
Join Our Weekly Patio Chats

Are you new to Charlotte Mason? Wondering what makes the Charlotte Mason method different? Not sure how to do narration, copywork, nature study? Never heard of narration, copywork, nature study? Don't worry -- we have a series of short, friendly little chats to walk you through the basics. They're so friendly, we're calling them Patio Chats -- you can pull up a chair, grab a cup of whatever, and read an encouraging note to give you something to think about for the week.

How Does it Work?

"I just have to say that I love the Patio Posts on the AO Forum! I've done some reading on my own and I still find them very helpful. I think this is my favorite quote so far, from one of the earlier posts on Personhood: 'Today, take a long look at your child. Try to see the world through his eyes. Don't imagine him as the responsible, accomplished adult you dream he'll be someday; love him and enjoy him for who he is today.' Thank you, AO!" -- Jessica Feehan, via Facebook, February 2018

Every week, we share one of these chats via our social platforms; they're just a couple of paragraphs that can be read in five minutes, but full of information you need to know about the Charlotte Mason way of educating and living to get you through the year. They're taken straight from the 20 principles that Charlotte Mason thought were vital to this way of teaching.

We cover history, ideas, language arts, the tools of education, personhood, ideas, self-education -- all gently and slowly, one at a time. We'll start in mid-August with a few posts to get you started, and then over the following 39 weeks, we'll share a short note of encouragement to help you become familiar with what you need to know.

You can read and reflect on them on your own, or use them to begin your own personal study of Charlotte Mason topics. We invite you to discuss them on our online Forum or Facebook group -- or discuss them with your local Charlotte Mason friends.

How to Receive the Patio Chats:

AmblesideOnline's free Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum prepares children for a life of rich relationships with God, humanity, and the natural world.
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