
Exam Key for Year 3

Term 1 - Term 2 - Term 3

Year 3 Term 1

   1. Tell how the people of Israel took Jericho, Or How did the Gibeonites deceive Israel? (Joshua 5-6, or Joshua 9)
   2. Tell about Jesus calming the storm. (Matthew 8)
   3. Tell two parables Jesus told about His kingdom. (Matthew 13:18-58)

   Copy "The queen went stumping along in one shoe of stone and one of skin." (The Princess and the Goblins, ch 26 Adapt to your child's ability.)

   1. What do you know about Martin Luther, or How Elizabeth became a prisoner? (Island Story, ch 63 or 67)
   2. Tell what you know about the boy king or Lady Jane. (Island Story ch 65 or 66)
   3. Tell about El Dorado or Leonardo Da Vinci. (Child's History of the World ch 64 or 66)

   1. Tell your favorite part of The Princess and the Goblin.
   2. Tell the story of Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill. (Tall Tales)

   1. Tell about Marco Polo's journey to China.
   2. Why was the Great Wall of China built? (Komroff ch 7)
   3. Draw the shape of the earth, and show where the hot countries are and where the cold ones are. (from this term's casual geography talks)

Natural History and General Science
   1. What is plankton? (Pagoo ch 1)
   2. What can you tell about how hermit crabs feed? or Tell about the grotto of eating trees. (Pagoo ch 13)
   3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here

Reading Skill
   Father or friend should select a passage for student to read aloud.

Arithmetic (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. What number is made up of seven hundreds, four tens and five ones? (745)
   2. What is the sum of 69 + 57? (126)
   3. 5 x __ = 35. (7)

Foreign Language
   1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.
   2. In your foreign language say something about yourself, using full sentences.

Picture Study
   1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Year 3 Term 2

   1. What did Joshua tell the people before his death? (Joshua 24)
   2. Tell about Gideon and his three hundred. (Judges 6-7)
   3. Tell about the feeding of the four thousand, OR about the Canaanite woman. (Matthew 15)
   4. Tell one more parable, or about how Jesus calmed the wind and the sea (Luke 8:22-25).

   Copy "Edward walked on without making any reply." (Children of the New Forest, ch 12 Adapt to your child's ability.

   1. What do you know about Sir Walter Raleigh or Guy Fawkes? (Island Story, ch 72 or 74)
   2. Tell about the quarrel between Parliament and Charles I or how London was burned. (Island Story ch 77 or 82)
   3. Explain the quarrel between Martin Luther and the Catholic Church, or the Age of Elizabeth. (Child's History of the World ch 67 or 69)

   1. Tell how Greatheart fought with Giant Maul, or about Mr. Fearing, or tell about Edward Beverley and King Charles. (Pilgrim's Progress/Christiana, or Children of the New Forest ch 27)
   2. Tell a story about Davy Crockett or Johnny Appleseed. (Tall Tales)

   1. Describe the beautiful city of Cambalu. (Komroff ch 9)
   2. Talk about the journey from Cambalu to Xanadu. (Komroff ch 12)
   3. What causes the change of day and night? (from this term's casual geography talks)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Tell what you know about hermit crab homes. (Pagoo)
   2. What do you know about Tookhees the wood mouse? (Secrets of the Woods, ch 1) or Tell what you know about otters. (Secrets of the Woods, Keeonekh the Fisherman)
   3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here

Arithmetic (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. Compare 53 and 37 using <, >, or =. (53 > 37)
   2. If a trucker drives 231 miles on Friday and 172 miles on Saturday, how much farther did he drive on Friday than on Saturday? (59 miles)
   3. 24 kids each brought five different leaves to show at co-op. How many leaves were there altogether? (120 leaves)

Foreign Language
   1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.
   2. In your foreign language name the parts of your body, using full sentences.

Picture Study
   1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Year 3 Term 3

   1. Tell the story of Samson. (Judges 13-16)
   2. Tell the story of the Ten Virgins, OR about the marriage of the King's Son. (Matthew 25)
   3. Tell about one of the events from right before Jesus' death. (Matthew 26-27)

   Copy "Let the jungle listen to the things I have done." (Jungle Book I, Mowgli's Song That he Sang... Adapt to your child's ability.)

   1. Tell about the Union Jack. (Island Story, ch 89)
   2. What do you know about Bonnie Prince Charlie or how Canada was won? (Island Story ch 91 or 94)
   3. Tell all you know about James Stuart. (James VI of Scotland/I of England, Child's History of the World ch 70; also Island Story ch 74)

   1. Tell your favorite story from The Jungle Book.
   2. Tell about Valiant Fortruth or John Henry. (Pilgrim's Progress/Christiana or Tall Tales)

   1. Tell what you know of Hanchow, "the city of heaven" or Ceylon. (Komroff, ch 19 or 23)
   2. Tell three things about China.
   3. Draw a map of an imaginary country and put in some things that a map usually shows. Give your country a name. (from this term's casual geography talks)

Natural History and General Science
   1. "Tried to stalk a bear . . . but a kingfisher scared him." Explain. (Secrets of the Woods, Koskomenos the Outcast) or Tell all you can about Meeko the red squirrel. (Secrets of the Woods, Meeko the Mischief-maker)
   2. Describe a walk you had this term and what you found.
   3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here.

Arithmetic (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)
   1. Round 2,368 to the nearest hundred. (2400)
   2. What is the total value of 1 five dollar bill, 2 one dollar bills, a quarter, 3 dimes and 4 pennies? ($7.59)
   3. Find the sum of 145, 132 and 247. (524)

Foreign Language
   1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.
   2. In your foreign language say something about someone in the room, using full sentences.

Picture Study
   1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.

   Father should choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

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