
Exam for Term 62 Form IV

Names (classes and age) of children attending the Winchester gathering cannot be received at the P.N.E.U. Office later than April 10th.

Lists of crafts, etc., for the Exhibition must be sent to Miss Parish, P.N.E.U. Office, 26, Victoria Street, London, S.W., not later than April 29th.

The parcels (containing stamped, addressed, labels for return) are to be sent to Miss Wix, c/o Hall Keeper, Guildhall, Winchester, not later than May 3rd.

Members are asked to pay special attention to the following regulations as the space for exhibition purposes is limited:--
The Nature Note-Books, Drawings, and all Crafts under the head of Work must be carefully examined by an outside friend. Any work that is beautifully done may be sent for exhibition, but no pupil may send more than the following:--
In Classes Ia., Ib., II., III., and IV.--a Nature Note-Book, 3 or 4 drawings, one model in cardboard and one in plasticine (Class IV. two in plasticine instead of cardboard).
In addition, Classes Ia. and Ib. may send a banner, Classes II., III., and IV., a doll and a shield, Class IV. a bound book.

Examination 62.                                                       M,

Parents' National Educational Union.


The Parents' Union School.


PUPILS' NAMES ____________________________________


I.   1. Describe Ezekiel's vision of the "appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah." What may we understand by it?
      2. What is known of Ezekiel's a) personal history, b) his hearers? What three forms of prophecy are specially characteristic of his work?
      3. By what three stages did Ezekiel's commission come to him? Describe each. What four remarkable actions was Ezekiel commanded to perform?
II.  1. a) "Behold I make all things new." b) What's the good? Show what contemplation and what temptation may have occupied our Lord under a) and b) during the forty days.
      2."Three cunning last assaults prepared the foe." Describe each briefly and answer the query, "What fragments gather we for our distress?" How may these temptations come to us?
      3. What was St. John's purpose in writing his Gospel? Mention, a) some religious ideas characteristic of St. John, b) some titles of Christ peculiar to this Gospel.
      4. Write a short resume of a) The Holy Grail, or, b) of three of Keble's poems that you enjoyed, quoting lines where you can.
      5. The general name by which the Hebrews called the "wilderness" was the pasture. Explain this by giving some account of the scenery through which the Israelites passed. In what respects is this scenery now changed?

Every-Day Morals and Economics.
      1. Write, a), as far as you can in the words of Alfred, his preface to Cura Pastoralis,--This Book is for Worcester, or, b), Asser's account of King Alfred at Work.
      2. Discuss four different forms of a), courage, b), loyalty, that you have come across in your term's reading. What duties towards others does Justice claim from us?
      3. Describe the vision of Philosophy that appeared to Boethius. Ho did he "lay bare his wound,"and by what "few small questions" does She seek a method of treatment?

Composition. (Composition is also taken into account in History and Literature.)
      1. Write ten lines, in the metre of The Passing of Arthur, on a) Camelot, or, b), some scene that took place there, or,
      2. A scene for acting from Emma, or The Warden, or,
      3. Write a short letter to The Times on the coal strike from a), a mine owner, b), a miner.

English Grammar.
      1. Analyse, parsing words in italics--
                                         "And then the two
          Dropt to the cove, and watch'd the great sea fall,
          Wave after wave, each mightier than the last,
          Till last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep
          And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged
          Roaring, .  .."
      2. Give instances of, a), induction, b), deduction. How may we avoid error in reasoning? Give examples, if you can, from your term's reading.
      3. Write some notes on the influence on the English language of, a), Italian in the time of i) Ascham, ii) Spenser, iii) Milton, iv) Jeremy Taylor, b), Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries, c), French in the time of Charles
II. Give examples where possible.

      1. Describe the character of a), Galahad, b) Launcelot, c), Percivale, quoting any favourite lines in connection with each.
      2. Write, in the style of Malory, of, a) how Merlin saved Arthur's life, or, b), how the letters were found in the Siege Perilous.
      3. "Saunders Mackaye," says Carlyle, "my invaluable nearly perfect." Give some account of him, and discuss, from Alton Locke, Kingsley's attitude to the Chartist movement.
      4. Jane Austen "worked with so fine a brush" on a "little bit (two inches wide) of ivory." Discuss this. Mention any biographical touches in Emma, and show wherein lay a) the strength, b) the weakness of character of the heroine.
      5. Trollope says he "knew every flame of the eye" of the actors in his series. Describe some scene in The Warden which, a), you think justifies this, or, b), gives indications of thought and manners which differ from those of our day.
      6. Compare and contrast the treatment of the Arthurian legend by a), Malory, b), Tennyson.

English History.
      1. "The peace of Wedmore marked the temper of the man." What events led to this peace, and what were the conditions of it? Discuss the above quotation.
      2. a) "He aimed at the education of his people"; b) "he created English literature." How did Alfred set about a), and whence did he get help? Give some account of his work under b).
      3. What two principles guided Alfred as Lawgiver? Discuss the way in which he followed both.
      4. Write a short account of the Arthurian legend.

General History.
     See under French.

      1. Give a map of Essex, marking the various places of "pilgrimage" that you would like to visit, and describe two of them.
      2. Make a plan of Winchester, putting in the streets, chief buildings and the river. Write a list of six scenes that a) are said to have taken place, b) really did take place in Winchester.
      3. "India was easily conquered, just as Italy and Germany fell an easy prey to Napoleon." Explain this, and show that "the conquest of India was not in the ordinary sense a conquest at all." Discuss the conditions which make the government of India by England a possibility.
      4. Explain, with a diagram, the general appearance and course of a glacier.

Geology, etc.
      1. Describe an experiment which illustrates the possible arrangement of electrons within the atom. If the electron theory be true, how does it help us to understand, a), an electric charge, b), an electric current?
      2. What are the chief classes of the Vertebrata? Mention some of the earliest known specimens in each class. What plant fossils may be found, and in what kinds of rocks do they occur?

      1. Write a short description of Selborne and of Gilbert White's observations on, a), the fossil shells, b), the stone of his district, or,
      1. Write, in the style of Gilbert White, a letter on, a), the birds, or, b), the pond life, or, c), the small mammals of your neighbourhood.
      2. Describe, with drawings, a) the buds and bud scales of the beech, horse chestnut, violet, b) the development of an acorn, c) the marks on a sycamore twig, d) three kinds of underground stem.
      3. Describe botanically a daffodil, a tulip, an arum.

      1. What are the three great systems of shooting stars? How is it that they are visible to us? When may we expect them?
      2. Make a chart of a) Perseus, or b) of a constellation you have watched this term, and its neighbouring stars.

      1. Write, in French, a resume of a) La Trahison de Ganelon, or, b) La Vengeance.
      2. Supply the comparisons, a), exercise 133, page 169, Nos. 1-10, b),exercise 132, page 168, Nos. 1-10.
      3. Give the reason for the last letter in dos, repos, marchand, il pend, court, il ment, main, cuir, buffon, respect, and use in sentences the homonymes of bas, lait, os, voix, mal, cygne.
      4. Write, in French, a short account of Galethswine.

      1. Write, in German, a resume of Parsifal.
      2. Translate, using in sentences--a quarter past three, half past six, ten minutes to nine, one and a half, three and a half, a fourth, twice, of one kind.
      3. Use, in sentences, the words schon, noch, gern, erst, eben, am schnellsten, allerdings, sicherlich, uberall, hoffentlich.
      4. Translate into German Longfellow's The Castle by the Sea, verses 1, 3, 5 or five lines from The Passing of Arthur.
      1. Write, in German, twelve sentences, or a short resume of Aslauga's Ritter.
      2. Write, in German, a short paragraph about a) Philomele, or b) Gustav Adolf.
      3. Translate into German the conversation (on the auxiliary verbs of mood), pages 215 and 216.

      1. Describe, in Italian, Le Studio del Pittore, and tell a short anecdote.
      2. Translate into English and retranslate in Italian twelve lines from either of the cantos you have studied in Il Purgatorio.
      3. Use, in sentences, a) the plural of fuoco, occhio, braccio, osso, uomo, tempo, frutto, b) the superlative of buono, bene, alto, acre, poco.

      1. Translate in six ways "Caesar sent soldiers to take the city."
      2. Use in sentences, apud, ad, circa, ante, contra, ob, supra.
      3. Translate into English, and retranslate into Latin, a) Horace's Odes, Book II, stanzas 1-3, and parse stanza 4; or, b) Virgil's Aeneid, Book VI, lines 14-22, and parse lines 54 and 55.

      1. A town increases at the rate of 2.5 percent every year; it has now 68921 inhabitants; how many had it three years ago?
      2. Given that 27.7274 cubic inches of water weigh 1 lb., and that ice is 93 times as heavy as water, find to the nearest inch the edge of a cube of ice weighing one ton.
      3. The area of a rhombus is 96 sq. ft; if one diagonal be 12 ft., what will be the length of the other?

      1. In a triangle ABC right-angled at C, a=8, b=15; find c and write down the values of sin A, cos A, and tan A.
      2. Prove that the radius of the circle which passes through the mid-points of the sides of a triangle is half the circum-radius.
      3. If two triangles are equiangular to one another, their corresponding sides are proportional.
      1. Prove that the three angles of a triangle are together equal to two right angles by supporting a line drawn through the vertex parallel to the base.
      2. In a parallelogram the perpendiculars drawn from one pair of opposite angles to the diagonal which joins the other pair are equal.
      3. Construct a triangle, having given the perimeter and the angles at the base.

(The remainder of this Exam may be mismatched; this is the end of a Form IV exam, but the year is unclear.)

      1. Describe in French, (a) a scene from "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme," or (b) "Les Vendanges."
      2. Translate exercise 80, 1-5, Page 180
      3. Use, in sentences, the Third Person Singular of the Present Imperfect and Past Definite of commencer, se venger: y renoncer, le decourager, menacer.

      1. An original illustration from "The Fairie Queene."
      2. A tree study.
      3. A hedgerow study.

Musical Appreciation.
      1. Give an account of the meeting between Gried and Liszt, or, enumerate shortly any mannerisms which you may have observed in Grieg's music.
      2. Write three lines on any five of the following;--Ole Bull, Viuge, Troldhaugen, Peer Gynt, Alexander Grieg, Ludwig Holberg, Niels Gade.

      Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem, and a scene from Shakespeare.

      Father to choose a poem and a leading article from a newspaper.

      Examine in work done.

      Father to choose and English, a French, and a German song, and three exercises.

      Report Progress.

      Outside friend to examine, but list of handicrafts completed to appear in Parent's report.


Summer Examination.--Parents and teachers examine all the work, written and otherwise, and send in their reports only. No work to be sent up. The examination is optional. Summer Reports (only) to be posted to the Secretary, House of Ednostion, Ambleside, either before July 30th or after September 15th.

Examination to occupy a full school week.

Reports are enclosed to be filled up by parents or teachers on all subjects. Names, in full, ages and classes to appear on the Reports. Schools and Classes should state the number of children working in each Form.

For scale of marks to be followed in all subjects see head of Report Forms.

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