
Programme for Term 2 Form III

From the Parents' Union School Diamond Jubilee Magazine page 13:

Parents' Review School

Second Year Ending July 31st, 1893
First Term

Class IIIa; Programme

BIBLE LESSONS. - History of Joseph. Gen. xxxvii to end, suitable part with Dwellers of the Nile. St. Mark xiii to end with "Galilee in the Time of Christ."

RECITATION. - 150 lines of poetry. Cowper's "Winter Evening's Walk." 60 Bible verses from Isaiah, a Gospel and an Epistle.

FRENCH. - First Lessons in French by Courthope Bowen.  Lessons xvii to xxiv to be recited.  Words to be classified (as in Grammar chapter, p. 30).  Other sentences to be formed with the words. Six fables from La Fontaine to be learned, parsed, etc. The regular conjugations, simple tenses.

LATIN. - The declensions, adjectives, and pronouns.

ENGLISH HISTORY. - The period from A.D. 1154 to A.D. 1272.

GREEK HISTORY. - Plutarch's Life of Lycurgus, suitable parts.

GEOGRAPHY. - The six southern counties of England. General survey of Europe (London Geographical Readers: Stanford) England, Book iii.  Europe, opening chapters of Book iv

ENGLISH GRAMMAR. - To parse from "Winter Evening's Walk."  To analyse simple sentences.

SINGING. - Three French songs; three English songs.  Ten minutes' Lessons in Sol-fa (Curwen & Sons, Warwick Lane, E.C.)

WRITING. - Jackson's Copy-books, Numbers v and x (Sampson Low & Co.)  Two perfectly written lines every day.

SPELLING. - Macaulay's Essay on Warren Hastings, to be prepared, two pages at a time, and written from memory as nearly as may be in the words of the Author. (Cassell's Sixpenny Library)

DRAWING. - Ten drawings from objects, shaded.  Six drawings in water-colours.

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. - Dr. Schofield's Physiology for Schools. 1st or 2nd stage.

BOTANY. - Collect, dry, name, and describe 30 fruits (i.e. seed vessels) with leaves.  Chapter on fruits in Oliver's Elementary Botany (Macmillan).

ARITHMETIC. - Examination should show what has been learned during term.

EUCLID. - State number of problems.

COMPOSITION. - To write a good precis of any lesson; a descriptive essay.

WORK. - To make garment, with good sewing, smocking and button holes.  Construct three toys, and make three useful articles, not sewn.

Any three of the above subjects may be omitted in the case of children just removed from Class IIb., or of Children who find the work difficult.

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