
AO for Groups: Exams

"In general, the purpose of exams is to let the student show what they know, not what they don't know. The principle to use in shaping an exam for your child is: how can they show what they know?" -- Karen Glass

Karen also wrote a post about "What if my child doesn't remember?" on the AO Advisory blog.

AO mom Celeste Cruz talked with Cindy Rollins about exams for The Mason Jar podcast.

New Feature: Before you print out out one of these exams, try editing the "Student's name" and 'Date of Exam" at the top by replacing the line ___ with the relevant information.

Form 1 (Grades 1-3):

Form 2 (Grades 4-6):

Form 3 (Grades 7-8 or 9):

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