
Exam for Term 94 Form IV

Examination 94.                                               M,

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
1. How did Solomon organise the building of the Temple? Give a summary of his Dedication.
2. "To your tents, o Israel!" Describe the cause and the course of the Great Rebellion.
3. Why did Jeroboam set up two calves of gold? Describe the denunciation that followed at Bethel.
4. Give an account of St. Paul's defence before Felix.
5. What was the substance of St. Paul's epistles, (a), to the Colossians, (b), to Timothy?
6. When did Christ say,--"I thank Thee, O Father"? Describe the occasion.

Writing. (Writing is considered throughout the Papers.)

Dictation. (Spelling is considered throughout the Papers.)

  1. Write an essay on (a), the "Melancholy Jacques," or, (b), an election speech,
or, (c), and account of a bad night at Woodstock.
  2. (Compose some?) lines which must (scan?), not doggerel, on one of the following,--The visit of Ulysses to Hell, Wireless, Clouds.

English Grammar.
  1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
     "At Charing-Cross, hard by the way,
     Where we (thou know'st) do sell our hay,
     There is a house with stairs;
     And there did I see coming down
     Such folk as are not in our town,
     Forty at least, in pairs."
  2. Give rules, with examples, for the use of the colon, the semi-colon, the comma.
  3. Give a list of (a), words derived from the names of persons, (b), words derived from the Latin,--ago, altus, animus, corpus, flos, dens, caput, litera, locus, do.

   1. What do you know of the "Parson Poet," Herrick and Marvell? Quote some lines or passages.
   2. Give some account of Bunyan and his great work.
   3. Tell the story of "Samson Agonistes," quoting ?? lines.
   4. Write an essay showing for what reasons Carlyle takes Cromwell for a hero.

English History.
   1. Describe the King's (Charles I.'s) gradual decline from constitutional government.
   2. Describe the New Model Army and trace the growth of Cromwell's power.

General History.
   1. Describe the opening of the Thirty Years' War. What do you know of Tilly, Wallenstein, and Gustavus Adolphus?
   2. Describe the Rosetta Stone. How was it discovered, and how interpreted? What do you know of Darius?

   1. Show how the Body is equipped with Servants, and how each has its perils, and how each of these may be met.
   2. Compare and contrast the characters of Cassius and Brutus, giving illustrations.
   3. How did Cassius comfort Brutus after the latter had seen a spirit?
   4. Show fully by what courts and what judges Law is administered.

   1. Describe in detail (a), the valley of the Gagnes, and (b), the Deccan.
   2. What do you know of Korea and Thibet?
   3. Give some account of Jeypore.
   4. Describe the "great chase" of Villeneuve.

Natural History and Botany.
   1. What have you to say about lava, plutonic rocks?
   2. Describe in detail the lily family. Name some other monocotelydons.
   3. What records can you make of wild fruits seen this term?

General Science.
   1. What have you to say about atoms, molecules, and laughing gas?
   2. Describe the composition of water. Show how each of the two elements behaves.

Hygiene and Physiology.
   1. Describe the structure and functions of the brain.

1. (Calculate?) the difference between the Banker's Discount and the True Discount on a bill for £1000 due in 10 weeks at 3 1/2 %.
2. (Determine?) the cash value and the income derived from ?6788 of 8% stock at 99.
3. Which is the better investment, 8 per cents. at 89 or 4 per cents. at 110?

   1. (Draw?) a right angled triangle the square described on the hypoteneuse is equal to the sum of the squares described on the other two sides.
   2. To draw a triangle equal in area to a given quadrilateral.?? ??
   3. (??der) 65 feet long reaches to a point in the face of a house 63 feet above the ground. How far is the (foot?) from the house?

  . Multiply 8x squared + 4x + 1 by 2, by -2, by 4x squared.
  2. Divide x squared - 5x + c by x - 2.
  3. Multiply (a + b)x + (b + c)y - {(a - b)x - (b - c)y}

  1. Recite the story of "Was Hanschen nicht lernt, das lernt Hans nimmermehr."
  2. Which prepositions govern the dative only? Make sentences with four.
  3. Use in sentences, the pronouns,--den, dessen, denen, ??em, das, jedermann.

  1. (Translate?) with Italian (Perini) Exercise xvi., sentences 1-6, or (Grillo) Exercise 2, page 181, sentences 1-6.
  2. Conjugate the Present, Past Definite and Conditional of furire, and the same tenses in the Passive Voice of stimare.
  3. Use in sentences, the plural of l'amico, l'uomo, il grido, il braccio, il lapis.

  1. Translate into English and retranslate into Latin--Exercise 89 (a), "Hodie . . . dabit."
  2. (??) Exercise 36 (e), using the adjectives,--tener, ??ster, bonus, justus.
  3. (Write?) up six sentences to show the use of (a), the comparative, (b), the dative.

  1. Describe, in French, the story of Les Femmes Savantes.
  2. Use the comparative and superlative of,--un bon clive, vous travailles bien, un mauvais exemple, ?? langue difficile.
  3. Translate into French Exercise 22, page 165 IV., first half.

(Note--remainder of this exam is from an unidentified exam that I'm guessing is for Form IV; since there are no complete samples of a Form IV exam, this will give an idea of the kinds of questions asked at this level.)

     1. An original illustration from As You Like It.
     2. A study of a dog.
     3. A design in wild fruits for a book cover.

Musical Appreciation.
     1. Write a short account of the Brahms-Wagner controversy, or, relate some of the incidents connected with the intimacy of Brahms with the Schumann family.
     2. Write three lines from any five of the following:--Joseph Joachim, Johann Strauss the younger, the "Sos(?)atensatz," Marxsen, the two versions of the "Waltzes," Brahms' treatment of German folk song Remenyi.

Recitations. *
     Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

Reading. *
     Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

Music. *
     Examine in work done.

Singing. *
     Father to choose an English, a French and a German song, and three excercises.

Drill. *
     Report progress.

Work. *
      Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


N.B. 1.--Examination to begin on Monday, December 11th. papers will be posted on Saturday, December 16th. with no other enclosures.
2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report. According to Regulations.

3.--Members are asked to read the Regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or (c) the name of the member does not appear.

4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.

5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of Papers to be sent in by Schools.

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