
Programme for Term 1 Form II

From the Parents' Union School Diamond Jubilee Magazine page 13:

Parents' Review School

Year Ending July 31st, 1892
First Term:
Holidays, August and one week of October

2nd Class. Programme for First Term

BIBLE LESSONS. - History of Abraham, Genesis XII - XX Gospel of S. Mark, I - VI.

RECITATION. - One hundred lines of Poetry (one poem or more), forty Bible verses (one or more Psalms, and one or more Parables).

FRENCH. - To recite 400 words (40 lines) of a French story. To be able to form other sentences with these words.

SWEDISH DRILL or CALISTHENICS. - Twelve exercises.

LATIN. - The first two Declensions.

ENGLISH HISTORY. - Twelve narrations from English history before A.D. 700.

GREEK HISTORY. - Twelve narrations from Plutarch's "Lives."

GEOGRAPHY. - To draw plan of room or garden, know the points of the compass, understand "parallels" and "meridians," and generally, the meaning of a map.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR. - To be able to pick out nouns, verbs, and adjectives in a given paragraph.

SINGING. - Two French songs, and the Sol-fa lessons which will appear in the P.R.

COPY BOOKS. - Two perfectly written lines every day.

DICTATION. - Twenty pages of a story book to be prepared.

DRAWING. - Twenty drawings, first from copy, then from objects (simple outlines).

NATURAL HISTORY. - Twenty animals (using the word in the widest sense).  Twenty plants or parts of plants - mounted specimens.

ARITHMETIC. - Books must show definite progress from week to week. At the end of the term the teacher must specify what has been learned during the term.

COMPOSITION to give place to narration. Children to narrate the sustance of lessons in clear connected way.

WORK. - Kettle holder or knitted scarf; twelve objects in clay (see P.R. for June) or other handiworks. Doll's pinafore, from girls (all hemmed).

All written work, sums and handiwork to be sent in for inspection.

This appears to be the first programme of the PRS (Parents' Review School), later known as the PUS (Parents' Union School) for the first class, or first form, as it was to be later called. The P.U.S. Diamond Jubilee Magazine.
~ Deborah

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