
Exam for Term 96 Form III

Examination 96.                                              

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. 1. Give an account of the Invasion of Sennacherib, 701 B.C. Quote the substance of Hezekiah's prayer and Isaiah's message.
     2. Describe the writing of Jeremiah's book and the burning of it.
II. 1. Give an account of the controversy which followed the opening of the eyes of the man that was blind.
     2. Describe the occasion when the following words were used,--(a), "Dost Thou wash my feet?" What lessons did our Lord teach in this connection?
     3. Write some verses on the "Story of the Prodigal Son.'

Writing. (This subject is considered throughout the examination.)
Write ten lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation. (Spelling is marked on the whole examination.)

Composition. (This subject is also considered in all the answers.)
     1. Write some verses, which must scan (not doggerel), on one of the following,--a volcano, Thor, a bird and its nest, St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
     2. Write a letter, as from Margaret Roper, about Erasmus, or, about a "Brave Ramble thro' the Meadows."
     3. A scene for acting from "The Last of the Barons."

English Grammar.
     1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
          "We anchored by the moon;
          The golden door was open wide,
          We saw a garden-ground inside
          Where it was light as noon,
          And fairy folk looked out and spoke:
          'Come in, come in and play!'"
     2. Explain, with examples, what is meant by, (a), compound, (b), co-ordinate, (c), complex sentences.
     3. Give examples of words in which the following prefixes are used,--ante, bis, contra, arch, inter, hemi, trans, sub, pro, ex.

     1. What do you know about the first English plays?
     2. Give some account of Sir Thomas More and his "Utopia."
     3. Sketch the characters of (a), Richard, Duke of Gloucester, (b), Queen Elizabeth, as they appear in Richard III.

English History.
     1. In what way did the fall of Constantinople lead to the spread of the New learning? What part did Erasmus, More and Colet take in this movement?
     2. How did Henry VII. get rich, and what did he do with the money?
     3. "Henry VIII., Defender of the Faith and Supreme Head on Earth of the Church." By what steps did Henry VIII. come to hold these titles?

French History. (Take questions in Form II.A.)

General History.
     1. What was the Greek city-state? Describe the manner of life of the Greeks.
     2. Give some account of the Roman soldiers in Britain. What can be seen in the British Museum in this connection?
     3. What do you know of (a), Asoka the Buddhist, (b), the Jains?

     1. Give examples to show how the Desires (a), of approbation, (b), to excel, (c), of wealth, (d), of power, are good servants but bad masters.
     2. On what occasions were the following words used? Tell the whole story in two cases. (a), "If I drink alone, all these men will faint." (b), "See where he lies, weeping like a slave upon the upon the ground." (c) "One tear of a mother's eye will wipe out ten thousand such letters."
     3. How did Alexander talk with the Philosophers of India?
     4. What do you know about the Medieval Gild? What was the business of the Gild Merchant and of the Craft Gild?

     1. Give a map of Germany, putting in the new boundaries and the chief physical features. What do you know of the early days of the German Empire?
     2. Describe (a), the Rhine, (b), the Hungarian peasant, (c), Bohemia.
     3. What do you know of the work of water underground?
     4. Give a short account of the Battle of the Saints.

Natural History and Botany.
     1. How do plants climb? Describe three different examples.
     2. Describe, with drawings, three insects you have watched, and three of the less common wild flowers you have found. Name and describe the parts of a buttercup.
     3. Describe, from personal observation if possible, the marsh-tit and the grey wagtail. What do you know of the habits of each?

General Science.
     1. What is a sunbeam? Illustrate by examples what is meant by (a), light, (b), heat, (c), hidden, waves of light.
     2. Give, with a diagram, a description of Saturn. What planets have you seen yourself?

Picture Study.
     Describe "St. Peter's release from Prison," by Ribera.

     1. Find the least sum payable in florins, half-crowns or 5/- pieces.
     2. What fraction must be added to (1/3 + 1/6) to make up 5/8?
     3. How often can a 9 gallon vessel be filled from a cask holding 126 gallons?

     1. If x=-1, y=2, z=-3, a=0, find the value of: 7y - 4y + 2z - 8a + 3ax - 4zx.
     2. (4x - 2y) flocks have (7x + 3y) sheep in each. How many sheep in all?
     3. How often will 8x - 3y go into 24x² - 65xy + 21y²?

     1. From a given point in a straight line draw a perpendicular.
     2. The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal.
     3. The diagonals of a rhombus bisect one another.

     1. Describe, in German, the picture on page 2.
     2. Translate into German, page 169, V., 1-8.
     3. Make sentences, using in the plural the words, --Tier, Fuss, Kopf, Katze, Zunge, Bein.

     1. Translate into Italian, Exercise 26, page 71 (Perini), or (Grillo), page 196, 2, 1-10.
     2. Give the Past Participle and First Person Singular Past Definite of, --conoscere, dire, divenire, dovere, muovere, and make five sentences, using the present tense of each,
     or, 2. Use, in sentences, the Italian for,--easier, less difficult, a tall man, a great man, which question? What a colour? What is the time?

     1. Conjugate the Future Indicative Passive and Perfect Subjunctive Passive of rego and audio.
     2. Translate Gradation, § 12, page 15.
     3. Give Nominative and Genitive Singular and gender of each noun in the first 4 lines of § 12.

     1. Describe, in French, "Les Vendanges," or, a story from "Histoire d' un Chien."
     2. Translate into French,--page 172, I. (1).
     3. Work Exercise 28, page 176, I., 1, using the Third Person Singular and Plural.

     1. An original illustration, with title, from Richard III.
     2. A table with books and bowl of flowers.
     3. A design for a plate from a trailing plant, such as Creeping Jenny.

Music Appreciation:
     1. Write a few lines on any three of the compositions of Schubert you have enjoyed.

     Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

     Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

     Examine in work done.

     Father to choose an English, a French, and a German song, and three exercises.

     Report progress.

     Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


Summer Examination.--Parents and teachers examine all the work, written and otherwise, and send in their reports only. No work to be sent up. This examination is optional. Summer Reports (only) to be posted to The Director P.U.S., The House of Education, Ambleside, either before July 30th or after September 15th. Examination to occupy a full school week.
Reports are enclosed to be filled up by parents or teachers on all subjects. Names in full, ages and classes to appear on the Reports. Schools and Classes should state the number of children working in each Form. For scale of marks to be followed in all subjects see head of Report Forms.
The Director would be glad to receive (but not for examination or return) any good prose or verse compositions written in the examination.

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