
Exam for Term 96 Form IV

Examination 96.                                               M4

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. 1. Give an account of the reformation undertaken by King Josiah.
     2. Describe the dealings of Zedekiah with the prophet Jeremiah.
     3. What do you know of the witness of the prophets as regards, (a), the Siege of Jerusalem,(b), a Messiah, (c), a vision of Glory and Peace?
II. 1. What teaching does our Lord give His disciples in connection with, (a), "I am the Good Shepherd" (b), "I am the Resurrection and the Life"?
     2. (a), "How can we know the way?" (b), "Show us the Father," (c), "He shall teach you all things." Give the context in each case.
     3. Write some verses on "The Great Supper."

     Write ten lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation. (Spelling will be marked on all the Papers.)

     1. Some lines, after Goldsmith, on one of the following,--
          "The grey-ey'd morn smiles on the frowning night," Ulysses and Argus, Queen Mab.
     2. A short account of one of the following,--King George's visit to Italy, "Gulliver and the Emperor of Lilliput" (in the style of Swift), "Friar Laurence,"
     or, 3. An essay on, --
          "The mind of man flies still out of his way,
          Unless God guide and prompt it ev'ry day."

English Grammar.
     A 1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics, --
          " So gladly, from the songs of modern speech
          Men turn, and see the stars, and feel the free
          Still wind beyond the close of heavy flowers,
          And through the music of the languid hours
          They hear like ocean on the western beach
          The surge and thunder of the Odyssey."
     2. Explain, giving examples, the use of the suffixes, --ling,wise, er, an, any, ice, lent, ire.
     3. In what ways may emphasis in composition be attained? Give examples.

     1. Write a short account of the "Rape of the Lock," quoting lines where you can.
     2. What do you know of the life of Goldsmith? Describe the family of the "Vicar of Wakefield."
     3. Write a scene for acting from Waverley.

English History.
     1. Describe the character and policy of Sir Robert Walpole.
     2. Give an account of the campaign in Canada, with dates.
     3. What do you know of the work of (a), Dupleix,(b), Clive, in India?

General History.
     1. Give an account of the rise of Prussia under Frederick the Great.
     2. What do you know of (a), the reforms of Solon, (b), the teaching of Thales?
     3. Describe, shortly, Athenian education in the age of Pericles. What do you know of the Sophists?

     1. What points must be borne in mind about the "way of the Reason"? What is meant by Common Sense? Illustrate from your reading of history this term.
     2. Give instances to illustrate the magnanimity, courtesy, and fortitude, of Alexander the Great. Give an account of the intercourse between Alexander and Callisthenes.
     3. Trace briefly the steps by which the British citizen won freedom of speech and the freedom of the Press.

     1. Give a rough sketch-map of North America, putting in the divisions, boundaries and chief physical features.
     2. Describe the great plains of South America.
     3. Give an account of the Dominion of Canada.

Natural History and Botany.
     1. How do the following plants obtain food,-- yellow rattle, sundew, butterwort, mistletoe, bird's nest orchid? Describe each.
     2. (a) Make a list of the beetles you have found and describe four, or, (b), describe all that is to be found in a hedge you know of.
     3. What is a fossil? Describe, with diagrams, six kinds. What fossils have you found yourself?

General Science.
     1. How do the molecules in a liquid behave?
     2. How would you classify the following (and why), -- aphides, cricket, dragon-fly, gnat, moth bee, cockchafer, spider?

Hygience and Physiology.
     1. Explain what is understood by (a), the circulation of the blood, (b), oxygenation and blood corpuscles.
     2. Give some directions for suitable clothing.

Picture Study.
     Describe "Archimedes," by Ribera.

     1. Find the Simple Interest on £65 for 5 years at 3 1/8%.
     2. In what time will £1500 produce £219 : 7 : 6 at 4 1/2 %?
     3. Find to the nearest penny the Compound Interest on £375 : 5 : 0 for 2 years at 2 1/2 %.

     1. If a = 5, b = 1, c = 0, find the value of 3ab - 5bc + (10b/a + 3abc/4 - a/10b)
     2. Divide £9 between A and B, giving A 5 times as much as B.
     3. Solve: 6(x²-3x+2) -2(-1) = 4(x+1) (x+2) - 24.

     1. Equal chords are equidistant from the centre.
     2. The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral = 2 right angles.
     3. In a circle 2 chords P Q and R S intersect at X. Prove triangle P X S equiangular to R X Q.

     1. Write the story of "Kohl, Wolf and Ziege."
     2. Work Exercise I (b), page 193.
     3. Make sentences, using the verbs with the prefix (a), separable, (b), inseparable, -- durchreisen, übersetzen, umgehen, umziehen, unterhalten,

or, Italian.
     1. Translate into Italian, Exercise 26, page 71 (Perini), or
     2. Give the Past Participle and First Person Singular Past Definte of, -conoscere, dire, divenire, Dover, mover, and make five sentences, using the present tense of each,
     or, 2.Use, in sentences, the Italian for, -easier, less difficult, a tall man, a great man, which question? What a colour? what is the time?

     1. Write and translate sentences to show the use of, -(1), the Supine, (2), the Ablative Absolute, (3), the Locative Case.
     2. Translate on page 107 from "Duces illi" to "locasti."
     3. Translate Sentence 1 of each English into Latin Exercise between pages 107 and 117.

     1. Describe a picture in French.
     2. Translate, in French, Exercise 30, II., 1-12.
     3. Use, in sentences, the Third Person Singular and Plural of the Present and Past Definite Indicative of, -se avenger, y renoncer, le décourager, songer.

     1. An original illustration from "Waverley."
     2. A design for a Nature Note-Book cover (insects and flowers).
     3. The corner of a room with its furniture.

Musical Appreciation:
     1. Write three lines on any five of the following, The Erlking; "the cardinal virtues of good song writing"; Rosamunde; Salieri; enharmonic change; feminine and masculine endings (give illustrations), the meaning of "C" as a time signature.

     Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

     Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

     Examine in work done.

     Father to choose an English, a French, and a German song, and three exercises.

     Report progress.

     Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


Summer Examination. -- Parents and teachers examine all the work, written and otherwise, and send in their reports only. No work to be sent up. This examination is optional. Summer Reports (only) to be posted to The Director P.U.S., The House of Education, Ambleside, either before July 30th or after September 15th.
     Examination to occupy a full school week.
     Reports are enclosed to be filled up by parents or teachers on all subjects. Names in full, ages and classes to appear on the Reports. Schools and Classes should state the number of children working in each Form.

For scale of marks to be followed in all subjects see head of Report Forms.

The Director would be glad to receive (but not for examination or return) any good prose or verse compositions written in the examination.

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