
Programme for Term 92 Form II

Programme 92. (The 92nd term of work set since the Parents' Union School began.)      L2
       (January to March, 1922. May to July, 1922, in the Dominions.)

Parents' National Educational Union.

The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

(He shall) "pray for the children to prosper in good life and good literature."--(Dean Colet).

FORM II. (A and B).

PUPILS' NAMES __________________________________________


Bible Lessons.
In all cases the Bible text must be read and narrated first.
A & B The Bible for the Young (P.N.E.U. O  ffice, 1/6 each): (a) Exodus, Lessons 8-16, by Dr. Paterson Smyth; (b) St. Matthew's Gospel, Lessons 8-15. Teacher to prepare beforehand and to use Bible passages in teaching, and to add such comments (from Paterson Smyth, say,) as will bring the passage home to the children. Children may use (c) S.P.C.K. Bible Atlas (1/-).
Sunday Reading (optional): How to Use the Prayer Book, by Mrs. Romanes (Longmans, 2/-). The Northumbrian Saints, by E. N. Grierson (Mowbray, 2/6). The Children's Year (Church Seasons), by the Rev. G. R. Oakley (S.P.C.K., 3/6). Sidelights on the Bible, by Mrs. Brightwen (R.T.S., 3/-). (a) Helps to the Study of the Bible (Oxford Press, 2/-). Wigwam Stories told by American Indians (Ginn, 4/9), Part I. Lion-hearted (Bishop Hannington), by Canon Dawson (Seelay, 3/6).
For private daily Bible reading children, Daily Readings from the Old Testament, by H. Franklin and L. Montagu (Williams & Norgate, 2/6). For New Testament, a Gospel in suitable portioins. A Boy's Book of Prayer, by A. Devine (Methuan, 2/-).

Practical Geometry.
A Lessons in Experimental and Practical Geometry,* by Hall and Stevens (Macmillan, 2/-), pp. 55-68. The School Set of Mathematical Instruments (Macmillan, 2/-).

A Young Beginners' First Latin Book* (Murray, 2/6), pp. 1-4, 17-19; with corresponding exercises, questions, and vocabularies.

A Siepmann's Primary French Course,* Part 1. (Macmillan, 3/-),
Lessons 16-18 inclusive, with grammar and exercises.
B Siepmann's Primary French Course,* Part 1. (Macmillan, 3/-), Lessons 7-9 inclusive, with grammar and exercises.
A & B French Songs, by Violet Partington (Dent, 9d.). Teacher study Siepmann's preface and phonetic exercises. Teacher read Lesson aloud, translating with the children's help, and children afterwards narrating in French.

A & B Six (a) twigs of trees, (b) studies of animals, that you have been able to watch, (c) children at play, in brushdrawing. Original brushdrawings from scenes in books set for reading. Paint-box with specially chosen brush and colours (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/-)*: pencil must not be used. What to Draw and How to Draw It (Skeffington & Son, 3/6).

A & B Psalm 78, verses 12-35, and two suitable passages of about twelve verses each from (a) Exodus, (b) St. Matthew's Gospel. Two Easter hymns. A scene from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, or, forty lines from Longfellow.

Reading (includes holiday and evening reading).
A & B Books set for Geography, History, Recitations should afford exercise in careful reading. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar* (Blackie; Plaintext Edition, 7d.). The Little Duke, by Charlotte Yonge (Macmillan, 3/-). Wigwam Stories, Part I.
A Bulfinch's Age of Fable* (Dent, 2/6), pp. 186-215. Malory's The Coming of Arthur (Blackie, 1/-). Puck of Pook's Hill, by R. Kipling (Macmillan, 6/-). Longfellow's Saga of King Olaf (any edition, or Blackie, 4d.).
B The Heroes of Asgard* (Macmillan, 5/-), pp. 268-313. The Adventures of Beowulf (Marshall, 1/9). Longfellow's The Discoverer of the North Cape (any edition of Longfellow's poems).

Continue Child Pianist (Curwen & Son); teacher using the Teacher's Guide (revised edition, 7/6).

Muscial Appreciation.
Programme of Music (Schumann) to be heard: Parents' Review, January, 1922. The Book of the Great Musicians, by P. Scholes (Oxford Press, 4/6), may be used.

Two English songs from The National Song Book, edited by C. V. Stanford (Boosey & Co., words and voice parts 1/9 each,* complete with music, 6/-). Two French songs. A Book of French Songs (treble only, Blackie, 7d. each), may be used. Fifty Steps in Sight-Singing, by Arthur Somervell, steps 17, 18, inclusive (Curwen & Son, 2/6). Teacher use also Ten Minutes' Lessons in Sight-Singing, lessons 35-37 (Curwen, 2/6).

Syllabus of Physical Exercises (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1/6), tables 41-44. Ball Games and Breathing Exercises, by Alice R. James (Longmanns, 1/9). Music for use in Mrs. Wordsworth's Classes (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/6), may be used. Peasant Dances and Songs of Many Lands, by Mrs. Kimmins (Evans, 7/6). Skipping. Ex-Students take House of Education Drills. Teacher would find useful How to Teach School Dances (Evans, 4/6).

Help in house or garden. Simple Repousse' Work, by E. J. Bradford (Charles, 1/9). The Little Girl's (a) Sewing Book, (b) Knitting Book (R.T.S., 2/6 each), or, Needlecraft in the School, by M. Swanson (Longmans, 7/6); teacher read letterpress with discretion. Children make a garment (see the needs of the "Save the Children Fund," address: 29 Golden Square, Regent Street, W. 1.) Boys and girls mend clothes from the wash each week: First Lessons in Darning and Mending (P.N.E.U. Office, 2d.), may be used. See also tests under Scouting (Parents' Review, 1920). Teacher would find useful What shall we make? By M. La Trobe Foster (C.M.S., 1/-).

* In home schoolrooms where there are children in A as well as in B, both forms may work together, doing the work of A or B as they are able.

N.B. 1. - In grammar (English and foreign) and in mathematics there must be no gaps. Children must go on from where they left off, but they will be handicapped in the future unless they can do the work set for this Form.

N.B. 2. - Each child in A and B should have a copy of all books, etc., marked * and a set of the Pictures and materials. One copy of the
other books is sufficient.

N.B. 3. - For methods of teaching the various subjects see Home Education, 5/6, School Education, 5/- (P.N.E.U. Office).

N.B. 4. - All books, etc., may be obtained from the Secretary of the P.N.E.U., 26, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, as well as exercise books bearing the school motto, 7d. each, and Cambridge paper for the Examination, 1/6 for 4 quires (not less); envelopes to match 1/6 a packet. Also the School Badge (4/6), School Hat Band (4/6), and Ribbon 3/6 a yard. Badges stenciled in washing colours on pale blue linen may also be obtained, 4½d. unmounted, 6d. mounted.

N.B. 5. - Members are particularly asked to follow notes under Our Work in the Parents' Review.

N.B. 6. - This Programme is for Members of the School only and must not be lent. Specimen copies of old Programmes can be obtained by members from the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside.

N.B. 7. - All letters re School and Programmes, except book orders, should be sent to Ambleside. The enclosed Order Form for books should be used. Members are asked to send the School Fee direct to Ambleside. P.N.E.U. subscription, money for books, etc., should be sent to the London Office.

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