AmblesideOnline for Groups Form 3B 36-Week Schedule

As a help for scheduling Form 3B of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

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You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.

Weekly Readings

The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.

Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Week 1
Bible: Numbers 1-3; Matthew 1; Psalm 56, 57; Proverbs 17:1-13
Arnold-Forster ch 25 Edward II--The Making of Scotland: Edward II.
Arnold-Forster ch 25 Edward II--The Making of Scotland: Bannockburn.
     or Birth of Britain ch 21 The Long-Bow to "power involved in the King's independent resources."
Watership Down ch 1 The Notice Board, ch 2 The Chief Rabbi
Joan of Arc Book I ch 1 Opening words (or Lang's: ch 01)
Joan of Arc Book I ch 2 The state of France
Joan of Arc Book I ch 3 The Tree and the Fairies
Daughter of Time ch 1, first half
1493 for Young People Introduction, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 1 Early Life of Columbus
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy Preface and A Note About Economics, ch 1
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 66-72 Part II ch VII
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer the Tale-Teller, parts I to VII
Roar on the Other Side Introduction
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 21 How the Bible came to the People
Signs and Seasons: Introduction (for those new to this book) and field work
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 1 Introduction
Social Life of Insects ch 10--The Field Cricket, first half
The Elements: silver pg 114
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 1 The Puzzle
Adventures with a Microscope: Introduction (for those who are new to this book)
Story of Painting (teacher: preview images first) The Middle Ages: The Rise of The Towns: Gothic Art (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 2
Bible: Numbers 4, 5; Matthew 2;Psalm 58, 59; Proverbs 17:4-28
Arnold-Forster ch 26 Edward III--The Ruin of France: The Beginning of the Great War.
Arnold-Forster ch 26 Edward III--The Ruin of France: Crecy.
     or Birth of Britain ch 21 The Long-Bow from "By the spring of 1346" to end of ch.
Daughter of Time ch 1, second half
Watership Down ch 3 Hazel's Decision, ch 4 The Departure, ch 5 In the Woods
Joan of Arc Book I ch 4 Stormy night (or Lang's: ch 02)
Roar on the Other Side ch 1 Sight Training (work through this over the next two weeks)
Oxford Book of English Verse 20. On the Nativity of Christ (spend 2 weeks)
1493 for Young People ch 1 Two Monuments, first half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 2 His Plans for Discovery
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 2
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 22 Chaucer - Bread and Milk for Children
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer the Tale-Teller, Parts VIII to XV
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Social Life of Insects ch 10--The Field Cricket, second half
Signs and Seasons Prologue The Sky Above: schedule over the term with field work (for those new to the book)
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 2 Mixing and Combining
The Elements: gold pg 180-183
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 2 The First Chemists, first half
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Story of Painting (teacher: preview images first) The Middle Ages: The Rise of The Towns: Gothic Art (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 3
Bible: Numbers 6, 7; Matthew 3, 4; Psalm 60, 61; Proverbs 18:1-10
Arnold-Forster ch 26 Edward III--The Ruin of France: A Chapter of Victories.
     or Birth of Britain ch 22 The Black Death (all)
Watership Down ch 6 The Story of the Blessing of El-ahrairah, ch 7 The Lendri and the River, ch 8 The Crossing
Daughter of Time ch 2, first half
Joan of Arc Book I ch 5 The Patriot (or Lang's: ch 03)
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 3
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer's Pilgrims: from Prologue to Friar
Oxford Book of English Verse 21. Lament for the Makers (spend 2 weeks)
1493 for Young People ch 1 Two Monuments, second half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 8 The Stem
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 3 The Slice of Toast
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 2 The First Chemists?
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Story of Painting (teacher: preview images first) The Middle Ages: The Rise of The Towns: Gothic Art (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 4
Bible: Numbers 8-10; Matthew 4:18-5:16; Psalm 62, 63; Proverbs 18:11-24
Arnold-Forster ch 27 Richard II: Wat Tyler.
     or Birth of Britain ch 23 King Richard II and the Social Revolt to "the revenge of a shaken system."
Watership Down ch 9 The Crow and the Beanfield, ch 10 The Road and the Common
Daughter of Time ch 2, second half
Joan of Arc Book I ch 6 Domremy attacked (or Lang's: ch 04)
Joan of Arc Book I ch 7 The change in Joan
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer's Pilgrims: from Merchant to end of ch
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 23 Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales
1493 for Young People ch 2 Reversals of Fortune, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 3 The Great Voyage
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 4
Lay of the Land ch 4 The Nature-Student, first half
The Elements: copper pg 76-79
Signs and Seasons ch 2 Night: schedule over the term with field work
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Story of Painting (teacher: preview images first) The Middle Ages: The Rise of The Towns: Gothic Art (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 5
Bible: Numbers 11-13; Matthew 5:17-48; Psalm 64, 65; Proverbs 19:1-10
Arnold-Forster ch 27 Richard II: The Banishment of Bolingbroke.
     or Birth of Britain ch 23 King Richard II and the Social Revolt from "In the charged, sullen atmosphere" to "extended to his obligations."
Saints and Heroes Vol 1 by George Hodges 18 Wycliffe, 1320-1384
Daughter of Time ch 3
Watership Down ch 11 Hard Going, ch 12 The Stranger in the Field
Joan of Arc Book I ch 8 The first attempt (or Lang's: ch 05)
1493 for Young People ch 3 The Tobacco Coast, first half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 4 The Landing on the Twelfth of October, first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 5
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 73-80 ch VIII
Chaucer Golden Key: Knight's Tale (Palamon and Arcite), first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 24 Chaucer - At the Tabard Inn
Lay of the Land ch 4 The Nature-Student, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 4 Simple Substances
The Elements: carbon pg 24-25
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 3 Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Story of Painting (teacher: preview images first) The Middle Ages: The Rise of The Towns: Gothic Art (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 6
Bible: Numbers 14, 15; Matthew 6; Psalm 66, 67; Proverbs 19:11-21
Arnold-Forster ch 27 Richard II: Geoffrey Chaucer.
Arnold-Forster ch 27 Richard II: The Black Death - John Wycliffe.
     or Birth of Britain ch 23 King Richard II and the Social Revolt from "The patience and skill with which Richard" to end of ch.
Daughter of Time ch 4
Watership Down ch 13 Hospitality
Joan of Arc Book I ch 9 The Paladin's fiance (or Lang's: ch 06)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 1 Leaving Domremy
Joan of Arc Book II ch 2 The Governor
Chaucer Golden Key: Knight's Tale (Palamon and Arcite), second half
Roar on the Other Side ch 2 Real Toads (work through this over the next two weeks)
Oxford Book of English Verse 22. May in the Green-Wood
1493 for Young People ch 3 The Tobacco Coast, second half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 4 The Landing on the Twelfth of October, second half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 6
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 5 Compound Substances
First Studies in Plant Life ch 9 The Root
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 4 The Alchemists, first half
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 7
Bible: Numbers 16, 17; Matthew 7; Psalm 68; Proverbs 19:22-29
Arnold-Forster ch 28 Henry IV: A Troubled Reign.
     or Birth of Britain ch 24 The Usurpation of Henry Bolingbroke (all)
Saints and Heroes Vol 1 by George Hodges 19 Hus, 1373-1415
Daughter of Time ch 5
Watership Down ch 14 "Like Trees in November"
Joan of Arc Book II ch 3 Departure by night (or Lang's: ch 07)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 25 The First English Guide-book
Chaucer Golden Key: The Friar's Tale (Story of the Summoner)
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 7
The Elements: sulphur pg 46-47
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 4 The Alchemists, second half
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 8
Bible: Numbers 18-20; Matthew 8; Psalm 69; Proverbs 20:1-14
More Than a Carpenter: Preface or The Case for Christ: Introduction
Arnold-Forster ch 29 Henry V: Agincourt.
     or Birth of Britain ch 25 The Empire of Henry V to "wounded prisoners in the assailants' hands."
Daughter of Time ch 6
Watership Down ch 15 The Story of the King's Lettuce, ch 16 Silverweed
Joan of Arc Book II ch 4 The incredible journey (or Lang's: ch 08)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 5 Waiting to see the Dauphin
Chaucer Golden Key: Clerk's Tale (Patient Griselda), first half
1493 for Young People ch 4 Evil Air, first third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 5 Landing on Cuba
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 8 (including Beyond the Basics)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 26 Barbour - The Bruce, Beginning of a Struggle
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 6 Experiments with the Breath
The Elements: arsenic pg 86-87
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 9
Bible: Numbers 21, 22; Matthew 9:1-17; Psalm 70, 71; Proverbs 20:15-30
Arnold-Forster none this week
     or Birth of Britain ch 25 The Empire of Henry V from "Now occurred a terrible episode." to end of ch.
Watership Down ch 17 The Shining Wire
Daughter of Time ch 7, first half
Joan of Arc Book II ch 6 The royal audience (or Lang's: ch 09)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 27 Barbour - The Bruce, The End of the Struggle
Chaucer Golden Key: Clerk's Tale (Patient Griselda), second half
Oxford Book of English Verse 23. Carol
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 9
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 81-86 Part II ch I The Ways of Love
First Studies in Plant Life ch 10 The Leaves, first half
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 5 "This Spirit, Hitherto Unknown"
Lay of the Land ch 2 Christmas in the Woods, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 7 Experiments with Air
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe 23 (first third)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 10
Bible: Numbers 23-25; Matthew 9:18-38; Psalm 72; Proverbs 21:1-11
More Than a Carpenter ch 1 or The Case for Christ ch 1
Arnold-Forster ch 30 Henry VI--The Freeing of France: The Maid of Orleans.
     or Birth of Britain ch 26 Joan of Arc (all)
Watership Down ch 18 Watership Down, ch 19 Fear in the Dark
Daughter of Time ch 7, second half
Joan of Arc Book II ch 7 Waiting in Chinon (or Lang's: ch 10)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 8 Inquest
Chaucer Golden Key: Franklin's Tale (Promise of Dorigen)
Oxford Book of English Verse 24. Quia Amore Langueo (spend 2 weeks)
1493 for Young People ch 4 Evil Air, second third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 6 Discovery of Hispaniola, first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 10
Lay of the Land ch 2 Christmas in the Woods, second half
The Elements: iron pg 68-71
First Studies in Plant Life ch 10 The Leaves, second half
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe 23 (second third)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 11
Bible: Numbers 26, 27; Matthew 10; Psalm 73; Proverbs 21:12-20
Arnold-Forster ch 30 Henry VI--The Freeing of France: The Loss of France.
     or Birth of Britain ch 27 York and Lancaster to "a clearing-house for the rivalries of nobles."
Watership Down ch 20 A Honeycomb and a Mouse
Daughter of Time ch 8, first half
Joan of Arc Book II ch 9 General-in-Chief (or Lang's: ch 11)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 10 Tours
Joan of Arc Book II ch 11 The General's staff
Chaucer Golden Key: Pardoner's Tale (The Revelers Who Went to Meet Death)
Oxford Book of English Verse 24. Quia Amore Langueo (spend 2 weeks)
1493 for Young People ch 4 Evil Air, last third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 6 Discovery of Hispaniola, second half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 11
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 28 A Poet King
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 8 Further Experiments with Air
The Elements: tin pg 120-121
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe 23 (third third)
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 6 The Atomists Return, first half
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 12
Bible: Numbers 28-30; Matthew 11; Psalm 74; Proverbs 21:21-31
More Than a Carpenter ch 2 or The Case for Christ ch 2
Arnold-Forster ch 31 York and Lancaster: The Rival Houses.
Arnold-Forster ch 31 York and Lancaster: White Rose and Red Rose.
     or Birth of Britain ch 27 York and Lancaster from "A statute of 1429 had fixed" to end of ch.
Daughter of Time ch 8, second half
Watership Down ch 21 "For El-ahrairah to Cry"
Joan of Arc Book II ch 12 In camp (or Lang's: ch 12)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 13 To Orleans
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 12
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 29 The Death of the Poet King
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 9 The Two Sparrows
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 6 The Atomists Return, second half
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Optional Exam Week

Week 13
Bible: Numbers 31, 32; Matt 12:1-37; Psalm 75, 76; Proverbs 22:1-14
Arnold-Forster ch 32 Edward IV: The Chances of War-Wakefield St. Albans - TowtonBarnet Tewkesbury.
     or Birth of Britain ch 28 The Wars of the Roses (all)
Daughter of Time ch 9, first half
Watership Down ch 22 The Story of the Trial of El-ahrairah
Joan of Arc Book II ch 14 Ultimatum (or Lang's: ch 13)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 15 Waiting in Orleans
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
Roar on the Other Side ch 3 Metaphors Be With You (work through this over the next two weeks)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 31 At the Sign of the Red Pale
Oxford Book of English Verse 29. The Old Cloak (spend 2 weeks)
1493 for Young People ch 5 Shiploads of Silver, first quarter, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 7 Columbus is Called to Meet the King and Queen
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 13
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 87-90 ch II Pity
The Elements: lead pg 188-191
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 7 The Strange Tale of Phlogiston, the Element that Wasn't
A Briefer History of Time ch 1 Thinking About the Universe
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Signs and Seasons ch 3 The Moon: schedule over the term with field work
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers pg 38-40
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 14
Bible: Numbers 33-35; Matt 12:38-13:23; Psalm 77; Proverbs 22:15-29
More Than a Carpenter ch 3 or The Case for Christ ch 3
Arnold-Forster ch 33 The Invention of Printing: William Caxton and the Compositor's Case.
     or Birth of Britain ch 29 The Adventures of Edward IV to "through the capital, and seated him upon the throne."
Daughter of Time ch 9, second half
Watership Down ch 23 Kehaar
Joan of Arc Book II ch 16 The Dwarf (or Lang's: ch 14)
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
Oxford Book of English Verse 29. The Old Cloak (spend 2 weeks)
1493 for Young People ch 5 Shiploads of Silver, second quarter, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 8 The Second Expedition Sails, first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 14
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 32 About the Beginning of the Theater
Lay of the Land ch 8 The Nature Movement, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 10 Burning Phosphorus
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
The Elements: hydrogen pg 14-15
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 8 ch Mr. Priestly Clears Things Up
A Briefer History of Time ch 2 Our Evolving Picture of the Universe
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers Late Gothic Art pg 40-48 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 15
Bible: Numbers 36, Deut 1; Matt 13:24-43; Psalm 78:1-22; Proverbs 23:1-11
Arnold-Forster ch 33 The Invention of Printing: The Fall of Constantinople
     or Birth of Britain ch 29 The Adventures of Edward IV from "At Nottingham Edward received alarming news." to end of ch.
Watership Down ch 24 Nuthanger Farm
Daughter of Time ch 10
Joan of Arc Book II ch 17 Breakfast (or Lang's: ch 15)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 18 Maid of Orleans
Joan of Arc Book II ch 19 The ghosts
Joan of Arc Book II ch 20 Taking the bastilles
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
1493 for Young People ch 5 Shiploads of Silver, third quarter, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 8 The Second Expedition Sails, second half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 15 (up to pg 106)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 91-94 ch III Benevolence
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 9 Mr. Cavendish and Inflammable Air
Lay of the Land ch 8 The Nature Movement, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 11 Burning Metals
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
A Briefer History of Time ch 3 The Nature of a Scientific Theory
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers Late Gothic Art pg 40-48 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 16
Bible: Deut 2, 3; Matt 13:44-14:21;Psalm 78:23-39; Proverbs 23:12-28
More Than a Carpenter ch 4 or The Case for Christ ch 4
Arnold-Forster ch 34 Edward V and Richard III: The Last of the Plantagenets.
     or Birth of Britain ch 30 Richard III to "undoubtedly gained a great hold upon him."
Daughter of Time ch 11
Watership Down ch 25 The Raid
Joan of Arc Book II ch 21 Conversation with Chatherine (or Lang's: ch 16)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 22 Injured
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
1493 for Young People ch 5 Shiploads of Silver, last quarter
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy Nations and Legal Systems
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 33 How the Shepherd Watched their Flocks
Oxford Book of English Verse 31. To Mistress Margaret Hussey
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
The Elements: helium pg 16-17
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 10 Chemistry's French Revolution, first half
A Briefer History of Time ch 4 Newton's Universe
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers Late Gothic Art pg 40-48 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 17
Bible: Deut 4, 5; Matt 14:22-15:20; Psalm 78:40-72; Proverbs 23:29-35
Arnold-Forster ch 34 Edward V and Richard III: The First of the Tudors.
     or Birth of Britain ch 30 Richard III from "Meanwhile King Richard began a progress" to "thereby relieved of a great anxiety."
Daughter of Time ch 12
Watership Down ch 26 Fiver Beyond, ch 27 "You Can't Imagine It Unless You've Been There"
Joan of Arc Book II ch 23 Du Lis (or Lang's: ch 17)
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 1 for 4 wks
Oxford Book of English Verse 32. The True Knight
1493 for Young People ch 6 Lovesick Grass, Foreign Tubers, and Jade Rice, first half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 9 The New Colony, first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 125-132
Character is Destiny Preface
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 12 Salts
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 10 Chemistry's French Revolution
The Elements: oxygen pg 28-29
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
A Briefer History of Time ch 5 Relativity
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers Late Gothic Art pg 40-48 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 18
Bible: Deut 6-8; Matt 15:21-16:12; Psalm 79; Proverbs 24:1-16
More Than a Carpenter ch 5 or The Case for Christ ch 5
Arnold-Forster ch 34 Edward V and Richard III: The Union of the Roses.
     or Birth of Britain ch 30 Richard III from "All through the summer Richmond's expedition" to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 1 by George Hodges ch 20 Savonarola, 1452-1498
Daughter of Time ch 13, first half
Watership Down ch 28 At the Foot of the Hill
Joan of Arc Book II ch 24 Honours (or Lang's: ch 18)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 25 Wasted opportunity
Joan of Arc Book II ch 26 War plans laid
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
Roar on the Other Side ch 4 White Whales and Swimming Hats (work through this over the next two weeks)
Oxford Book of English Verse 33. An Epitaph
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 1 for 4 wks
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 133-143
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 95-98 ch IV Sympathy
Character is Destiny Introduction
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 13 A Talk on Tools
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 11 A Revolution in Names
A Briefer History of Time ch 6 Curved Space
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers Late Gothic Art pg 40-48 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 19
Bible: Deut 9-11; Matt 16:13-17:13; Psalm 80; Proverbs 24:17-34
Part Four. The Tudors: Note
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: The Tudors.
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: The King's Title.
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: Lambert Simnel; or, Carpenter, King, and Kitchen Boy
     or Churchill The New World ch 1 The Round World to "and lived happily ever after."
Watership Down ch 29 Return and Departure
Daughter of Time ch 13, second half
Joan of Arc Book II ch 27 Jargeau (or Lang's: ch 19)
Joan of Arc Book II ch 28 Prophecy
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
1493 for Young People ch 6 Lovesick Grass, Foreign Tubers, and Jade Rice, second half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 9 The New Colony, second half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 143-end
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 34 The Story of Everyman
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 1
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 1 for 4 wks
Character is Destiny ch 1 Character is destiny
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 12 'Nature Never Creates Other Than Balance in Hand,' first half
The Elements: mercury pg 184-185
A Briefer History of Time ch 7 The Expanding Universe
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 20
Bible: Deut 12-14; Matt 17:19-18:14; Psalm 81, 82; Proverbs 25:1-10
More Than a Carpenter ch 6 or The Case for Christ ch 6
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: Perkin Warbeck.
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: How the King Got Rich.
     or Churchill The New World ch 1 The Round World from "The Reformation affected every country in Europe" to end of ch.
Watership Down ch 30 A New Journey
Daughter of Time ch 14
Joan of Arc Book II ch 29 On the march again
Joan of Arc Book II ch 30 Patay
Joan of Arc Book II ch 31 Significance of Patay
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 35 How a Poet Comforted a Girl
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 2
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 1 for 4 wks
Character is Destiny ch 2 The unexamined life is not worth living
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 14 Oxygen
The Elements: nitrogen pg 26-27
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 12 'Nature Never Creates Other Than Balance in Hand,' second half
A Briefer History of Time ch 8 The Big Bang, Black Holes, and the Evolution of the Universe
The Story of Painting: The Early Renaissance in Italy pg 48-57 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 21
Bible: Deut 15-17; Matt 18:15-19:15; Psalm 83; Proverbs 25:11-19
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: What the Rich King did with His Money.
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: Some Royal Marriages.
Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII: Changes Abroad.
     or Churchill The New World ch 2 The Tudor Dynasty (all)
Watership Down ch 31 The Story of El-ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inle
Daughter of Time ch 15
Joan of Arc Book II ch 32 Jubilation
Joan of Arc Book II ch 33 The accomplishments of Joan
Joan of Arc Book II ch 34 Troyes
Joan of Arc Book II ch 35 Rhiems and coronation
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 99-102 ch V Kindness
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 3
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 2 for 4 wks
1493 for Young People ch 7 Potato Power, Potato Pests, first third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 10 The Third Voyage, first half
Character is Destiny ch 3 Character is what you are in the dark, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 15 Air and Combustion
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 13 Mr. Dalton and His Atoms. first third
A Briefer History of Time ch 9 Quantum Gravity
The Story of Painting: The Early Renaissance in Italy pg 48-57 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 22
Bible: Deut 18-21:9; Matt 19:16-20:19; Psalm 84, 85; Proverbs 25:20-28
More Than a Carpenter ch 7 or The Case for Christ ch 7
Arnold-Forster ch 36 Henry VIII and England at War: King Harry.
Arnold-Forster ch 36 Henry VIII and England at War: Foreign Friends and Foes - The Battle of the "Spurs."
     or Churchill The New World ch 3 King Henry VIII (all)
Luther's speech before the Diet of Worms
Daughter of Time ch 16
Watership Down ch 32 Across the Iron Road
Joan of Arc Book II ch 36 Celebration
Joan of Arc Book II ch 37 Visitors from Domremy
1493 for Young People ch 7 Potato Power, Potato Pests, second third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 10 The Third Voyage, second half
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 36 The Renaissance
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 4
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 2 for 4 wks
Character is Destiny ch 3 Character is what you are in the dark, second half
The Elements: Titanium p 58-61
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 13 Mr. Dalton and His Atoms. second third
A Briefer History of Time ch 10 Wormholes and Time Travel
The Story of Painting: The Early Renaissance in Italy pg 48-57 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 23
Bible: Deut 21:10-24:9; Matt 20:20-21:17; Psalm 86, 87; Proverbs 26:1-14
Arnold-Forster ch 36 Henry VIII and England at War: Flodden Field.
     or Churchill The New World ch 4 Cardinal Wolsey to "favour and not by force?"
Watership Down ch 33 The Great River
Daughter of Time ch 17, first half
Joan of Arc Book II ch 38 War council
1493 for Young People ch 7 Potato Power, Potato Pests, last third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 11 Spain 1500, 1501
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 103-107 ch VI Generosity
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 37 The Land of Nowhere
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 5
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 2 for 4 wks
Character is Destiny ch 4 The final forming of a person's character lies in
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 16 Rust
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 13 Mr. Dalton and His Atoms, last third
The Elements: phosphorus pg 44-45
A Briefer History of Time ch 11 Forces of Nature and the Unification of Physics
The Story of Painting: The Early Renaissance in Italy pg 48-57 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 24
Bible: Deut 24:10-27:26; Matt 21:18-46; Psalm 88; Proverbs 26:15-28
More Than a Carpenter ch 8 or The Case for Christ ch 8
Arnold-Forster ch 37 The Great Cardinal and the King's Divorce: Cardinal Wolsey.
Arnold-Forster ch 37 The Great Cardinal and the King's Divorce: The Fall of Wolsey.
Arnold-Forster ch 37 The Great Cardinal and the King's Divorce: The Defender of the Faith.
     or Churchill The New World ch 4 Cardinal Wolsey from "The long dash of the Wars of the Roses" to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 1 Luther, 1483-1546
Daughter of Time ch 17, second half
Watership Down ch 34 General Woundwort
Joan of Arc Book II ch 39 Triumphal march towards Paris
Joan of Arc Book II ch 40 Retreat
Joan of Arc Book II ch 41 Captured
Everyman: A Morality Play (work through the play this term)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 30 Dunbar - The Wedding of the Thistle and the Rose
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 6
A Man for All Seasons: work through Act 2 for 4 wks
Character is Destiny ch 5 Character is higher than intellect
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 17 At the Blacksmith's
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 14 The Shocking Mr. Davy
A Briefer History of Time ch 12 Conclusion; Einstein; Galileo; Newton
The Story of Painting: The Early Renaissance in Italy pg 48-57 (spend 4 or 5 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Optional Exam Week

Week 25
Bible: Deuteronomy 28, 29; Matthew 22:1-33; Psalm 89:1-15; Proverbs 27:1-12
Arnold-Forster ch 38 The Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther.
Arnold-Forster ch 38 The Protestant Reformation: The New Learning - Erasmus, Colet, and More.
     or Churchill The New World ch 5 The Break With Rome to "onsiderable amendment the Bill was passed."
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 2 More, 1478-1535
Watership Down ch 35 Groping
Joan of Arc Book III ch 1 Prisoner
Joan of Arc Book III ch 2 To Rouen
Joan of Arc Book III ch 3 Proces verbal
1493 for Young People ch 8 Wealth That Grows on Trees, first third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 12 Fourth Voyage, first third of ch
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 108-111 ch VIII Gratitude
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 7
Character is Destiny ch 6 Excellence is habit
First Studies of Plant Life ch 12 How the Root Lifts Water in the Plant (spread over 2 weeks)
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
The Elements: potassium pg 52-53
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 15 Guy-Lussac and Avogadro to the Rescue. first third
Roar on the Other Side ch 5 Musical Thought (work through this over the next two weeks)
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius pg 58-60
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 26
Bible: Deuteronomy 30-31:29; Matthew 22:34-23:12; Psalm 89:19-52; Proverbs 27:13-27
More Than a Carpenter ch 9 or The Case for Christ ch 9
Arnold-Forster ch 39 Henry as Head of the Church: Henry's Quarrel with the Pope, and What It Led to.
Arnold-Forster ch 39 Henry as Head of the Church: The Hammer of the Monks.
     or Churchill The New World ch 5 The Break With Rome from "The next step was to make the clergy" to "mankind with its brightest dreams."
Watership Down ch 36 Approaching Thunder, ch 37 The Thunder Builds Up
Joan of Arc Book III ch 4 The trials begin
Joan of Arc Book III ch 5 Joan takes the stand
Joan of Arc Book III ch 6 Interrogation
1493 for Young People ch 8 Wealth That Grows on Trees, second third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 12 Fourth Voyage, second third of ch
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 38 The Death of Sir Thomas More
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 8
Character is Destiny ch 7 Whatever is true. . . first half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 12 How the Root Lifts Water in the Plant (spread over 2 weeks)
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 18 Hydrogen
The Elements: sodium pg 34-35
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 15 Guy-Lussac and Avogadro to the Rescue. second third
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The High Renaissance in Italy pg 60-72 (spend 5 or 6 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 27
Bible: Deuteronomy 31:30-ch 33; Matthew 23:13-34; Psalm 90, 91; Proverbs 28:1-9
Arnold-Forster ch 39 Henry as Head of the Church: Anne of Cleves, The Fall of Thomas Cromwell.
Arnold-Forster ch 39 Henry as Head of the Church: Ireland, Scotland, and France.
Arnold-Forster ch 39 Henry as Head of the Church: About Ships, Flags, and Soldiers.
     or Churchill The New World ch 5 The Break With Rome from "The King was still paying court to Jane" to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 3 Loyola, 1491-1556
Watership Down ch 38 The Thunder Breaks
Joan of Arc Book III ch 7 Thwarting all comers
1493 for Young People ch 8 Wealth That Grows on Trees, last third, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 12 Fourth Voyage, last third of ch
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 9
Character is Destiny ch 7 Whatever is true. . . second half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 19 A Drop of Water
The Elements: magnesium pg 36-37
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 15 Guy-Lussac and Avogadro to the Rescue, last third
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The High Renaissance in Italy pg 60-72 (spend 5 or 6 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 28
Bible: Deuteronomy 34; Joshua 1-4:14; Matthew 24:1-31; Psalm 92, 93; Proverbs 28:10-17
More Than a Carpenter ch 10 or The Case for Christ ch 10
Arnold-Forster ch 40 Edward VI: Lord Protector Somerset.
Arnold-Forster ch 40 Edward VI: The Fall of Somerset and the Rise of Northumberland.
Arnold-Forster ch 41 What the Reformation Meant: The "Old Religion" and the "New."
Arnold-Forster ch 41 What the Reformation Meant: Freedom of Opinion and Liberty of Conscience.
     or Churchill The New World ch 6 The End of the Monasteries to "not over-indulge in beer."
Watership Down ch 39 The Bridges
Joan of Arc Book III ch 8 Corrupt court
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 112-117 ch VIII Courage
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 39 How the Sonnet Came to England
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 10
Character is Destiny ch 8 To enjoy the things
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 16 Things Fall into Place: Triads and Octaves, first half
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The High Renaissance in Italy pg 60-72 (spend 5 or 6 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 29
Bible: Joshua 4:15-ch 6; Matthew 24:32-25:13; Psalm 94, 95; Proverbs 28:18-28
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: Queen Jane.
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: The Death of Lady Jane Grey
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: In Time of Persecution.
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: The Spanish Marriage.
     or Churchill The New World ch 6 The End of the Monasteries from "spent Christmas at Calais," to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 4 Cranmer, 1489-1556
Watership Down ch 40 The Way Back
Joan of Arc Book III ch 9 More harassment
1493 for Young People ch 9 Crazy Soup, first half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 13 Two Sad Years, first half
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 11
Character is Destiny ch 9 No one who desires to become, first half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
The Elements: chlorine pg 48-49
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 20 A Piece of Chalk
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 16 Things Fall into Place: Triads and Octaves, second half
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The High Renaissance in Italy pg 60-72 (spend 5 or 6 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 30
Bible: Joshua 7, 8; Matthew 25:14-46; Psalm 96, 97; Proverbs 29:1-15
More Than a Carpenter ch 11 or The Case for Christ ch 11
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: The Oxford Martyrs.
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: The Death of Cranmer.
Arnold-Forster ch 42 Mary: The Loss of Calais.
     or Churchill The New World ch 7 The Protestant Struggle to "greater age than that of Edward VI and his successor."
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 5 Calvin, 1509-1564
Watership Down ch 41 The Story of Rowsby Woof and the Fairy Wogdog
Joan of Arc Book III ch 10 The trial continues
Joan of Arc Book III ch 11 A new trial
1493 for Young People ch 9 Crazy Soup, second half, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus ch 13 Two Sad Years, last half
Roar on the Other Side ch 6 Anatomy Lessons (work through this over the next two weeks)
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 12
Character is Destiny ch 9 No one who desires to become, second half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
The Elements: nickel pg 74-75
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 21 Carbonic-Acid Gas
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 17 The Mystery Solved, first half
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The High Renaissance in Italy pg 60-72 (spend 5 or 6 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 31
Bible: Joshua 9, 10; Matthew 26:1-35; Psalm 98, 99; Proverbs 29:16-27
Arnold-Forster ch 43 Elizabeth--The Protestant Queen: Good Queen Bess.
Arnold-Forster ch 43 Elizabeth--The Protestant Queen: The Queen's Ministers, The Claim of the Queen of Scots.
Arnold-Forster ch 43 Elizabeth--The Protestant Queen: The Act of Uniformity, and the Court of High Commission - The Puritans.
     or Churchill The New World ch 7 The Protestant Struggle from "Under the Succession Act of 1545" to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 6 Knox, 1505-1572
Watership Down ch 42 News at Sunset
Joan of Arc Book III ch 12 The unwitting master stroke
Joan of Arc Book III ch 13 The third trial
1493 for Young People ch 10 Forest of Fugitives, first quarter
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 118-125 ch IX Loyalty
Character is Destiny ch 10 Example is not the main thing, first half
Social Life of Insects ch 11--The Italian Cricket, all
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 17 The Mystery Solved, second half
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The High Renaissance in Italy pg 60-72 (spend 5 or 6 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 32
Bible: Joshua 11-13; Matthew 26:36-56; Psalm 100, 101; Proverbs 30:1-9
If you were reading The Case for Christ: ch 12
Arnold-Forster ch 43 Elizabeth--The Protestant Queen: The Queen and Her Suitors.
Arnold-Forster ch 44 Mary Queen of Scots: Mary in Scotland.
Arnold-Forster ch 44 Mary Queen of Scots: The Flight of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Arnold-Forster ch 44 Mary Queen of Scots: The Queen of Scots in England.
     or Churchill The New World ch 8 Good Queen Bess to "This was no time for religious war or upheaval at home."
Watership Down ch 43 The Great Patrol, ch 44 A Message from El-ahrairah
Joan of Arc Book III ch 14 Weakened by illness
1493 for Young People ch 10 Forest of Fugitives, second quarter, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus Appendix A
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 40 The Beginning of Blank Verse
Character is Destiny ch 10 Example is not the main thing, second half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 14 Water Path in Plants
The Elements: platinum pg 78-79
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 22 Different Kinds of Water
Lay of the Land ch 10 Broken Feather
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 18 The Mystery Continues, pg 129-133
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The Northern Renaissance pg 72-77 (spend 3 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 33
Bible: Joshua 14-16; Matthew 26:57-75; Psalm 102; Proverbs 30:10-23
Arnold-Forster ch 45 Protestants and Roman Catholics: The Huguenots.
Arnold-Forster ch 45 Protestants and Roman Catholics: England and Spain.
Arnold-Forster ch 46 The Great Armada: England in Peril.
     or Churchill The New World ch 8 Good Queen Bess from "Elizabeth's Council therefore struck back." to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 7 Coligny, 1519-1572
Watership Down ch 45 Nuthanger Farm Again, ch 46 Bigwig Stands His Ground
Joan of Arc Book III ch 15 Eloquence
Joan of Arc Book III ch 16 Vile Cauchon
Joan of Arc Book III ch 17 Twelve Lies
1493 for Young People ch 10 Forest of Fugitives, third quarter, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus Appendix B
Character is Destiny ch 11 A man never describes
The Elements: uranium pg 210-213
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 23 Plants at Work
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 18 The Mystery Continues, pg 133-138
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The Northern Renaissance pg 72-77 (spend 3 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 34
Bible: Joshua 17-19; Matthew 27:1-26; Psalm 103; Proverbs 30:24-33
If you were reading The Case for Christ: The Case for Christ ch 13
Arnold-Forster ch 46 The Great Armada: How the Armada came, and what they did in England.
Arnold-Forster ch 46 The Great Armada: The Enemy in Sight.
Arnold-Forster ch 46 The Great Armada: How the Armada Failed.
Arnold-Forster ch 46 The Great Armada: How the "Armada" went Home Again.
     or Churchill The New World ch 9 The Spanish Armada to "prince, they shall be duly paid you."
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 8 William the Silent, 1533-1584
Watership Down ch 47 The Sky Suspended
Joan of Arc Book III ch 18 Guilty
Joan of Arc Book III ch 19 Pleasing the English
Joan of Arc Book III ch 20 Submission
1493 for Young People ch 10 Forest of Fugitives, last quarter, Or, Life of Christopher Columbus Appendix C
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 126-130 ch X Humility
Character is Destiny ch 12 You can follow all the rules
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 24 Sulphur
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Kepler (first third)
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 18 The Mystery Continues, pg 138-143
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: The Northern Renaissance pg 72-77 (spend 3 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 35
Bible: Joshua 20-22:14; Matthew 27:27-66; Psalm 104; Proverbs 31:1-9
If you were reading The Case for Christ: The Case for Christ ch 14
Arnold-Forster ch 47 Last Years of the Great Queen: The Queen and Her Favourite.
Arnold-Forster ch 47 Last Years of the Great Queen: The Death of the Great Queen.
Arnold-Forster ch 48 A New World and a New Age: Rolling Back the Clouds.
Arnold-Forster ch 48 A New World and a New Age: England's Part in Rolling Back the Clouds.
Arnold-Forster ch 48 A New World and a New Age: Things New or Old?
     or Churchill The New World ch 9 The Spanish Armada from "Hawkins's work for the Navy was now to be tested." to end of ch.
Watership Down ch 48 Dea ex Machina
Joan of Arc Book III ch 21 Saved?
Joan of Arc Book III ch 22 Fatal answer
1493 for Young People Afterword: Currents of Life
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 41 Spenser - The Shepherd's Calendar
Character is Destiny ch 13 Sow a thought, reap an act
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 25 Chlorine
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Kepler (second third)
The Elements: radium pg 202-203
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 18 The Mystery Continues, pg 143-148
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: Mannerism pg 77-81 (spend 2 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Week 36
Bible: Joshua 22:15-ch 24; Matthew 28; Psalm 105; Proverbs 31:10-31
If you were reading The Case for Christ: The Case for Christ: Conclusion
Arnold-Forster ch 49 Literature and Art in the Tudor Period: The Open Bible.
Arnold-Forster ch 49 Literature and Art in the Tudor Period: Shakespeare.
Arnold-Forster ch 49 Literature and Art in the Tudor Period: "Nowhere."
Arnold-Forster ch 49 Literature and Art in the Tudor Period: Art in the Tudor Period.
     or Churchill The New World ch 10 Gloriana (all)
Watership Down ch 49 Hazel Comes Home, ch 50 And Last, Epilogue
Joan of Arc Book III ch 23 Condemned
Joan of Arc Book III ch 24 The end
Joan of Arc Book III Conclusion
Character is Destiny ch 14 I have found who is responsible
The Elements: plutonium pg 216-217
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Kepler (third third)
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch 26 Nitrogen Compounds
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 18 The Mystery Continues, pg 148-151
The Story of Painting: The Age of Genius: Mannerism pg 77-81 (spend 2 weeks)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)

Optional Exam Week

Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 (Bible verses were updated)

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