
Exam for Term 91 Form II

Examination 91.                                                                                        M,

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

FORM II., (A and B)

PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


Bible Lessons.
I.   A & B 1. How was Moses trained for his work?
     2. Describe the call of Moses to his life-work.
A.  3. "Marvellous things did He in the Field of Zoan. What do we know about this place?
II.  A & B 1. Describe the "Coming of the King.
      2. Give a short account of the battle of the King after His Baptism.
A.   3. How did our Lord begin to found His Kingdom? What were some of its laws?

   Write (A), four, (B), two lines of poetry from memory.

Dictation (unprepared). *
    Arnold Forster's History of England,--
A. Page 5, "Already . . . country.
B. Page 4, "Suddenly . . . .Christ.

A & B 1. Describe your favourite scene in Macbeth.
  2. Describe the visit of the prince of Wales to one of the Indian cities.
  3. Tell a story in prose, or verse, about one of the following,--Baldur, Orion, "Mowgli, "Tom Brown, Lord Roberts, an aeroplane.

English Grammar.
1. Analyse, parsing the words in italics,--
       "Sometimes on lonely mountain-meres
       I find a magic bark;
       I leap on board: no helmsman steers:
       I float till all is dark.
A  Pick out Subjects, Predicates and Objects, and parse the words in italics.
B  Pick out Subjects and Predicates, and say what part of speech each word is in line 3.
A  2. Make three sentences, each containing one of the six kinds of words you have learned about.
    3. Use the following words, in sentences, and say what work each does,--very, into, him, alas!although.
B  2. Make sentences to show that the following words are sometimes nouns and sometimes verbs, - box, draw, cut, look, run, shake, station, round, stone, hand.

English History.
A & B 1. Write a short account of King George, and show how he is a "sea-king."
     2. What great discoveries have been made in the 19th Century? Describe one of them.
     3. How did Lord Kitchener come to be called "Kitchener of Khartoum"? What did he do in the " Great War" ?
A   4. What do you know about the earliest schools in England?

French History and the Great War.
A & B 1. Write a short account of the war of 1870 between France and Prussia.
   2. Describe the siege and the fall of Kut in the Great War.
   3. Give some account of Lord Allenby in Palestine.

General History.
A  1. "Therefore I am making you love literature as your mother," said a Scribe. Give some account of these Egyptian Scribes.
   2. What do you know of the Sphinx and its history?

A 1. How did Aemilius conduct the war against the Ligurians at the time of an eclipse of the moon?
   2. Give a short account of the government of a town.
B 1. "We will pardon Horatius because he has done such great things." What great things had he done, and why was he pardoned?
   2. What is meant by being a good citizen?

A  1. Draw a map of Kent, putting in boundaries, physical features and chief towns. Describe the mouth of the Thames.
   2. What are the Rapes of Sussex? Describe the Downs.
   3. Give some account of the struggle for sea power between Rome and Carthage.
   4. In what ways may Canada and Australia be compared?
B 1. What do you know of (a) the "Black Country," (b), the Sow and the Pigs, (c) the Wye Valley?
   2. Why is it necessary to keep the ocean highways guarded? How did England become policeman of the seas in the Great War?
   3. Give a short description of Tasmania, and say where it is.

Natural History and General Science.
A  1. Draw and explain a wind vane. What are the causes of the winds? How are land and sea breezes caused?
    2. What do you know of the history and habits of the floating barnacles and the acorn barnacles? Give diagrams.
    3. Describe, with diagrams, a trap-door spider and its nest, a water spider and its cell of air.
A & B 3. Describe, with drawings, six wild fruits, or, three toadstools you have found.
B   1. Why are sunsets and sunrises sometimes red? What is a rainbow
    2. Describe the creatures to be seen on a homeward bound voyage.
    3. What do you know about (a), spiders that mimic flowers, (b), the Flower Mantis?

Picture Study.
   Describe Watts',--
A "Greed and Industry."
B "Sir Galahad."

A 1. If a form has 25 boys in it, how many boys would 16% of the form be?
   2. A farmer carried all his hay in 12 days with 8 carts. How long would he take with only 2 carts?
   3. If there are 15 lamps in a street 300 yards long, how many yards will 25 lamps illuminate?
B 1. If one boy is 5ft. 4in., a second 5ft. 2in., a third 5ft. 3in., what is their average height?
   2. In 1914 a German mark was worth 1/-. In 1920 it was worth 1d. How much should I have got for 125 marks in (a), 1914. (b), 1920?
   3. It costs a father £19 : 10 : 0 a year (52 weeks) to give each of his boys 1/6 a week pocket money. How many sous has he?

Practical Geometry.
 A 1. By constructions with ruler and compasses draw lines making angles of 60 degrees, 30 degrees, 15 degrees, with a given line A B.
    2. Each of the angles at the base of a triangle is 65 degrees, what is the vertical angle?

   1. Translate into English and retranslate into Latin,--page 50, § 94, "In castra . . . consumunt."
   2. Decline in the singular the nouns in these proverbs,--rara avis; pax Romana; in nuce; sub judite; ex (ungue) leonem,
or, 1. Conjugate the present subjunctive of moneor, regor, audior.
   2. Translate into Latin,--he has been ruled, we had been advised, they will be heard, you were heard, they should have been heard.

A 1. Describe, in French, the picture 14.
   2. Use, in sentences, the feminine for heureux, neuf, blanc, doux, sec.
   3. Translate into French,--Do I finish? He does not finish. Do we not finish? Do not finish.
B 1. Describe, in French, picture 4.
   2. Make sentences, in French, using,--du, de la, des, il-y-a, a-t-il? il n' a pas.

   1. An original illustration from Macbeth.
   2. A spray of spindle or other berries.
   3. A man on a horse, jumping, galloping.

Recitations. *
Father to choose a hymn, a poem, or a scene from Shakespear, and two passages from the Bible Lessons.

Reading. *
Father to choose an unseen passage, giving marks for enunciation.

Music. *
Examine in work done and report upon stage reached.

Singing. *
Father to choose an English, a French, and a German song, and two tonic sol-fa exercises.

Drill. *
Drill, before parents.

Outside friend to examine, but list of handicrafts completed to appear on Report Form.


N.B.1.--Examination to being on Monday, December 12th. Papers to be posted on Saturday, the 17th with no other enclosures.

2.--Subjects thus indicated (*) to be marked on the Parents' Report according to Regulations.

3.--Members are asked to read the regulations carefully, as much time is lost by the Examiners when (a) there is no numbered list of the subjects sent for examination, (b) the papers for each child are not fastened together, or (c) the name of the member does not appear.

4.--Answers may not be written on both sides of the paper. The papers should be tied together loosely with string.

5.--Please note carefully (a) the amount of written work expected in Form I., (b) the Regulations as to the number of papers to be sent in by Schools.

* Dictation assignments from Arnold-Forster's History of England:

pg 5
Already they had given a name to this country, and they knew it to be an island. A great Roman writer who lived in Caesar's day, speaks of Britain separated by almost the entire world. And the name which the Romans gave to our land we know and are proud to own at the present day. "Britannia rules the waves." Our King is King of Great Britain, and Ireland, and the coins with which we do the business of our daily lives still bear upon them the Latin inscription and the name by which Caesar called our country.

pg 4
Suddenly a great ray of light was thrown upon what before was darkness. Not only did Julius Caesar land upon the shores of our country, but he wrote down in words which may be read at this day the story of the strange new people he had found, and a description of the far-off country in which they lived. And thus it is true to say that the History of England begins with the landing of Julius Caesar, fifty-five years before the birth of Christ.

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