
Programme for Term 1 Form I

From the Parents' Union School Diamond Jubilee Magazine page 13:

Parents' Review School

Year Ending July 31st, 1892
First Term:
Holidays, August and one week of October

1st Class. Programme for First Term

To recite beautifully and perfectly three poems, three hymns, a parable, and a psalm.

To know six stories from the Life of Abraham (Gen. xii to xx)

To know six stories from the first six chapters of St. Mark

To add and subtract numbers up to 20, with counters, dominoes, etc.

To make figures up to 10--a fortnight to be given to the mastery of each figure.

To add little sums, were the answer comes to less than 10, thus 2+3+4.

To subtract units from units, thus 8-3.

To work out and learn the multiplication table up to 3x12=36.

To sing one French song; and to do Tonic Sol-fa Lessons in P.R.

To do six Calisthenic or Swedish exercises.

To be able to copy from a book in simplest print characters, thus, A B C D E F G, etc.

To make good firm strokes and pothooks

To read 500 words. (See lessons in P.R. for August, 1891)

*To be able to tell six stories of Saxon times.

*To be able to tell six Greek stories.

To be able to tell about ten living creatures.

*To mount in scrap-book, six wild flowers, with leaves; to know their names, and whether they grow in field or hedge or marsh.

To know forty French names of things; twenty little French phrases.

*Three little pieces of work, knitting, cross-stitch, and (boys and girls) sewing.  Wild flowers, work, kindergarten work, etc. to be sent in for inspection at the end of the term.

*Listening to stories, mounting flowers, modelling in clay, etc., do not fall in lesson time.

This appears to be the first programme of the PRS (Parents' Review School), later known as the PUS (Parents' Union School) for the first class, or first form, as it was to be later called. The P.U.S. Diamond Jubilee Magazine.~ Deborah

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