
Programme for Term 94 Form V and VI

Programme 94. (The 94th term of work set since the Parents' Union School began.)      L1
       (September to December, 1922. January to March, 1922, in the Dominions.)

Parents' National Educational Union.

The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

(He shall) "pray for the children to prosper in good life and good literature."--(Dean Colet).

FORM V and VI.

PUPILS' NAMES __________________________________________


VI. & V. The One Volume Bible Commentary, by T. R. Dummelow (Macmillan, 12/6), (a) Job, pp. 289-320; (b) pp. 1-55 of The Saviour of the World, Vol. VI. (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/-) with the Bible text (see Index) and notes from "Dummelow"; (c) II. Corinthians, "Dummelow"; pp. 922-944.
For Sunday reading (optional):
VI. Stanley's The Eastern Church (Deut, 2/6), pp. 1-70. Westcott's Religious Thought in the West (Macmillan, 6/-): Benjamin Whichcote.
V. Stanley's Sinia and Palestine (Murray, 4/-), pp. 304-364. Sunday Collects, by Canon Masterman (S.P.C.K, 2/-).
VI. & V. John Inglesant (Macmillan, 4/6). George Herbert's Life and Poems (Oxford Press, 2/6).

VI. & V. A good precis. Letters for the P.U.S. Magazine (Editor, Miss N. Pott, c/o P.N.E.U. Office), on occurrences in Nature.
Essays, in the style of Macauley, on subjects suggested by the term's work in Early Stuart Literature, or, write on a picture studied, or on some aspect of nature. Occasionally, twenty lines of blank verse or sonnets events that stir general feeling, or on historical or living personages. These must scan, see Abbott & Seeley, Part III.
VI. Letters "From a correspondent" for The Times on events and questions of the day, or on any subject that should interest the public.

English Grammar.
VI. English Lessons for English People, by Abbott & Seeley (Seeley, 5/-), pp. 190-219, with questions set. Both forms, parse and analyse every week.
V. English Lessons, pp. 1-35.

Every-Day Morals and Economics.
VI. Plato's Education of the Young (Cambridge Press, 4/6), pp. 1-12, 27-49. Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici (Dent, 2/6).
V. Ourselves, Book II. (P.N.E.U. Office, 4/6), pp. 103-136. Milton's Areopagitica (Dent, 2/6).

Literature (Books set should be used also for holiday and evening reading)!
VI. & V. (a) Blackie's translation of The Lyrical Dramas of Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound (Dent, 2/6); (b) Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, by Sir James Stephen (Longmans, 6/6): The Port Royalists; (c) Scott's The Legend of Montrose (Dent, 2/6); (d) Macauley's Essays (Dent, 2/6), VI., Laud and Milton, V., Hampden and The Pilgrim's Progress; (e) An Anthology of Modern Verse (Methnen, 2/6); (f) Shakespeare's As You Like It (Blackie, 7d.)
VI. (g) The Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (Dent, 2/6); (h) Milton's Comus and Lycidas (Ward, Lock, 4/6); (i) Coleridge's Wallenstein (Oxford Press, 4/-); (j) The Oxford Book of Verse (Frowde, 8/6), the Early Stuart poets.
V. (g) Milton's Sonnets (Ward, Lock 3/6); (h) Froude's Essays: Job (Routledge, 2/6); (i) A Book of English Poetry (Jack, 10/6): the Early Stuart poets.
Keep a Common -place Book for passages that strike you particularly: learn a hundred lines of poetry: be able to give some account of what you have read in each book, with sketches of the chief characters.
(See General History).

English History
A Short History of the English People, by J. R. Green, Vol. I. (Dent, 2/6), (1625-1660).

General History.
VI. & V. Medieval and Modern Times, by J. H. Robinson (Ginn, 10/6), pp. 352-381 (1625-1660). Defoe's Memoirs of a Cavalier (University Press, 2/6).
VI. Legacy of Greece and Rome, by W. de Burgh (Macdonald, 2/6), pp. 30-61.
V. Ancient Times: A History of the Early World, by J. H. Breasted (Ginn, 10/6), pp. 140-220 (omit questions).
Make summaries of dates and events. Use maps. Make charts. History Chart, by Lady Louise Loder (P.N.E.U. Office 5/-). A Pronouncing Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities (Walker, 1/6). A Classical Atlas (Dent, 2/6).

VI. The Expansion of England, by Sir J. Seeley (Macmillan, 6/-). pp. 164-227. Geikie's Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography (Macmillan, 5/-), pp. 233-271.
V. The Expansion of the British Empire, by W. H. Woodward (University Press, 6/6), pp. 171-228. Geikie, pp. 73-83.
VI. & V. Mort's Practical Geography (Blackie, 2/-), pp. 38-52. The World-Wide Atlas (Masmillan, 15/-). Purchas' Early Voyages to Japan (Blackie, 1/-).
Know from atlas (gazetteer and from Ambleside Geography Book V.) something about foreign regions coming most into note in the newspapers, and in connection with history, etc., studied. The Treaty Settlement of Europe, by H. J. Fleure (Oxford Press, 2/6), pp. 63-81. Summarise readings by memory map on blackboard.

VI. Scientific Ideas of To-day, by C. R. Gibson (Seeley, 8/6). pp. 230-257.
V. pp. 15-51.
VI. A Text Book of Geology, by C. Lapworth (Blackwood, 7/6), pp. 311-351.
V. pp. 137-187.
Some account of the geology of your neighbourhood, showing sections.

Biology, Botany
VI. & V. The Romance of the Human Body, by R. C. Macfie (Gardener Darton, 5/-), pp. 1-45.
An Introduction to the Study of Plants, by Fritsh & Salisbury (Bell, 7/6), VI. pp. 182-224; V. pp. 250-290. Buckley's Botanical Tables, (Macmillan, 1/9).
Specimens should be used in all botanical work, and experiments must be made. Keep a Nature Note-Book with flower and bird lists (P.N.E.U. Office, 2/6), or, The Changing Year, by F. M. Haines (Wadsworth, 3/-).

VI. The Story of the Heavens, by R. S. Ball (Cassell, 15/-), pp. 372-433.
VI. & V. Follow newspaper reports on astronomical subjects. Make charts of the changes in position of the constellations visible. Half-Hours with the Stars, by R. A. Proctor (Longmans, 3/6).
V. The Story of the Heavens, pp. 192-253.

Art Studies.
VI. & V. Ruskin's Modern Painters, Vol. I., Part I. and Part II., chapters 1-7 (Dent, 2/6). Animal studies. Study and draw details from six reproductions of works of Durer (P.N.E.U. Office, 2/- the set): see Parents' Review, September,1922. Paint-box with specially-chosen colours and brush (P.N.E.U. Office, 5/-).
VI. Ideals of Painting, by C. Wildon Carr (Macmillan, 13/-), pp. 235-299.
V. The Painters of Florence, by Julia Cartwright (Murray, 2/6), pp. 301-364.

VI. Pendlebury's New School Arithmetic, Part II. (Bell, 3/-), revise pp. 260-306, taking more difficult sums only.
V. Pages 316-317, 322, 330-332, 335-339.

VI. A School Geometry, by Hall & Stephens (Macmillan, 5/-), pp. 172-197; and revise 1-98.
The School Set of Mathematical Instruments (Macmillan, 2/-).

VI. A School Algebra, by H. S. Hall, Parts I. and II. (Macmillan, 4/6), pp. 250-260, 264-268; and revise 100-147.
V. Part I., pp. 198-214; 223-231.

VI. Allen's Latin Grammar (Clarendon Press, 3/-), pp. 3-15; 118-121; 134, 135. Limen, Part II. (Murray, 2/6), pp. 268-279; 173-207. Aeneid, Book II. (Macmillan, 1/9), lines 234-369.
V. Limen, Part II. (Murray, 2/6), pp. 229-242, and revise 118-134.
VI. & V. Cicero: Select Letters, Nos. 7-10 (Macmillan, 2/-).

VI. A Public School German Primer (Macmillan, 4/-), revise pp. 102-130 and 255, 256.
V. pp. 67-77 inclusive.
VI. Wallenstein's Tod (Hachette, 1/-).
VI. & V. Die Besten Gedichte der Deutschen Sprache (Gowans & Gray, 6d.), learn two poems.
V. Schiller's Die Geisterseher (Hachette, 3/.).

Italian (in preference to German).
VI. & V. An Italian Conversation Grammar, Perini (Hachette, 6/6), exercises 39-42, or, better A New Italian Grammar, by E. Grillo (Blackie. 6/-), pp. 97-109, with corresponing exercises.
VI. Read three cantos from Dante's Il Purgatorio (Dent, 2/-), and compare with Longfellow's translation (Routledge, 6d.). Le Mie Prigione (Hachette, 2/6).
V. Cuore (Hachette, 3/6).

VI. La Troisieme Annee de Grammaire, par Larive et Fleury (Hachette, 4/10), pp. 230-265.
VI. Pascal's Pensees (Blackie, 6d.).
V. Madame Sevigne's Letters (Blackie, 6d.).
V. Public School French Primer, by O. Siepmann (Macmillan, 3/6), pp. 1-17.
VI.& V. Read poems from The Oxford Book of French Verse (Milford, 8/6), learn two poems. Take a French paper (list can be obtained from Hachette). Cinq Mars, by A. de Vigny (Harrap, 2/6).

The Speaking Voice, by Emil Behnke (Curwen & Son, 7/6), pp. 40-65 with practice of back exercises. Reading Aloud, by H. O'Grady (Bell, 2/6).

Musical Appreciation.
See programme of Brahms' music in the Parents' Review, September, 1922. (Questions will be set on this subject.) The Enjoyment of Music, by A. W. Pollitt (Methuen, 5/-), may be used.

Singing (see Programme of Music).
or, Two French songs; two Italian songs; two German songs. Two English songs, The National Song Book Boosey, words and voice 1/9, complete 6/-).

Drill, etc.
A Manual of Free-Standing Movements, by H. D. Hassum (Hachette, 1/8). Ex-students take House of Education Drills. Dancing.

Do some definite house and garden work. Cooking: Tried Favourites Cooing Book (Marshall, 1/-). Constructive and Decorative Stitchery, by L. J. Foster (3/6. Darn and mend each week. See the needs of the "Save the Children Fund," 20 Golden Square, Regent Street, W. See also (unless working as Guides) scouting tests, Parents' Review (June,1920), in surveying, housecraft, handicrafts, etc.: qualify for at least the First Aid and House-craft Tests. School and Fireside Crafts, by A. Macbeth (Longmans, 8/6): make Christmas presents.

Forms VI. and V. may work together in home schoolrooms in as many subjects as desirable. Where the same book is used VI. takes the more difficult sections.

N.B. 1.--All books, etc., may be obtained from the Secretary of the P.N.E.U, 26, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, as well as exercise books bearing the school motto , 6d. each, and Cambridge paper for the Examination 1/6 for 4 quires (not less); special clipped book post envelopes, one for the two journeys, 4d. for 3. Also the School Badge (4/6), School Hat Band (2/6), and Ribbon 2/3 a yard. Badges stencilled in washing colours on pale blue linen may also be obtained, 4 1/2d. unmounted, 6d. mounted.

N.B. 2--For methods of teaching the various subjects see Home Education, 5/6, School Education, 5/- (P.N.E.U Office). In home schoolrooms, Forms VI. and V. may work together in all history and literature subjects (including Scripture).

N.B. 3.--Members are particularly asked to follow the notes under Our Work in the Parents' Review.

N.B. 4.--This Programme is for Members of the School only and must not be lent. Specimen copies of old Programmes can be obtained by members from the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside.

N.B. 5.--All letters re School and Programmes, except book orders, should be sent to Ambleside. The enclosed Order Form for books should be used. Members are asked to send the School Fees direct to Ambleside. P.N.E.U. subscription, money for books, etc., should be sent to the London Office.

N.B. 6.--There is an Association of Old Pupils of the P.U.S. A course of reading is provided. For particulars apply to Miss P. N. Bowser, c/o P.N.E.U. Office.

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