
Exam Questions for Year 9 Lite Term 1

Student's Name: _________________________

Date of Exam: _________________________

Bible and Spiritual Formation

     1. Give examples of some rival conceptions of God, OR Discuss the three parts of morality.

     2. Tell about Deborah, Gideon, or Samson.

     3. Tell about Jesus and the rich young ruler, OR about how to be great in God's kingdom, OR What story did Jesus specifically say will be told everywhere the gospel is preached? Tell it.


     Write 8-10 lines of poetry from memory.


     (Assigned passage is in the Exam Key.)


     1. Describe Dante's escape from prison.

     2. What was the part you found most humorous in Isaac Bickerstaff or Battle of the Books?

     3. What was a poem you liked this term? What was it about?

English Grammar

     1. What are the plural forms of these words? Knife, sheep, man, child.

     2. Identify whether the italicized word is a direct object, or indirect object.

        Now completely frustrated, Mallory tossed the lopsided cake into the trash.

        Coach Taylor purchased the wrong jerseys for the team.

        Brad finally gave Mom a call last Tuesday.

     3. Choose "she" or "her." Ashlyn wrote more pages than __.

     4. Identify parts of speech for the italicized words. For nouns and pronouns, say also whether the word is singular or plural. For verbs, say also whether the verb is in past, present, or future tense: Among the many people making up the great household there was a little girl of seven named Esther Johnson. She was a delicate little girl with large eyes and black hair. She and Swift soon grew to be friends, and he spent his happiest hours teaching her to read and write. It is pleasant to think of the gloomy, untrained genius throwing off his gloom and bending all his talents to the task of teaching and amusing this little delicate child of seven.


     1. Give an account of William of Orange or Cotton Mather.

     2. Tell what you know about the leading up to/beginning of the Salem Witch Trials.

     3. What do you know about The Duke of Marlborough or Jonathan Edwards?

     4. What were some of the issues of The Great Debate of 1787?

     5. What do you know about the Treaty of Ultrechte or The Great Awakening?

     6. Give an account of John Adams' appointment to France, or his schooling.


     1. Explain what longitude is.

     2. How did mariners map their position before 1700? Or, describe the "lunar method."

Natural History and General Science

     1. Write notes, with drawings, on the special studies you have made this term.

     2. What do you know of Newton, Flamsteed, or Halley?

     3. Choose a question matched to your term's science subject from here or from your science program.


     1. Use the Year 7-10 Questions for this term's Plutarch from this page.

     2. Discuss Boticelli's 'Calumny.'

     3. What duties towards others does Justice claim from us?

Reading Skill

     Father to choose an unseen passage, giving marks for enunciation.

Arithmetic/Geometry (Questions from your math program may be substituted.)

     1. Demonstrate the distributive property: 9(2a + b + 4) = ____

     2. Julie has a jar of beads. She used half of them to make a bracelet. Later she bought more, tripling the number of beads in the jar. Now there are 33 beads in the jar. How many beads did Julie start with?

     3. A triangle has three angles labeled x, y, and z. The ratio of x to y is 1:13. The ratio of y to z is 13:1. What is the value of each of the angles, x, y, and z?

     4. A store is advertising a 35 percent discount on an item they marked up 5 percent from the factory price of $350. The sales tax is 8.25 percent. What does the item cost?

     5. A train leaves the station at 2:00 pm at 40 mph. Another train headed in the opposite direction leaves the same station at 4:00 pm at 60 mph. To the nearest mile, how far are the two trains from each other at 6:00 pm?

Foreign Language

     1. Write a paragraph in your foreign language about someone who displayed loyalty in your term's reading.

     2. Describe a picture in your language book, using your foreign language.

Picture Study

     1. Describe a picture from this term's picture study.


     Father should choose a poem, two Bible verses and/or a scene from Shakespeare learned this term for student to recite.

Music (such as playing an instrument)

     Parent or instructor should assess child's progress.

Music Appreciation

     1. Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.

     2. Question to be taken from this term's Composer Study here.


     Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.


     Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

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