War. (WWI).
   2. What do you know about Vladimir Lenin?
   3. What do you know about Theodore Roosevelt?
   4. Give an account of Hitler and Germany before WWII.
   5. Tell what was happening in Spain or China about this time.
   6. Contrast the presidency of Herbert Hoover with that of Franklin Roosevelt.

   1. On a blank outline map, identify the countries in the Middle East.
   2. "All the poor black workers of Johannesburg, forbidden to live within the precincts of the city. . ." Discuss why, and where. (The World, ch 4)
   3. Contrast Moscow with Leningrad/St. Petersberg. (The World, ch 10)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Write notes, with drawings, on the special studies you have made this term.
   2. Explain the concept of "conservation of energy." (Six Easy Pieces pg 69-88)
   3. Explain in detail the cause of malaria. (Microbe Hunters ch 10)
   3. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   4. Choose a second question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.

   1. Use the Year 7-10 Questions for this term's Plutarch from this page.
   2. What is the "vision of the anointed"? (Vision of the Anointed)
   3. What are some of the Instructors of the Conscience? (Ourselves, pg 68-96)
   4. "Public Works Mean Taxes" and "Taxes Discourage Production." Explain. OR 'In the long run imports and exports must equal each other.' Why? OR What do you know about Price Controls? (Economics in One Lesson, ch 3, 4 or "The Drive for Exports," or Sowell's Basic Economic)
   5. What do you know about Johann Georg Hamann? OR Discuss this quote by Louis Finkelstein: "We can 'read' the history of ideas through the history of changing artistic styles." (Post-Christian ch 4, or Saving Leonardo, pg 77)

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. If x is an integer, what is the greatest value of x which satisfies 5 < 2x + 2 < 9? (3)
   2. The sum an integer x and its reciprocal is equal to 78/15. What is the value of x? (5)
   3. If a student has an average of 87 after 4 tests, what would the student have to get on his next test to get an average of 90? (102)
   4. 231 students went on a field trip. Some students rode in vans which hold 7 students each and some students rode in buses which hold 25 students each. How many of each type of vehicle did they use if there were 15 vehicles total? (8 vans, 7 buses)
   5. Two angles are complementary. One angle is 10 degrees less than three times the other. Find the measures of the angles. (65, 25)

Foreign Language
   1. In your foreign language, write a summary of an incident you read about this term.
   2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study
   1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)
   Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation
   1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
   2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Year 11 Term 2

Bible and Spiritual Formation
   1. Discuss God's self-sufficiency, or wisdom. (Knowledge of the Holy ch 6 or 11)
   2. "Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." Tell about this promise, OR Describe Jeremiah's calling. (Isaiah 65:17 or Jeremiah 1:5-19)
   3. "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." Explain what this means. OR, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness." What is the mystery? (Colossians 2:9 or 1 Timothy 3:16)

   Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared)
His wife would be through at the hairdresser's in fifteen minutes, Mitty saw in looking at his watch, unless they had trouble drying it; sometimes they had trouble drying it. She didn't like to get to the hotel first; she would want him to be there waiting for her as usual. He found a big leather chair in the lobby, facing a window, and he put the overshoes and the puppy biscuit on the floor beside it. He picked up an old copy of Liberty and sank down into the chair. "Can Germany Conquer the World Through the Air?" Walter Mitty looked at the pictures of bombing planes and of ruined streets. (from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)

   1. Discuss the choice of the title "The Chosen." What is a tzaddik? (The Chosen)
   2. Does Orwell want to shoot the elephant? Why does he make the decision he makes? (Shooting an Elephant)
   3. Summarize a short story or poem you read this term.

English Grammar
   1. Choose "me" or "I." The walls surrounding Bobo and __ were dripping with humidity. (me)
   2. Write in passive voice: Sam washed all the windows on the front of the house.
   3. Give words in which the following prefixes occur - dis, mis, re, trans, sub.
   4. Parse the sentence, identifying: 1) the part of speech for each word; 2) for nouns and pronouns, the number (singular, plural) and case (nominative, objective/accusative, dative, possessive/genitive, vocative); 3) for verbs, the tense (past, present, future), voice (active, passive), and--if applicable--person (first, second, third). In addition, circle the verbs that belong to independent clauses (also called primary or coordinate clauses), and underline the verbs that belong to dependent (or subordinate) clauses. (Teacher: you may ask the student to provide more or less information, as appropriate.)
Pahom wanted to sow more wheat; so he rented land from a dealer for a year. (How Much Land Does a Man Need? Pt IV) ANSWER - Pahom: noun, singular, nominative; wanted: verb, past, active, third person; to sow: verb (or infinitive), present, active; more: adjective; wheat: noun, singular, objective; so: conjunction; he: pronoun, singular, nominative; rented: verb, past, active, third person; land: noun, singular, objective; from: preposition; a: article (or adjective); dealer: noun, singular, dative; for: preposition; a: article (or adjective); year: noun, singular, dative. Student should circle "wanted" and "rented," and underline "to sow."

   1. Give Hitler's rationale for the events that led to WWII. (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century, Second WW or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 342 ; The Men Behind Hitler)
   2. Tell about the Nuremberg Trials. (Essay, Trial at Nuremberg)
   3. Give an account of Ghandi and events in India. Or, discuss the Chinese Civil War. (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century, Recovery and Relapse, pg 328 or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 444)
   4. Discuss Stalin, Lenin and the rise of communism. (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century, Recovery and Relapse or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 430)
   5. What do you know about the Korean War? (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century, Recovery and Relapse or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 450-452)

   1. Describe post-Britain Singapore, Ceylon, Darjeeling, or Dehli -- or 1975 London. (The World: Travels ch 17 or 19)
   2. Describe South Africa in the 1970's. (The World: Travels ch 21)
   3. "Australia was not built by kindness, nor even by idealism." Explain. (The World: Travels pg 299)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Explain Kepler's three laws. (Six Easy Pieces pg 90-92)
   2. What do you know about the universal law of gravitation? (Six Easy Pieces pg 98-)
   3. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   4. Choose a second question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.

   1. How do nature and art instruct the conscience? (Ourselves pg 97-104)
   2. Why are "casual efforts" of helpfulness that only satisfy our conscience not helpful? What is the remedy? (Ourselves pg 105)
   3. Do unions really raise wages? Explain. OR Why is inflation merely a "mirage"? OR What are anti-trust laws? (Economics in One Lesson, 19 or 22, or Sowell's Basic Economics, ch 8)
   4. Discuss the differences between real-world social groups and online communities. OR, Why is atheism boring? (Post-Christian, ch 8 pg 17, or Saving Leonardo, pg 151)

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. A boat is going 32 miles downstream in two hours. The return trip against the current takes sixteen hours. Find the rate of the boat in calm water and the rate of the current. (Boat 8mph; Water 6 mph)
   2. Solve for x: 3x - 15 + x = 17 (x is 8)
   3. In a naval engagement one-third of the fleet was captured, one-sixth sunk, and two ships were burned; one-seventh of the remainder was lost in a storm after the battle. Finally, 24 ships sailed home. How many ships were in the fleet before the engagement? (60)
   4. The volume of a cylinder is 600pi centimeters cubed. The radius of a base of the cylinder is 5 cm. What is the height of the cylinder? (24 cm)
   5. In a shipment of televisions, 1/50 of the televisions are defective. What is the ratio of defective to nondefective televisions? (1:49)
   6. New tile is being laid in a room 40 feet long by 22 feet wide. If each square tile is 6 inches x 6 inches, how many tiles will be needed to cover the floor? (3520)

Foreign Language
   1. Write, in your foreign language, a short essay expressing what makes a good leader.
   2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study
   1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)
   Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation
   1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
   2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Year 11 Term 3

Bible and Spiritual Formation
   1. Write about the faithfulness, goodness, or holiness of God. (Knowledge of the Holy ch 15, 16, or 21)
   2. "Arise, and go down to the potter's house . . ." What did God tell Jeremiah there? OR, Summarize either Habakkuk's prayer, or the fall of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 18 or Habakkuk 3; Jeremiah 52)
   3. "Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is. . ." What else do you know of faith? OR "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." What does this mean? (Hebrews 11 or 1 John 5:11-12)

   Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared)
But now there was a long morning's walk until noon, and if the men were silent it was because there was everything to think about and much to remember. Perhaps later in the morning, when the sun was up and had warmed them, they would begin to talk, or just say the things they remembered, to be sure they were there, to be absolutely certain that things were safe in them. Montag felt the slow stir of words, the slow simmer. And when it came to his turn, what could he say, what could he offer on a day like this, to make the trip a little easier? To everything there is a season. (Farenheit 451)

   1. Describe Atticus Finch. (To Kill a Mockingbird)
   2. "So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life." Explain this. (Farenheit 451)
   3. Summarize a short story or poem you read this term.

English Grammar
   1. Explain the uses of comma, colon, semicolon, and give examples of each.
   2. Write an example of each kind of sentence: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory.
   3. Choose "his" or "their." Nobody without the proper shoes can walk on __ toes without pain. (his)
   4. Parse the sentence, identifying: 1) the part of speech for each word; 2) for nouns and pronouns, the number (singular, plural) and case (nominative, objective/accusative, dative, possessive/genitive, vocative); 3) for verbs, the tense (past, present, future), voice (active, passive), and--if applicable--person (first, second, third). In addition, circle the verbs that belong to independent clauses (also called primary or coordinate clauses), and underline the verbs that belong to dependent (or subordinate) clauses. (Teacher: you may ask the student to provide more or less information, as appropriate.)
People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for. (To Kill a Mockingbird) ANSWER - people: noun, plural, nominative; generally: adverb; see: verb, present, active, third person; what: pronoun, singular, objective; they: pronoun, plural, nominative; look: verb, present, active, third person; for: preposition (student may also parse "look for" together as a verb); and: conjunction; hear: verb, present, active, third person; what: pronoun, singular, objective; they: pronoun, plural, nominative; listen: verb, present, active, third person; for: preposition. Student should circle "see" and "hear," and underline "look" and "listen."

   1. Tell about the Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King Jr. (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 421, 436, 446, 473. or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 644, 650)
   2. Tell about John F. Kennedy. (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 422-423, 438. or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 586, 640's)
   3. Tell what was happening in Cuba at this time. (Is this in Gilbert's book? or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 624-629)
   4. What do you know about Vietnam? (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 440- 449, 452, 479... or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 450-451, 630-637)
   5. Give an account of Ireland and the IR.A (Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 477, 487, 507 or Paul Johnson's Modern Times pg 624-629)
   6. Explain the Cold War.

   1. Describe a place in Canada. (The World: Travels ch 24)
   2. Tell about China in 1983, or Berlin in 1989. (The World: Travels ch 25 or 28)
   3. Give some account of 1990's Bosnia, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, or Albania. (The World: Travels ch 29)

Natural History and General Science
   1. "Electrons behave just like light." Explain. (Six Easy Pieces pg 116)
   2. Tell the most interesting thing you learned about caterpillars this term. (Life of the Caterpillar)
   3. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.
   4. Choose a second question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.

   1. Where does temptation come from? What is the remedy? (Ourselves Book II pg 116-121)
   2. Contrast one who is dominated by passions, and one who is dominated by exercise of will. (Ourselves Book II pg 129-136)
   3. "To see the problem as a whole, and not in fragments: that is the goal of economic science." Give of example of this. OR Discuss minimum wage laws. (Economics in One Lesson or Sowell's Basic Economics, ch 11)
   4. Summarize the stages of a slander. (Autobiography of a Slander)
   5. Explain "post-secular" society. How should the church respond? OR What is today's parallel to Victorian sentimentalism? Do you agree? (Post-Christian, Conclusion pg 298, or Saving Leonardo, pg 272-3)

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. List the four types of angles. (acute, right, obtuse, straight)
   2. Solve for x: 7x + 32 = 74 (x is 6)
   3. If two numbers x and y are increased by one and decreased by one, respectively, then their product is decreased by four. If they are decreased by one and increased by two respectively, their product is increased by sixteen. Find the sum of the two numbers x and y. (x is 15, y is 12; their sum is 27)
   4. Expand: (2x + 4)(2 - x) (8 - 2x squared)
   5. The length of a rectangle is 3 times its width. If the width of the rectangle is 5 inches, what is the rectangle's area, in square inches? (75 inches squared)

Foreign Language
   1. In your foreign language, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your opinion about a current event.
   2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study
   1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)
   Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation
   1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
   2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

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