
Exam for Term 94 Form III

Examination 94.                                               M,

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I. 1. "Ask what I shall give thee." What did Solomon ask of God? What do we know of his knowledge and power?
      2. "Describe the visit of the Queen of Sheba and the magnificence of Solomon.
      3. Write the story of Jeroboam and the prophet Abijah.
II.1. "Suffer me to speak unto the people." Write what you can of St. Paul's address on this occasion.
      2. Describe the journey of St. Paul in a ship of Adramyttinm.
      3. Write notes on "and who is my neighbor?"

Writing (writing will be considered throughout the Papers.)

Dictation. (Spelling will be taken into account throughout the Papers.)

Composition. (This subject will also be considered in all answers.)
      1. Some verses which must scan (not doggerel) or one of the following,--the floating mists (of fogs) of autumn, Sir William Wallace, Evander.
      2. Write (a), a scene for a christmas play from Ivanhoe, or (b), a description of three of your favorite games, or (c), a letter to a friend in India on general news.

English Grammar.
      1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,
          ''Sallow autumn fills thy lap with leaves,
          Or winter yelling through the troublous air,
          Affrights thy shrinking train
          And rudely rends thy robe."
      2. Give examples, in sentences, showing, (a), verbs that take two nominatives, (b), the use of the Dative Case, (c), verbs that take two objects.
      When should Who be used and when Which? Give examples. How can we tell what verbs to use after a collective noun? Examples.

      1. Write in the style of Joinville of how St. Louis (a) did justice in his land, (b), took possession of Damietta.
      2. Describe the "lists" at Ashby de la Zouche from Ivanhoe.
      3. Describe a scene in King John in which King Philip and King John meet.

English History.
      1. Give some account of the causes that led to the quarrel between Henry II and Thomas a Becket.
      2. What do you know of Simon de Montfort and his work?
      3. Write a short account of Robert the Bruce.

French History.
      1. Give an account of the war with Flanders in 1298. What was the end of it? What do "Flanders Poppies" stand for?
      2. What do you know of (a), The Sicilian Vesper, (b), The Estates General, (c), The Knights Templars?

General History.
      1. What reminders have we in the British Museum of Nabopolassar and of Darius?
      2. What do you know about the Vedas and their writers?

      1. What do you know about the Government of Mansoul? How do Hunger and Thirst behave? Show that they may change in character.
      2. Give an account of the way in which Brutus and Cassius prepared for the battle of the Philippian Fields. How did Lucilius save the life of Brutus?
      3. What is our duty towards foreign countries?
      4. "India is a continent and not a country." Explain this, and say what you know about the peoples and religions of India.

      1. Give an account of Belgium, adding anything you can about its recent history.
      2. Give a map of Spain, putting in the boundaries, towns, and chief physical features. Describe this "Sunny South."
      3. What difficulties have neutral countries to face in tie of war? Give examples.
      4. What is the air made of? What do you understand by evaporation and condensation?

Natural History and Botany.
      1. Describe with drawings, the growth of a seedling.
      2. Explain "the leaves are the food factories of the plant."
      3. Describe ten wild fruits you have found, naming, if possible, the natural order of each.

      1. What do you know of the English Renaissance under Inigo Jones and Christopher Wren?

      1. Describe the surface of the moon, and explain what is meant by the "phases of the moon."

Picture Talk.
      1. Describer Durer's "Vision of St. Eustace."

      1. If 36 articles cost £ 3:9:9, what will 37 articles cost?
      2. How many days should 3 men take to finish a work of which 27 men have done half in 30 days?
      3. Find the income tax on £ 1286:7:6 at 6/ in the £.

      1. Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area.
      2. Prove that a parallelogram is divided by its diagonals into four triangles of equal area.
      3. Prove that the area of a square = (side) [2].

      1. Describe, in German, the picture to Lesson 14.
      2. Translate into German page 181 V.
      3. Work Exercise II. (I), page 180.

or, Italian
      1. Translate with Italian (Perini) Exercise xvi., sentences 1-6, or (Grillo) Exercise 2, page 181, sentences 1-6.
      2. Conjugate the Present, Past Definite and Conditional of finire, and the same tenses in the Passive Voice of stimare,
      or, 2. Use, in sentences, the plural of l'amico, l'uomo, il grido, il braccio, il lapis.

      1. Work Exercise (symbol?) 101, page 49.
      2. Translate into English and retranslate into Latin, (symbol?) 120, page 60,
      or, 1. Decline duo and tres, and make sentences using the Latin for 21, 90, 16, tenth, seventh.

      1. Describe in French, "Un Acoidant de Chemin de Fer." or, "L'Homme de Neige."
      2. Repeat, il a un livre six times, inserting the following words and making the necessary changes,--plusieurs, beancoup, bous, trop, bien, trop peu.
      3. Write excercise I. 4, page 164, sentences 1-12.

      1. A cat in three positions.
      2. An illustration from King John.
      3. A memory sketch of "Squirrels."

      1. Write a few lines on any three of the compositions of Brahms you have enjoyed.

Recitations. *
      Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

Reading. *
      Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

Music. *
      Examine in work done.

Singing. *
      Father to choose an English, a French and a German song, and three excercises.

Drill. *
      Report progress.

Work. *
      Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


N.B. 1.--Examination to begin on Monday, December 11th. papers will be posted on Saturday, December 16th. with no other enclosures.

2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report. According to Regulations.

3.--Members are asked to read the Regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or (c) the name of the member does not appear.

4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.

5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of Papers to be sent in by Schools.

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