
Exam for Term 96 Form II

Examination 96.                                               M2

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

FORM II., (A & B).

PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. A & B 1. Why did Hannah call her child Samuel? How did she lend him to the Lord? What lessons may we learn?
     2. Describe the meeting of the National Assembly at Ramah. What did the people want?
A 3. (a), "Teach us what we shall do unto the child."
(b), "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." When were these words used? Tell the whole story in each case.
II. A & B 1. Give an account of the Ascension of our Lord. What followed some days later?
     2. How did Gamaliel defend the apostles? What do you know of Simon Magnus and his request?
A 3. Write what you can of St. Peter's first sermon. What was the result of it?

Write (A), 4, (B), 2 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared).
A Bulfinch's Age of Fable, page 21, "Jupiter address . . . . hour."
B The Heroes of Asgard, page 42, "After . . . glittering."

     1. A story in prose, or verse (not doggerel), about one of the following:--Christopher Columbus, "The White Lady of Avenel," "Freyja," "Baldur," Etna.
     2. Describe your favourite scene from Henry VIII.

English Grammar.
A 1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
     "There was a roaring in the wind all night;
     The rain came heavily and fell in floods;
     But now the sun is rising calm and bright;
     The birds are singing in the distant woods."
     2. Give examples in sentences of four kinds of adverb.
     3. What is a complex sentence? Give examples of the three kinds of subordinate clauses.
B 1. Pick out Subjects and Predicates in line (1) above, and parse each word in line (3).
     2. Make three sentences each containing a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, and a preposition.

English History.
A & B 1. What had Henry VIII. and Louis XII. to do with the battle of Flodden? Describe the battle.
     2. What do you know of Perkin Warbeck, Cardinal Wolsey, Martin Luther?
A 3. Given some account of the invention of printing.

French History.
A 1. Describe the meeting of Louis XI. and the Duke of Burgundy at Peronne.
     2. What do you know of Charles VIII. in Italy?
     3. Give an account of the battle of Marignano.
B 1. What do you know of Jacques Coeur?
     2. Tell how the Chevalier Bayard defended the town of Mezieres.

General History.
A 1. Where would you place the following names in your Century Book,--Julies Caesar, Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius? Write a few lines about each.
     2. Write a short account of Philip II. of Macedonia.

A 1. Why and how did Alexander teach his men "to acquaint themselves with hardness"?
     2. How did Alexander go to war with King Poros? Give the whole story.
     3. A service was recently held at Runnymede to commemorate the signing of Magna Charta. Show why it was such an important event.
B 1. Tell the story of the two Fabii.

A 1. Give a map of Hampshire, putting in the boundaries and physical features. What do you know of "The Island"?
     2. Give some account of the Romans in Kent. What do you know of Richborough in the Great War?
     3. Describe a journey from Liverpool to Quebec.
     4. How did Nelson close the sea-ways to Napoleon in Egypt?
B 1. Where are the cotton towns? Describe a visit to a cotton mill.
     2. What do you know of the dales and western moors of Yorkshire? Tell a tale of old York.
     3. Make a list of the countries you would visit in going round the British Empire, and say where each is to be found on a map of the world.
     4. What do you know of Nelson when he was lieutenant to the "Lowestoffe"?

Natural History.
A 1. What is a phonograph? Explain how it works.
     2. How does the earthworm move and feed? Describe fully a sea-worm, a prawn.
A & B 3. Write, with drawings, a description of six wild flowers and six insects you have found.
B 1. Describe two experiments to show how electricity acts. What is a magnet? What experiments can be made with a bar magnet?
     2. How do sponges live? Describe two kinds of "lasso throwers."

Picture Study.
A & B Describe "The Blessing of Jacob," by Ribera.

A 1. How many inches in (1 5/6 - 1/8 - 3/4) of a foot?
     2. A man spent 2/3 of his money and then 1/9 of it; what remained out of £540:18:9?
     3. If 12 cwt/ of steel; cost $168, what will 147 cwt. cost?
B 1. How many tickets worth 2/6 can be got for £7:12:6?
     2. A clock is 3 minutes slow, but gains 3 seconds each hour; how long will it take to be right?
     3. How often does a wheel, 22 feet round, turn in 8 miles?

Practical Geometry.
A 1. In two different ways draw through any point P a parallel to AB.
     2. Bisect a given straight line.
     3. Draw a line AB, and at A make (1) a right angle, (2) an angle of 30 degrees.

A 1. Write four Latin proverbs and their meaning.
     2. Translate page 55, § 100, & sentences 1-10.
     3. Translate page 93, § 98 A,
     or, 1. Decline, tu, hic, and relative qui.
     2. Translate pages 112 and 114, § B, Latin into English, 3-7.
     3. Translate pages 112 and 114 § B, English into Latin, 3-7.

A 1. Describe, in French, picture 11, page 42.
     2. Narrate "Le Soldat Blessé."
     3. Use, in sentences, the feminine of,--beau, nouveau, vieux, bon, mignon.
B 1. Describe, in French, the picture on page 2.
     2. Makes sentences, using the words, du, de la, des, au, aux, à l.

Drawing. (Paper must be cut to "Cambridge" size, and work done with brush and colour.)
A & B 1. An illustration from Marmion, with title.
     2. A design for a book cover of a wild flower visited by an insect (one that you have watched).

Musical Appreciation.
     What works of Schubert have you heard this term? Tell what you can about one of them.

     Father to choose a hymn, a poem, or a scene from Henry V., and two passages from the Bible Lessons.

     Father to choose an unseen passage, giving marks for enunciation.

     Examine in work done and report upon stage reached.

     Father to choose an English and a French song, and two tonic sol-fa exercises.

     Drill, before parents.

     Outside friend to examine, but list of handicrafts completed to appear on Report Form.


-- Summer Examination.--Parents and teachers examine all the work, written and otherwise, and send in their reports only. No work to be sent up. This examination is optional. Summer reports (only) to be posted to The Director P.U.S., The House of Education, Ambleside, either before July 30th or after September 15th.
-- Examination to occupy a full school week.
-- Reports are enclosed to be filled up by parents or teachers on all subjects. Names in full, ages and classes to appear on the Reports. Schools and Classes should state the number of children working in each Form.
-- For scale of marks to be followed in all subjects see head of Report Forms.
--The Director would be glad to receive (but not for examination or return) any good prose or verse compositions written in the examination.

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