
Exam for Term 91 Form III

Examination 91.                                                                                        M,

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
IV. 1. Give an account of the secret annointing of Saul. By what signs was God's approval to be shown?
     2. "Nay, but we will have a king." What warnings did Samuel give to the people in this connection, and how did he present the king? What was the constitutional position of the king?
III. 1. "Shall Jonathon die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel?" When were these words need and why?
    2. "As long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord." Describe the occasion when these words were used, and quote from Hannah's thanksgiving.
IV. 1. Describe the vision of St. Peter. What was its significance?
     2. Give some account of the Church of Antioch, and of the city.
III. 1. Give an account of Saul of Tarsus as regards a) his education b) his conversion.
    2. Describe the mission of (a), Ananias (b), Barnabas, to Saul.
III. and IV. Show fully how our Lord's teaching of forgiveness affected people who heard it. Quote our Lord's words.

IV. and III. Write ten lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared).
IV. Act I. Scene IV. "This guest ... delicate."
III. Act I. Scene V. "They met me ... shalt be!" *

IV. 1. Write an essay on the reception of the Prince of Wales in Bombay. Can you quote any of the stanzas made by the students?
 or 1. Write a scene for acting from Cranford or Amos Barton.
     2. Write 20 lines in the metre of the Idylls on one of the following--The Prince of Wales in India, Watts' "Sir Galahad," The Sailing of the "Quest," or Aurors.
III. 1. Write an account of the welcome given to the Prince of Wales at Baroda (or some other city).
     2. Write some verses on one of the following - Watts' "Una and the Red Cross Knight," "A Crystal Orpheus," or "Jan Ridd."

English Grammar.
IV. 1. Analyze, parsing the words in italics -
        "More bounteous aspects on me beam,
          Me mightier transports move and thrill,
        So keep I fair through faith and prayer
          A virgin heart in work and will."
     2. There are eight kinds of a) Subjects, and eight kinds of b) Objects. Give examples of each in (a) and (b).
     3. Show in what different senses be, fer and mis are used as prefixes.
III. 1. Analyze, parsing the words in italics -
        "Then move the trees, the copses nod,
        Wings flutter, voices hover clear:
        O just and faithful knight of God!
        Ride on! The prize is near."
     2. Write notes on the plural forms - ladies, kine, children, cloths, clothes, shot, shots, mice, news.
     3. What are the five cases? Give examples and show the uses of each.
 or 2. Use, in sentences, the past tense of--beat, crow, win, shrink, bid, smite, eat, tear, lie, tread.
     3. Give words in which the following suffixes occur - sion, our, ure, icis, let.

IV. 1. Write a sketch of the "Sage of Chelsea," and give, as far as you can in his style, a short paragraph about Darte.
     2. Write a resume of "The Princess," quoting favorite lines.
     3. Write a sketch of Lady Macbeth.
III. 1. Write a short account of Charles Dickens, and give a scene you have enjoyed from one of his books.
     2. Make a list of the poems you have read by Tennyson, and quote lines from three of them.
     3. Show what part the witches take in the play of "Macbeth."

English History.
IV.   1. Show how Britain has come to possess so great an Empire.
 or,   1. Give an account of some great inventions of the Twentieth Century.
       2. What do you know of the Labour Party and Socialism?
IV. and III. 3. Give some account of Lord Kitchener's command in Palestine, and his last command in the Great War.
III.   1. What do you know of (a), the foreign policy of King Edward VII (b), the Union of South Africa?
        2. Write a short account of Polar exploration. What do you know of the most recent expedition?

General History.
IV. 1. Give some account of German world policy.
     2. What do you know of Napoleon III? What "tremedous disasters" occurred in his reign?
 or, 2. What do you know of the Third Republic? What two great men helped to form it?
     3. "At the end of July, 1914, the Grand Fleet disappeared from view." Describe Admiral Jellicoe's policy.
 or 3. Who were the chief Pyramid builders? What do you know of each?
III. 1. What do you know of (a), the Commune (b), the New Constitution (French) of 1875?
    2. Give a short account of the pictures in the rock tombs of Egypt.
    3. What do you know of the Fourth Crusade to Jerusalem?

IV. 1. "To think fairly requires knowledge and consideration." Illustrate by an example, and mention three subjects upon which the nation has to think fairly today.
     2. Describe the progress of Aemilius through Greece.
     3. Give the substance of the speech of Aemilius on the death of his two sons.
     4. What is to be said for and against military services as the duty of a citizen?
III. 1. "Truth is not violent." How does Botticelli portray this? What may we learn from this picture?
     2. Describe the triumph of Emilius after his victory over Persius.
     3. Friendly Societies are both good and bad. What do you know of their good work? How may a man know a bad Society?

IV. 1. What do you know of the Eastern (United) States, their situation, industries and towns?
     2. What are the Republics of South America? Describe one of them.
or, 2. What changes have taken place in Eastern Europe since the war? Sketch map.
     3. What do you know of distinguished ships and seamen that fought at Trafalgar?
III. 1. Give some account of Hungary and its people?
 or 1. Give a rough sketch map of the new frontiers of the Balkan Peninsula.
     2. Describe (a), a journey down the Volga, (b), the northern forests of Russia.
     3. Write a short account of a "great frigate captain" and his gallant Nympho.

Natural History.
IV. 1. How do plants get (a), water, (b), food? What do you understand by biennial, perennial? Give a full description of a plant illustrating each.
     2. "Of all the animals of this three-toed group the horse has the most interesting history." Sketch this history, giving a diagram.
  or 2. Write a letter in the manner of Gilbert White on what you have noticed in November.
III. 1. Give some account of plants which (a), are parasitic, (b), eat animals. Diagrams.
    2. Describe, giving examples, the three orders of crystals.

General Science.
IV. 1. Show that heat is motion. How does this apply to ice, water, steam, and the sensations of heat and cold?
     2. What have you to say about the apparent movements of the sea, the movements of the ground?
III. 1. What do you understand by a Cloister? Describe one in Italy, and one (if possible) that you have seen. Give drawings of Romanesque mouldings.
    2. What is the work of water underground? How is soil made?

Hygiene and Physiology.
IV. 1. What have you to say about the sense of hearing? Draw a diagram of the auditory apparatus.
     2. What points should be considered as to (a), the best soils for houses, (b), foundations, (c), walls?

Picture Talk.
Describe Watts' -
IV. "Progress."
III. "The People who sat in Darkness saw a Great Light."

IV. 1. Compare the Simple and Compound Interest on £21:10:0 at the end of 3 years at 4% per annum.
     2. Find the Present value and the Discount on £1000 due in 8 years at 3 1/2 per cent.
     3. How much invested in the 3 per cents. at 104 will produce an income of £800 a year?
III. 1. Simplify (a), 4 3/4 - (2 1/2 + 1 1/4).  (b), 11 5/7 - 7 5/11 divided by 11 5/7 + 7 5/11
     2. Find the value of 3 1/8 of £3: 17 : 6 .
     3. If 4/11 of a house be worth £345, what is the value of 5/13 of the house?

IV. 1. Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the center.
     2. Two tangents can be drawn to a circle from an external point.
     3. If two circles out one another, any two parallel straight lines drawn through the points of intersection to cut the circles are equal.
III. 1. If one side of a triangle is greater than another, then the angle opposite to the greater side is greater than the angle opposite to the less.
     2. Straight lines which are parallel to the same straight line are parallel to one another.
     3. If any side of a triangle is produced both ways, the exterior angles so formed are together greater than two right angles.

IV. 1. Solve the equation: 40 - 5x = 12 - x.
     2. If a = 7 + x = -18 find the numerical value of a+x/a-x + the square root of a+x/a+2x.
     3. Solve the equation: 5x - 17 + 8x - 5 = 6x - 7 - 8x + 115.

IV. 1. Translate into German, Reproduction III., page 183.
     2. Use, in sentences, the prepositions - mit, von, nach, bei, aus.
     3. Parse the pronouns and translate - (a), Der gibt nach. (b), Den liebe ich. (c), Die weiss es. (d), Des bemerkle er. (e), Demen gebe ich Alles.
III. 1. Describe, in German, picture 5.
    2. Make sentences with the words - Sohn, Wagen, Katse, Raubvogel, Fuss.

IV. and III. 1. Make sentences using the Italian for,--He has. He had. I shall have. They may have. I have had.
             2. Translate - Here it is. Here they are. I am going to Paris. I have been to Athens. My father is at home.
             3. Make three sentences, showing the different ways in which Italians address one another.

IV. 1. Translate into English and retranslate into Latin - Caesar's Belgian Campaign, chapter 80, "Ad haec ... dixerunt."
III. 1. Scott and Jones § 87, page 41.
IV. 2. Translate into Latin - Ha told me this. I lighten your work. We please you. They envy him. We obey Caesar.
     3. Decline - melior, vetus, pauper, and qui, quae, quod.
III. 2. Make the following dependent on Caesar dicit and dixit: murum aedificat, oppidum circumvenit (4 ways).

VI. 1. Describe in French, "La Distribution des Prix."
     2. Use, in sentences, the First and Third Persons Singular Imperfect Indicative of etre, triste, avoir peur, finir le travail, pourvior le voir, souffrir.
     3. Give, in sentences, the comparative and superlative of un bon eleve, vous travaillez bien, une langue difficile, un beau drame, un mauvais example.
III. 1. Give, in French, a "Causerie du Football"; or, describe La Fete du 14 Juillet.
    2. Make sentences, using either (a), the days of the week, or, (b), ne .. pas, ne .. que, ne .. que peu, tant.
    3. Make sentences, using each person of the Present Indicative of (a), pouvoir, or, (b), vouloir.

IV. and III. 1. An original illustration, with title, from "Cranford" or, "Lorna Doone."
             2. A study of a head.
             3. A design in wild fruits for a book cover.

Musical Appreciation.
     1. Into how many periods is Beethoven's life divided? State a few characteristics of each period.
     2. Comment shortly on any five of the following: - Count Resoumovsky, Choral Symphony, Albrechtsberger, Bagatallas, Sonata Pathetique, the Beethoven Rondo, the Kreutzer Sonata, Soherzo.

     Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

     Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

     Examine in work done.

     Father to choose an English, a French and a German song, and three ?

     Report progress.

     Outside friend to examine. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.


N.B. 1.--Examination to begin on Monday, December 12th. Papers to be posted on Saturday, the 17th, with no other enclosures.
       2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report according to Regulations.
       3.--Members are asked to read the Regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of the subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or (c) the name of the member does not appear.
       4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.
       5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of papers to be sent in by Schools.

* They met me in the day of success: and I have
learned by the perfectest report, they have more in
them than mortal knowledge. When I burned in desire
to question them further, they made themselves air,
into which they vanished. Whiles I stood rapt in
the wonder of it, came missives from the king, who
all-hailed me 'Thane of Cawdor;' by which title,
before, these weird sisters saluted me, and referred
me to the coming on of time, with 'Hail, king that
shalt be!'

This guest of summer,
The temple-haunting martlet, does approve,
By his loved mansionry, that the heaven's breath
Smells wooingly here: no jutty, frieze,
Buttress, nor coign of vantage, but this bird
Hath made his pendent bed and procreant cradle:
Where they most breed and haunt, I have observed,
The air is delicate.

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