
Programme for Term 95 Form III

Programme 95. (The 95th term of work set since the Parents' Union School began.)      L3
       (January to March, 1923. May to July, 1923, in the Dominions.)

Parents' National Educational Union.

The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

(He shall) "pray for the children to prosper in good life and good literature."--(Dean Colet).


PUPILS' NAMES __________________________________________


Bible Lessons.
In all cases the Bible text (as given in book used) must be read and narrated first.
Old Testament History, * by T. M. Hardwick and The Rev. H. Costley-White (Murray, 3/6), Vol, IV., pp. 55-153. (a) S.P.C.K. Bible Atlas, * (1/3). (b) Historical Geography of the Holy Land, by S. R. Macphail (Clark, 1/-), pp. 72-94. (c) Helps to the Study of the Bible (Oxford Press, 3/-), pp. 59-124.
(e) St. John's Gospel (S.P.C.K. Commentary, 1/-), chapters 1-7. (f) (optional) The Prayer Book in the Church, by The Rev. W. H. Campbell (Longmans, 3/-), pp. 29-43, with lessons on Easter.
For Sunday Reading (optional): (a) The Land of the Incarnation, by G. Hollis (Wells, Garnner, Darton, 5/-), pp. 7-88. Joan of Arc, by Mark Twain (Chatto & Windus, 6/-_). An English Church History for Children, Vol. II., by M. Shipley (Methuen, 4/6). Fight the Good Fight, by W. E. Frost (S.P.C.K.), pp. 1-38.
Sunday occupations: A Century Book. Choose and inscribe texts and mottoes (in beautiful lettering, see "Bridges"). For private daily Bible reading children may use Daily Readings from the Old Testament, by H. Franklin and L. Montagu (Williams & Norgate, 2/6), or, Lectiones (Spottiswoode, 1 1/2d. each). A Boy's Book of Prayer, by A. Devine (Methuen, 2/-). The Winchester Hymn Supplement (Warren, Tunes 6d., Words 4d.).

Choose and transcribe passages (in beautiful writing, see Bridges') from Richard II., and the other books set, in A New Handwriting for Teachers, by M. M. Bridges (P.N.E.U Office 5d. a card); work from card 6.

Dictation (A New Handwriting to be used).
Two or three pages or a passage to be prepared first from a newspaper, or, from the prose and poetry set for reading; a paragraph to be then dictated.

Composition. (Oral or written each day.)
(See Meiklejohn, 178-183)
Write an essay on some subject in "Literature," or, on the news of the week, or, on some historical or allegorical subject, etc. Narrative poems that must scan on events that have struck you. Doggerel must not be written. Write invitations and answer invitations. Write for the P.U.S. Magazine (2/6 a year, c/o Miss N. Pott, P.N.E.U. Office).

English Grammar.
Parse and analyse from a book of poetry and of prose read, making progress each term. Meiklejohn's A New Grammar of the English Tongue * (4/-), pp. 86-102; 116-122.

Literature (including holiday and evening reading).
The History of English Literature for Boys and Girls * , by H. E. Marshall (Jack, 10/6), pp. 110-176. Shakespeare's Richard II, * (Blackie, Plaintext, 6d.). Scott's Quentin Durward * (Dent, 2/-). Froissart's Crecy and Poitiers * (Blackie, 1/-). Poems of To-day, * Series II. (Sidgwick & Jackson, 2/-): know the poems of six poets.

English History.
Arnold-Forster's A History of England, * by H. O. (Cassell, 8/6), pp. 187-244 (1272-1445). Scott's Tales of a Grandfather * (University Press, 2/9), pp. 106-144; 158-193. Make a chart of the 13th Century (1300-1400), (see reprint from P.R., July, 1910, 3d.). Read the daily news and keep a calendar of events.

General History.
The Story of Mankind, * by Van Loon (Harrap, 12/6), pp. 1-53. The British Museum for Children, * by Frances Epps (P.N.E.U. Office. 3/6), chapter 1. Teacher study preface. Keep a book of Centuries * (P.N.E.U. Office, 2/3), putting in illustrations from all the history studied. Stories from Indian History (C.L.S.I.), Vol. I., 2/-, pp. 26-53.

Ourselves, * Book I. (Kegan Paul, 4/6), pp. 24-47. North's Plutarch's Lives: Alexander * (first half), (Blackie, 1/-). Smith's Smaller Classical Dictionary (Dent, 2/6). The Gold Fleece, * by L. S. Wood (Oxford Press, 3/6), pp. 15-48.

The Ambleside Geography Books, Book IV. * (4/-), pp. 98-141 and 277-284. Map questions to be answered from map and names put into blank map (from memory) before each lesson. Fighting for Sea Power in the Days of Sail, * by H. W. Household (Macmillan, 2/-), pp. 1-29. Geikie's Physical Geography * (Macmillan, 1/9). (Optional) Heidi (Dent, 2/-). Know something about foreign places coming into notice in the current newspapers. Ten minutes' exercises on the map of Great Britain every week. Philip's Atlas of Comparative Geography (new edition, 3/6), may be used. See also tests under P.U.S. Scouting (June, 1920), or "Guiding." Children to make maps of new boundaries from memory. Teacher to use The Treaty Settlement of Europe, by H. J. Fleure (Oxford Press, 2/6). Teacher may find useful Out-door Geography, by H. Hatch (Blackie, 3/-).

Natural History and Botany.
The Study of Plant Life, * by H. E. Stopes (Blackie, 6/-), pp. 35-71. (children should make the experiments where possible). Keep a Nature Note-book (P.N.E.U. Office, interleaved 2/3), with flower and bird lists, and make daily notes. For out-of-door work choose some special January to March study. The Changing Year, by F. M. Haines (Wadsworth, 3/-), may be read for seasonal studies. See also "Guiding" tests.

General Science.
Tommy Smith's Birds, * by E. Selous (Methuen, 2/6), pp. 1-75. Our Wonderful Universe, * by A. Giberne (S.P.C.K., 6/6), pp. 61-93.

Pendlebury's New Shilling Arithmetic, * pp. 11-31 (or continue), (Bell, 2/3). Revise work; examples may be taken from Pendlebury's New Concrete Arithmetic, Book V. (Bell, 5d.). Important: to be read in leisure time, Number Stories of Long Ago, by D. E. Smith (Ginn, 2/9).

A School in Geometry, * by H. Hall and F. Stevens (Macmillan, Parts i.-iv., 3/6), pp. 118-119, 121-124, 126-131. Revise 69-131. The School Set of Mathematical Instruments (Macmillan, 1/6).

A School Algebra, by H. G. S. Hall, Part I. (Macmillan, 3/6), pp. 1-4, 6, 7, 13-19, 23. (Wednesday, 9-50--10-20.)

Siepmann's Primary German Course, * by O. Siepmann (Macmillan, 5/-), Lessons 16-18 inclusive. Teacher study preface, using the lessons (with narration), exercises, grammar, stories, poems, etc., as suggested.

or preferably, Italian.
Perini's Italian Conversation Grammar * (Hachette, 6/6), Exercises 21-25, or, better, A New Italian Grammar, * by E. Grillo (Blackie, 6/-), pp. 24-35; 188-195.

Second Latin Course, by Scott Jones (Blackie, 3/6), pp. 104-133; each lesson to be followed by narration, or, Dr. Smith's First Latin Course * (Murray, 4/-), pp. 40-45; 49-58, with exercises on pp. 63 and 64.

Primary French Course, * Part II., by O. Siepmann (Macmillan, 3/-), Lessons 23-30 inclusive, with grammar and exercises. Teacher study preface. Read and narrate Nouveaux Contes Francais, par Marc Ceppi (Bell, 2/-), pp. 33-66; parse two pages. Read several poems and learn one from Longer Poems for Recitation (Blackie, 6d.).

Illustrations of scenes from Literature. Objects in the house: teachers may use for method (not for copying) The Art of Drawing, Album 5 (Philip & Tacy, 1/3). Study, describe (and draw from memory details of) six reproductions * of pictures by Raphael (P.N.E.U. Office, 2/- the set). See the special notes in the Parents' Review, January and February, 1923, and the articles on Drawing in the January and February P.R.'s. Paintbox with specially chosen paints and brush (P.N.E.U. Office, 5/-). Join the P.U.S. Portfolio (P.U.S. Magazine, January, 1923).

Learn two suitable passages of about 20 verses each from chapters in Bible Lessons. Two Easter hymns. Psalms 150 and 172. Two poems (Poems of To-day), or, a scene from Quentin Durward, or, two ballads (Historical Ballads, Blackie, 1/-).

Reading. (including holiday and evening reading).
Books set under Literature, History, Geography, Recitations, should afford exercise in careful reading and in composition. Poetry should be read daily. Bulfinch's Age of Fable * (Dent, 2/-), pp. 304-332.

Continue Child Pianist (Curwen & Son); teacher using the Teacher's Guide (revised edition, 7/6). See also Programme of Music.

Musical Appreciation.
See Programme of Music (Debussy), Parents' Review, January, 1923: Our Work (Questions will be set on this subject). The Listener's Guide to Music, by P. Scholes (Oxford Press, 4/-), may be used.

Singing. (See Programmes of Music)
Three French songs, French Songs, with Music (Blackie, 7d.). Three English songs, from The National Song Book, edited by C. V. Stanford (Boosey & Co., words and voice parts 2/- each, * complete with music 6/-). Ten Minutes' Lessons in Sight-Singing, 50-52 (Curwen, 2/6). Fifty Steps in Sight-Singing, by Arthur Somervell, steps 35-38 (Curwen & Son, 2/6).

Drill, etc. (Choose new work)
Ball Games and Breathing Exercises, by Alice R. James (Longmans, 1/9). For Drill Music, Music for use in Mrs. Wordsworth's Classes (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/6), may be used. Peasant Dances and Songs of Many Lands, by Mrs. Kimmins (Evans, 7/6). The Board of Education's Syllabus of Physical Training (H.M. Stationery Office, 1/6), four tables. Ex-Students, House of Education Drills. How to Teach School Dances (Evans, 4/6).

Do some definite house or garden work. Needleweaving, by Ann Macbeth (Simpson, 9d.). Heaton's Cardboard Modelling (Newman, 6/-): make six models. (Materials from Arnold & Son, Butterly St., Hunslet Lane, Leeds.) Simple Garments for Children, by Synge (Longmans, 6/-). Constructive and Decorative Stitchery, by L. G. Foster (3/6): design and make a garment. Darn and mend garments from the wash each week: First Lessons in Darning and Mending (P.N.E.U. Office, 2d.), may be used. Teacher may find useful What shall we make? by M. La Trobe Foster (C.M.S., 1/-). See also tests under "Guiding." Make a garment for the "Save the Children Fund"; for particulars apply to 29 Golden Square, Regent Street, W. 1. Help the "Combined Hospitals Appeal Fund," see P.R., January, 1923.

N.B. 1.--In grammar (English and foreign) and in mathematics there must be no gaps. Children must go on from where they left off, but they will be handicapped in the future unless they can do the work set for this Form.

N.B. 2.-- Each child in A and B should have a copy of all books, etc., marked * and a set of Pictures and materials. One copy of the other books is sufficient.

N.B. 3.-- For methods of teaching the various subjects see Home Education, 5/6, School Education, 5/- (P.N.E.U Office). In home schoolrooms, Forms III. and IV. may work together in all history and literature subjects (including Scripture).

N.B. 4.-- All books, etc., may be obtained from the Secretary of the P.N.E.U., 26, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, as well as exercise books bearing the school motto, 6d. each, and Cambridge paper for the Examination 1/- for 4 quires (not less); special clipped book post envelopes, one for the two journeys, 4d. for 3. Also the School Badge (silver, 4/6, white metal, 9d.). School Hat Band (2/6), and Ribbon (2/3 a yard). Badges stencilled in washing colours on pale blue linen may also be obtained, 4 1/2d. unmounted, 6d. mounted. For P.U.S. blazers (see P.R., January, 1923.)

N.B. 5.--Members are particularly asked to follow the notes under Our Work in the Parents' Review.

N.B. 6.--This Programme is for Members of the School only and must not be lent. Specimen copies of old Programmes can be obtained by members from the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside.

N.B. 7.--All letters re School and Programmes except book orders, should be sent to Ambleside. The enclosed Order Form for books should be used. Members are asked to send the School Fee direct to Ambleside. P.N.E.U. subscription, money for books, etc., should be sent to the London Office.

N.B. 8.--There is an Association of Old Pupils of the P.U.S. A course of reading is provided. For particulars apply to Miss P. N. Bowser, c/o P.N.E.U. Office.

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