
Exam for Term 93 Form II

Examination 93.                                               M,

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

FORM II., (A and B).

PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons:
I. A&B. 1. Write the story of Balaam.
     2. What were the three great national festivals of the Israelites? Describe one of them.
A.  3. What was Balaam's sin? What lessons may we learn from the story?
II. A&B. 1. Describe our Lord's Last Supper (a), at Bethany, (b) with His disciples at the Passover.
      2. Write about two of our Lord's appearances after His Resurrection.
A.   3. What was the parable of the Marriage of the King's Son? What was its lesson (a), for the Jews, (b), for us?

   Write (A), 4, (B), 2 lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared):
   Geography Book III.-- *
A. Page 314, lines 1-13.
B. Page 312, the last 7 lines.

Write for P.U.S. magazine and send it, if really good, to Miss N. Pott, c/o P.N.E.U. Office, 26 Victoria St., S. W. 1.
   1. An account, in prose or verse, of one of the following,--the journey of the Price of Wales, the City of Tyre, Ulysses, Odin.
   2. Narrate, in writing or orally, a scene from Coriolanus or from Hereward the Wake.

English Grammar.
    1. Analyze, parsing the words in italics,--
      I am busy, said the sun,
      All my planets, every one,
      Know my work is never done."
    2. What must be remembered about nouns, in apposition, the verb to be, collective nouns, the nominative absolute? Give examples.
    3. Use the following words in sentences, each as two parts of speech,--no, only, round, that, well, why.
B  2. Pick out Subjects and Predicates in (1) above and parse each word in line 3.
    3. Give examples, in sentences, to show what are the eight parts of speech.

English History.
A&B 1. What do you know of St. Dunstan, King Edgar, St. Alphege, Caedmon?
        2. Write an account of roads in the olden days.

French History.
A&B 1. What do you know of Rollo and Robert the Pious?
   2. Describe the First Crusade.
A 3. Give some account of the capture of Jerusalem.

General History.
A 1. Give an account of the part played by the Phoenicians in the ancient world.
   2. Describe some of the relics in the British Museum which show Sennacherib's work as a builder.

A 1. How did Caius Marcius win another term?
   2. Why did marcius go disguised to the house of Tullus?
   3. Mention four of the great rules observed in English Courts of Justice. What is the work of the lawyers, of the jury and of the judge?
B 1. Write an account of the dictatorship of Cincinnatus.

A 1. Describe the north bank of the Thames.
   2. Give a map of Suffolk, putting in the boundaries, chief towns and rivers. What are the industries of this county?
   3. "It was by Sea Power that Holland rose to be a leading State." Explain this.
   4. Write a short account of the British in the history of India, with some account of the Prince of Wales' visit.
B 1. Give a rough sketch map of Yorkshire, putting in the boundaries, chief towns and rivers.
   2. Where are the cotton town? Describe a visit to a cotton mill.
   3. What do you know of Admiral Blake?
   4. What do you know of Gibraltar, Malta, the Suez canal?

Natural History.
A 1. Make a diagram which shows the sun and the planets. What have we recently heard about Mars?
   2. Write an account of the life history of the tortoise-shell butterfly, with drawings.
A&B 3. Make a list of twenty wild flowers, and say where you would expect to find each. Describe the two least common you have found.
B 1. What is a star, a comet, a planet? Can you make a drawing of Saturn?
   2. How do sponges live and grow?
   3. What do you know of the katydids of South America?

Picture Study.
   Describe Corot's,--
A "Souvenir d'Italie."
B "The Fisherman's Hut."

A 1. Multiply: 1.21 x .121 x .0121.  Divide: 4.375 by 1.26.
   2. How many times can a line .0975 inches long be cut off from a line 16.73 inches long? What will be the remainder?
   3. If I can get 50 frs. in exchange for £1, what decimal of a penny is a centime?
B 1. Find the area of a room 18ft. 9in. by 16ft. 8in. Find the length of an equally large room whose breadth is 12ft. 6in.
   2. A cubic foot of water weighs 1000 oz. Find the weight of water in a cistern 11 x 7 x 8 feet.
   3. What is the difference between four square inches and four inches square?

Practical Geometry.
A 1. The length of a rectangular field is 100 yards, the distance round is 190 yards. What is the breadth? Find the area.
   2. Given the circumference of a circle, to find its centre.

A 1. Decline hiems, dux, pater, caput, mare, manus, fides.
   2. Put adjectives to each of these nouns.
   3. Translate,--I have loved, he will love, they may advise, he was advising.

A 1. Describe, in French, picture 20.
   2. Narrate the story, "Esope et le Voyageur."
   3. Work Exercise 21, page 169, (7), 1-10.
B. 1. Describe, in French, picture 2.
     2. Work Exercise II., II. (a), 1-6.

A & B. 1. An illustration from Hereward the Wake.
      2. Choose an paint a flower border for a garden bed.
      3. A tree study.

Musical Appreciation.
   1. Give an account of the meeting between Grieg and Liszt, or, enumerate shortly any mannerisms which you may have observed in Grieg's music.
   2. Write three lines on any five of the following: Ole Bull, Vinge, Troldbaugen, Peer Gynt, Alexander Grieg, Ludwig Holdberg, Niels Gade.

Father to choose a hymn, a poem, or a scene from Shakespeare, and two passages from the Bible lessons.

 Father to choose an unseen passage, giving marks for enunciation.

 Examine in work done and report upon stage reached.

Father to choose an English, a French, and a German song, and two tonic sol-fa exercises.

 Drill, before parents.

Outside friend to examine, but a list of handicrafts completed to appear on Report Form.


Summer Examination.-- Parents and teachers examine all the work, written and otherwise, and send in their reports only. No work to be sent up. The examination is optional. Summer Reports (only) to be posted to the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside, either before July 30th or after September 15th.

Examination to occupy a full school week.

Reports are enclosed to be filled up by parents or teachers on all subjects. Names, in full, ages and classes to appear on the Reports. Schools and classes should state the number of children working in each Form.

For scale of marks to be followed in all subjects see head of Report Forms.

In IIB the pupil writes one or more answers only in each subject.

* I think this is the dictation assignment, taken from a google etext copy of Charlotte Mason's Geographical reader:

pg 312, last seven lines:
And then when the cherries are ripe, such gatherings, such merry meetings and cherry eatings! Not that the kentish folk eat all their own cherries; most of the fruit goes to Covent Gerden Market, and the waggons may be heard rumbling along all through the night to be at this London market by four next morning.

Page 314, lines 1-13:
The people of Kent divide their coTinty into three parts. One district has "health without wealth" that is the country of the breezy Downs, "the backbone of Kent," stretching through the county from Surrey to the chalk cliffs on the coast. Another district has "health and wealth"; that is the greater part of the county, especially the healthful hop-growing districts. The third division has "wealth without health." To this belongs the marshes along the mouths of the Swale and Medway, which are rich enough, for the low marshy lands produce deep, rich grass, fine cattle pastures; but though cattle thrive, men suffer ; low fever and ague are always abroad.

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