
Programme for Term 43 Form II

Programme 43. (The 43nd term of work set since the P.R.S. began.)

Parents' National Educational Union

Parents' Review School


PUPILS' NAMES __________________________________________


Bible Lessons.
Church of Ireland Sunday School Lessons, by the Rev. J. Paterson Smyth (Glaisher, 1/-), Calendar III.; Judges, vii., viii., i. Samuel, Lessons ix.-xiv. inclusive; Acts, Lessons xvii.-xx. inclusive, and the lessons on Trinity, Advent, and Christmas.  Teacher to prepare beforehand, and to use the Bible passages in teaching.  Children might use Nelson's Illustrated New Testament, price 1/11.  S.P.C.K. Bible Atlas (6d.).  Answers to the Catechism with Explanations as far as the Lord's Prayer (optional).
+ Joshua and Judges can also be obtained separately in The Bible for the Young (Samson, Low, 1/-).

A New Handwriting for Teachers, by M. M. Bridges, 2/8; practice pages 1, 2, 3.  Two perfectly written lines every day.  Transcribe, with page 6 as model, some of your favourite passages from Shakespeare's Henry VIII.

Two pages at a time to be prepared carefully; then a paragraph from these pages to be written from dictation, or occasionally, from memory. Use Mrs. Gatty's Parables from Nature, Vol. III. (Bell, 9d.).

Write stories from (a) Plutarch (Coriolanus), (b) The Pilgrim's Progress (Partridge, 9d.), pages 105-141 (to Trial at Vanity Fair).  Young children who cannot easily write may narrate.

English Grammar.
Arnold's Language Lessons, Book IV. (3d.), pages 20-33.  Parse and point out Subjects, Verbs, Objects.
Beginners, Arnold's Language Lessons, Book IV. (3d.), pages 5-19.

English History.
A History of England, by H. O. Arnold-Forster (Cassell, 3/9), pages 266-312 (1485-1533).  Read Miss Manning's The Household of Sir Thomas More (Glaisher, 1/6), and scenes from Shakespeare's Henry VIII.  (Cassell, 6d.).

French History.
A First History of France, by L. Creighton (Longmans, 2/8), pages 134-155, to be contemporary with English History.

Plutarch's Lives.
Plutarch's Coriolanus (omitting unsuitable parts) (Cassell's National Library, 6d.).

Natural History.
Buckley's Fairy Land of Science (Macmillan, 4/6), pages 212-237. The Sciences, by E. S. Holden (Ginn & Co., 1/11), pages 185-224.  Children must make the experiments.  Keep a Nature Note-Book.  Record and describe fifteen wild fruits and fifteen creatures and notice all you can about them. Insect Life,* by Mrs. Fisher (Cassell, 6d.).  All members must take in The Children's Quarterly.
* May be used in the Summer Holidays.

The story of The British Empire,+ by F. Anderson (Methuen, 2/-), pages 83-123.  Northern Europe, pages 61-122 (Ginn, 9d.).  Map questions to be answered from map and t hen from memory before each lesson.  All geography to be learnt with map.  Children to make memory maps.  Know something about foreign places coming into notice in the current newspapers. The School Atlas, by H. O. Arnold-Forster (37, Bedford Street, London, 2/3). Take, under direction, six scouting expeditions: see Scouting, by Baden Powell (Glaisher, 1/-).
+ Members who have the London Geographical Readers may take instead Book II, 115-142; Book III, 172-198.

The Gouin Series; French Lessons on the Gouin Method, by F. Themoin (Hachette, 2/6), Lessons Q, R, S, T, U.  Little French Folk, by C. T. Onions (Simpkin & Marshall, 1/6), pages 75-86.  Make new sentences with the words learnt in the Series.  Recite two poems from La Lyre Enfantine (Hachette & Co., 9d.).

Little German Folk, by M. Schramm (The Norland Press, 1/6), pages 41-45, inclusive, to be learnt orally only.

A First Latin Course, by E. H. Scott and F. Jones (Blackie, 1/2), pages55-66; 94-98; and vocabularies.  Revise work carefully by means of exercises, and make fresh sentences with all words learnt.  Boys may, if desired, take Latin instead of German, in this case they should take Hall's Child's Fist Latin Book (Murray, 1/6), pages 89-104, in addition.
Beginners. - A First Latin Course, by E. H. Scott and F. Jones, pages 1-5, with vocabularies and exercises on pages 67, 68, 69.

A.B.C. Arithmetic, Teacher's Book, Part II.  (Sonnenschein & Nesbitt, 9d.), pages 92-111.  Mental Arithmetic and Numeration for five minutes on alternate days.  Mair's Mental Arithmetic (Sonnenschein, 9d.).  Steady progress.  Much care with tables.
Beginners. - 1-37.
More advanced children may use The Science and Art of Arithmetic, Part I. (Black, 1/6).

Practical Geometry.
Practical Lessons in Geometry, by W. O. Eggar (Macmillan, 1/11), pages 71-92 (Friday, 9:20-9:50).

Picture Talk.
Six reproductions of works of Rembrandt (Perry Pictures, Nos. 711, 713, 718, 719, 720, 725).  Use Rembrandt (Bell, 1/-).

 See Pour Dessiner Simplement, par V. Jacquot et P. Ravoux (Glaisher, 8d. each cahier), cahier ii. And iii., for occasional use.  Twelve kinds of wild fruits and six animals in brushdrawing.  Original brushdrawings from scenes from Coriolanus,
and Join the Portfolio of Painting (see The Children's Quarterly). +

Learn 100 lines from Shakespeare's Henry VIII., and two hymns and two passages of twelve verses each, one from i. Samuel, one from The Acts.

Geography, English history, French history, and books used for composition and recitations, should afford exercises in careful reading.

Continue Child Pianist (Curwen & Son); teacher using the Teacher's Guide (revised edition, 1/11).
See also programme of music to be heard (September Parents' Review: Our Work).

Two French songs, La Lyre des Ecoles; two German songs, Deutscher Liedergarten (each of these, Curwen & Son, 1/11).  Two new English songs from Novello's School Songs, Book XXI, (8d.).  Ten Minutes' Lessons in Tonic Sol-fa (Curwen & Son, 1/2).

Marching and Dumb-bell Drills from Musical Drills for Standards (Philip & Son, 1/11).  Skipping Drills.  Teachers use A Manual of Free-standing Movements, by J. O. Haasum (Hachette, 1/6).  Ex-Students take House of Education Drills.

Dress a doll in the Tudor style. Make three Christmas presents in Sloyd. (Newmann & Son, 5/-). A Manual of Cardboard ModellingSelf-Teaching Needlework Manual (Longmans, 9d.), pages 15-24.  Attend to garden (Aunt Mai's Annual, 1894).

** Mrs. Steinthal, St. John's Ilkley, has copies by her (2/6 each including postage).

N.B. 1. - All books mentioned in this Programme can be obtained at the prices quoted from G. J. Glaisher, Discount Bookseller, 58, High Street, Notting Hill Gate, London, W., and can be seen there before purchase.

N.B. 2. - The Children's Quarterly may be obtained form Mrs. S. Hayward, Hazlewood, Kendrick Road, Reading (2/2 for the year).

N.B. 3. - For illustrations for History, Geography and Picture Talk, see the catalogue of the Perry Pictures (Glaisher, 3d.).

For methods of teaching the various subjects, see Home Education, Vol. 1. of the "Home Education" Series (Glaisher, 3/6 net).

Children who have just been moved up from Class Ib., or who find the work difficult, may omit two subjects.

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