
Exam for Term 95 Form IV

Examination 95.                                               M4

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. 1. Give an account of Elijah's dealings with Ahab.
     2. Contrast Elijah and Elisha. What part did Elisha play (a), at the siege of Samaria, (b), in the revolution of Jehu?
     3. What do you know of the witness of Amos and Hosea?
II. 1. On what occasions did John the Baptist bear record of Christ? Give the substance of each record.
     2. Give, and comment upon, our Lord's conversation with Nicodemus.
     3. What miracle did our Lord perform at the Pool of Bethesda? Give the substance of the conversation that followed.

Writing. (Writing will be marked on all the Papers.)

Dictation. (Spelling will be marked on all the Papers.)

     1. Some lines, which must scan, on one of the following,-- Sir Geoffry Hudson, Tutankh-Amen, Desdemona, the meeting of Ulysses and Emmaeus.
     2. A short account of one of the following,-- Sir Christopher Wren, Titus Oates in Court, a day in Robinson Crusoe's life (in the style of Defoe).

English Grammar.
     1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
      "Swiftly walk over the western wave,
      Spirit of Night!
      Out of the misty Eastern cave,
      Where all the long and lone daylight,
      Thou wovest dreams of joy and fear,
      Which make the terrible and drear--
      Swift be thy flight!
     2. Give the derivation of the words, --canter,laconic, muslin, cherry, florin, guinea, academy, lumber, rhubarb. Give six examples of (a) words disguised in form,(b)words that have changed in meaning.
     3. What do you understand by Iambic verse? Give examples.

 1. Write an account of Defoe and his work.
 2. Show in what ways Dryden was the expression of his time.
 3. Describe, shortly, Othello, Act I., Scene III.: Othello summoned before a Council.
 4. "The infernal peers sit in counsel in Pandemonium." Describe the "great consult" (Paradise Lost, Book II.).

English History.
     1. Describe fully the Revolution of 1689. In what ways did it differ from that of 1641?
     2. Give some account of the struggle with the Dutch in Charles II's reign.

General History.
     1. Write a short account of the beginnings of Russia. What do you know of Peter the Great?
     2. Describe the rise of Cretan civilization (3000-2000 B.C.).

     1. In what ways do the five senses serve the body, and in What ways may they become tyrants? Mention some nice new sounds you have heard.
     2. Show fully why Alexander regarded Aristotle as his father. What did Alexander think of Homer?
     3. Give some account of Alexander at the Siege of Tyre, including his message to Leonidas.
     4. What is a citizen? Mention some of the privileges of citizenship.

     1. Give a rough sketch-map of Central Africa, putting in the boundaries, divisions and physical features. Write a short account of the discoveries made in Central Africa.
     2. What do you know of The Soudan, The Barbary States, The Sahara?
     3. How did Lord Barham plan to outwit Villeneuve?

Natural History and Botany.
     1. Describe the following and say where each is to be found, --tin stone, lead ore, hematite, loadstones, serpentine, alabaster, granite.
     2. What do you understand by rhizome, corm, bulb? Give examples and diagrams. What is a potato?
     3. Describe, with diagrams, the growth of a seedling you have watched.

General Science.
     1. Write a short account of crystals and their growth.
     2. What animals belong to the following groups,--annulosa, crustacea, protozoa, mollusca? How would you classify a hedgehog, a bat, a squirrel, a cat, a cow?

Hygience and Physiology.
     1. Show that there are different kinds of work, and that hobbies are necessary for everyone. Give examples.
     2. What are the three factors of motion? Explain the movements of locomotion.

Picture Study.
     Describe one of Raphael's groups from "The School of Athens."

     1. If 96% of a school are in attendance, how many are present out of 550?
     2. A man buys 60 oranges at 5 for 2d. and sells half at 2 a 1d. and half at 3 a 1d. How much is gained or lost per cent?
     3. An article is sold for £73 : 3 : 0 at a loss of 5%; at what price should it be sold to gain 15%?

     1.Equal chords are equidistant from the centre.
     2. Of all straight lines drawn to the circumference from an external point, state and prove which is greatest, which least.
     3. Find the locus of the middle points of equal chords of a circle.

     1. Simplify; 12(x+y)- [2x-{3y-2(5x+y)}].
     2. Solve: 3x/4 - 5x/8 +6 = x/2
     3. What must be added to (2a-3b)x+(4b-3c)y to make (3a+2b)x-(4b+3c)y?

     1. Write the story of "Der Listige Reisende."
     2. Work exercise, page 189. II., 1-10, and say what case is governed by each preposition.
     3. Use in sentences, the Third Person Singular Perfect Indicative of,--sprechen, bitten, reiten, beissen, sterben, lassen.

or, Italian.
     1. Translate into Italian Exercise 28, 1-10 (Perini), or, page 192, 2, 1-10 (Grillo).
     2. Give the Past Participle and Past Definite of, --andare, bisognare, dolere, piacere, ardere. Make five sentences, using the present tense of each.
     or, 2. Give examples to show in what (5) ways feminine nouns are formed.

     1. Decline, --istud consilium, haec fabula.
     2. Use, in sentences, --dederitis, regitis, mouistis, dixerant, muniverunt, ducent.
     3. Translate into English and retranslate into Latin, Exercise LI., from "Bene" to "potes.".

     1. Write, in French, one of La Fontaine's Fables.
     2. Translate into French page 167, IV., "They left . . . flags."
     3. Work Exercise II., 1-10, page 168.

     1. An original illustration, with title, from "Peveril of the Peak."
     2. A figure with a musical instrument.
     3. A design for a plate, in twigs.

Musical Appreciation:
     Write a few lines on each of the following by Debussy, -- "The Children's Corner," "Le Noel des Enfants," "Suite Bergamasque."

     Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

     Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

     Examine in work done.

     Father to choose an English, a French, and a German song, and three exercises.

     Report progress.

     Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


N.B. 1.--Examination to begin on Wednesday, March 21st, or April 4th. Papers to be posted on Wednesday, March 28, or April 11th, with no other enclosures.
     2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report according to Regulations.
     3.--Members are asked to read the Regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of the subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or(c) the name of the member does not appear.
     4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.
     5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of papers to be sent in by Schools, e.g., papers from I A or B, II A or B. Mom to an only child, 11th grade.

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