
Exam for Term 95 Form III

Examination 95.                                               M3

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. 1. Describe the revelation to Elijah on Mount Horeb. What lesson may we learn?
     2. (a), "Whence comest thou, Gehazi?" (b), "Is it well with the child?" Describe the occasions on which these words were used.
II. 1. Describe our Lord's first miracle.
     2. How did our Lord talk with the Woman of Samaria? What did she learn?
     3. Where did the feeding of the Five Thousand take place? Describe the whole scene. What lessons may we learn?

Writing. (Writing will be marked on the whole examination.)

Dictation. (Spelling will be marked on the whole examination.)

Composition. (This subject will also be considered in all the answers.)
     1. Write some verses, which must scan (not doggerel), on one of the following,--The first wild flower of the year, The Unicorn, Maitre Pierre, Joan of Arc.
     2. Write an invitation for "a day in the snow," and accept an invitation to a concert,
     or, 2 Write an essay on The Discovery of Hidden Treasure.
nbsp;    3. Shakespeare's Henry V.-- nbsp;    nbsp;    A Act I., Scene I., "O! . . . employment." nbsp;    nbsp;    B Act I., Scene II., "For so work...velvet buds."

English Grammar.
     1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
          "As I was walking in the rain
          I met a fairy down a lane.
          We walked along the road together,
          I soon forgot about the weather.
          He told me lots of lovely things:
          The story that the robin sings,
          And where the rabbits go to school."
     2. Give examples, in sentences, to show how (a), the Subject, (b), the Predicate of a sentence may be enlarged.
     3. Give examples of words with the following prefixes (8 of each),--be, gain, mis, all, in, over, under.
B 1. Pick out Subjects and Predicates in 1 (above), and parse each word in live 4.
     2. Show, in two sentences each, what work is done by an adjective, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction.

     1. How did Canterbury Tales come to be written? What do you know of one of them?
     2. Describe part of the vision of "Piers the Ploughman."
     3. Describe (a), John of Gaunt at Ely House (Richard II.), quoting lines if you can, or, (b) how Quentin Durward saved the life of Louis XI.

English History.
     1. Write, as far as you can in the style of Froissart, an account of the battle of Poitiers, or, of Caen.
     2. "The reign of Henry IV. is an interesting and important one." Show in what ways.
     3. Describe the character of Henry V. What were the chief events of his reign?
     4. Describe the taking of Linlithgow Castle.

French History. (Take questions in Form II.A.)

General History.
     1. What do you know of (a), the beginning of civilization in the valley of the Nile, (b), the Sumerians?
     2. Give an account o the Lake-dwellers.
     3. Write a short sketch of Gautama Buddha.

     1. Describe (a), the meeting of Alexander with Diogenes, (b), how Alexander crossed the river Granicus.
     2. OHow did Alexander spend his days at a time of leisure?
     3. "History and Literature are pleasant domains in the world of mind." Show that this is true by making a list of things you have enjoyed in this term's reading.
     4. How did Edward I. and Edward II. help to increase English trade? What effect had the wool trade on beautiful buildings of England?

     1. Give a map of Switzerland, putting in the chief physical features. Describe the view from the St. Gothard, and, sunrise on the Rigi.
     2. What are the boundaries of Italy? Mention any recent changes. Describe the "cities of Northern Italy."
     3. What do you know of the movements of the air?
     4. Describe a Ship-of-the-line.

Natural History and Botany.
     1. Why is light so important to plants? Describe the growth of a seedling you have watched.
     2. Describe, with examples and drawings, the work done by roots.
     3. What do you know of the habits of the starling and of the nuthatch?

     1. Write an account of the planet Mars.

Picture Study.
     Describe Raphael's St. Cecilia.

     1. If it costs £17,121,280 to make the Suez Canal and it is 110 miles long, how much did it cost (1) per mile, (2) per yard?
     2. If a loaf weighs 4 lbs. and costs 5 1/2d., find the price of 1 cwt. of bread; find how many loaves can be bought for £37: 16: 3.
     3. A measure containing 1 l. 57 cl. is filled as often as possible from a cask containing 3 hl. 52 l. How often can it be filled and how much remains over?

     1. Construct a triangle ABC, with AB = 5 cm, AC = 3 · 5 cm, and an angle ABC = 30 degrees. How many triangles satisfy these conditions?
     2. State and prove the Theorem of Pythagoras.
     3. Construct a quadrilateral ABCD with AB = 1 · 5 cm, BC = 2 · 5 cm, CD = 3 cm, DA = 3 cm, and angle ADC = 30 degrees; convert it into a triangle of equal area.

     1. How does Algebra differ from arithmetic? Define,--factor, coefficient, index, cube; give an example of each.
     2. Express in pence,--£x; 3y/-; £a:b:c; £5x:2y:3z.
     3. If a=5, b=2, c=1, x-6, y=3, find the value of,--
          (1) 20cxy/3abc
          (2) 5/18abcxy

     1. Describe, in German, the picture to Lesson 16.
     2. Give the comparison of hoch, gut, viel, lang, nah, kurz.
     3. Translate into German, page 182, III., 1-10.

     1. Translate into Italian Exercise 23, 1-10 (Perini), or, page 192, 2, 1-10 (Grillo).
     2. Give the Past Participle and Past Definite of,--andare, bisognare, dolere, piacere, ardere. Make five sentences, using the present tense of each,
     or, 2. Give examples to show in what (5) ways feminine nouns are formed.

     1. Decline,--tempus longum, bina vetera castra, ficus magna.
     2. Translate,--reget, respondet, vetet, ducant, erant, regunt, timebunt, vicerunt, posuissent.
     3. Translate "Scott & Jones," II., § 229, or "Dr. Smith," Exercise 28, B 1.

     A 1. Describe, in French, "Un Naufrage," or,
     2. Use, in sentences, the First Person Singular Past Definite and Past Indefinite of,--boire, conduire, valoir, pouvoir, venir, mettre, s'en aller.
     3. Write Exercise 24, II., 1-10.

     1. A figure in three positions.
     2. An illustration, with title, from "Quentin Durward."
     3. Some catkins in a vase.

     Write a few lines on any three of the compositions of Debussy you have enjoyed.

     Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

     Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

     Examine in work done.

     Father to choose an English, a French, and a German song, and three exercises.

     Report progress.

     Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


N.B. 1.--Examination to begin on Wednesday, March 21st, or April 4th. Papers to be posted on Wednesday, March 28, or April 11th, with no other enclosures.
2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report according to Regulations.
3.--Members are asked to read the Regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of the subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or (c) the name of the member does not appear.
4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.
5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of pages to be sent in by Schools, e.g. papers from I A or B, II A or B.

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