
Exam for Term 95 Form II

Examination 95.                                               M2

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

FORM II., (A & B).

PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. A & B 1. Give an account of the last talk of Joshua with people of Israel.
     2. How was Gideon called to his work? Tell the whole story. What lesson may we learn?
A 3. "This day we perceive that the Lord is among us." When did Phinehas use these words? Tell the whole story.
     3. What do you know of the witness of Amos and Hosea?
II. A & B 1. Give an account of our Lord's last supper with His disciples.
     2. What events in our Lord's life do we think of on Easter Sunday?
A 3. Describe two occasions when our Lord spoke about children.

Write (A), 4, (B), 2 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation. (unprepared)
Shakespeare's Henry V.--
A Act I., Scene I., "O! . . . employment."
B Act I., Scene II., "For so work...velvet buds."

     1. A story in prose, or verse (not doggerel), of one of the following,--The Phoenix, Thor, King Rene, Charles the Bold, Henry V.
     2. Describe one of the camp scenes at Agincourt (from Henry V.).
     3. Write a letter inviting a friend to tea, and another of thanks for an expedition to some place of interest, e.g., the Zoological Gardens.

English Grammar.
A 1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
           "He used to be a fairy once,
           A little singing fairy:
           He would not work, he would not play,
           He only sat and sang all day--
           So now he's a canary."
     2. Use, in sentences, the past tense and past participles of the verbs, --hide, behold, lay, spin, lie, slay, eat, wear, swim, sow.
     3. Give, in sentences, examples of the five kinds of Predicate and the six kinds of Object.
B 1. Pick out Subjects and Predicates in 1 (above), and parse each word in line 4.
     2. Show, in two sentences each, what work is done by an adjective, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction.

English History.
A & B 1. Write an account of the battle of Crecy.
     2. What do you know of two of the following,--James of Douglas, Robert Bruce, John Wyclife, Chaucer?
A 3. Describe the rebellion of Wat Tyler.

French History.
A & B 1. Give, shortly, the story of Joan of Arc.
     2. What do you know of Etienne Marcel?
A 3. Write what you know of two of the following,--the Flemings, Du Guescliu, the Gabelle.

General History.
A 1. What is known of the history of the Cave Dwellers?
     2. How were the citizens of Sparta trained? Describe the life of the people of Athens at the time of their greatness.

A 1. Write an account of Alexander the Great and Bucephalus.
     2. How did Alexander behave when ill towards his physician Philip?
B 1. Tell how Decius loved his country better than himself.

A 1. Give a map of Devonshire, putting in the chief towns and physical features.
     2. Describe the Eddystone, the Mendips, Salisbury Plain and Stonehenge.
     3. What are the great trade routes of the Empire? How do we defend them?
     4. Give a short account of Anson's voyage round the world.
B 1. Where are the great coal-fields? Describe a coal-pit.
     2. Describe Helvellyn and Derwentwater.
     3. What do you know about Admiral Hawke?
     4. What is the work of the India Office, the Colonial Office, the Foreign Office?

Natural History
A 1. Manchester gets its water from Lake Thirlmere. Explain how this is possible.
     2. Describe, with a drawing, a periwinkle, a mussel, a limpet, a sea slug.
A & B 3. Describe the leaf-buds of the ask, oak, sycamore, beech, hazel, alder, and the catkins of three trees. B 1. Can you explain how a steam-engine works?
     2. What do you know about Thread-slime, Infusoria, a Miliolite, a Nummulite?

Picture Study.
A & B Describe Raphael's "St. Paul preaching at Athens."

A 1. Write down the values of,--1/2, 1/3, 1/40, 3/8, 3/20, of £1
     2. If 3 books cost £2: 9: 4, but one costs twice as much s each of the other two, find the cost of each.
     3. If 11/15 of a road is mended in 22 weeks (of 6 days), what fraction is done in one day?
B 1. Draw a plan of a room 35x30 ft. (10 ft. to one inch). Find the area.
     2. Find the cost of 81 articles at 3 British pounds: 14: 7 1/2 each.
     3. If 2 boys have 36 books, but of these one has twice as many as the other, how many has each boy?

Practical Geometry.
A 1. Define and make figures of the following angles,--acute, obtuse, vertically opposite.
     2. 2. With ruler and compasses make an angle equal to a given angle.

A 1. Write the Present Tense Indicative of sum, porto, habeo.
     2. Translate § 39, page 22; § 46 A, page 82 (Scott & Jones),
or, 1. Compare,--pulcher, similis, bonus.
     2. Translate into English pages 108 A, 1-6; 114 A, 1-6; and into Latin pages 110 A, 1-6; 113 A, 1-6 (Smith).

A 1. Describe, in French, picture 27, page 107.
     2. Narrate, in French, "L'Eclipse de Lune."
     3. Work exercise 4, page 182.
B 1. Describe, in French, picture 7 on page 27.
     2. Make sentences, using the French for,--one, the first, mid-day, 1-15, 3-45.

Drawing: (Paper must be cut to "Cambridge" size, and work done with brush and colour.)
A & B 1. An illustration from Henry V., with a title.
     2. Two kinds of twigs in a vase.

Musical Appreciation:
     What works of Debussy have you learned this term? Tell what you can about one of them.

Recitations: *
     Father to choose a hymn, a poem, or a scene from Henry V., and two passages from the Bible Lessons.

Reading: *
     Father to choose an unseen passage, giving marks for enunciation.

Music: *
     Examine in work done and report upon stage reached.

Singing: *
     Father to choose an English and a French song, and two tonic sol-fa exercises.

Drill. *
     Drill, before parents.

Work: *
     Outside friend to examine, but list of handicrafts completed to appear on Report Form.


N.B. 1.--Examination to begin on Wednesday, March 21st, or April 4th. Papers to be posted on Wednesday, March 28, or April 11th, with no other enclosures.
2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report according to Regulations.
3.--Members are asked to read the Regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of the subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or (c) the name of the member does not appear.
4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.
5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of pages to be sent in by Schools, e.g. papers from I A or B, II A or B.

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