
Exam Questions CM Asked Her Older Students (grades 7-9)

These are questions taken from actual PNEU exams for Forms III and IV (about grades 7-9)

Bible Lessons - 3-5 questions such as:

Describe Ezekiel's vision of the "appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah." What may we understand by it?
What is known of Ezekiel's a) personal history, b) his hearers? What three forms of prophecy are specially characteristic of his work?
By what three stages did Ezekiel's commission come to him? Describe each. What four remarkable actions was Ezekiel commanded to perform?
a) "Behold I make all things new." b) What's the good? Show what contemplation and what temptation may have occupied our Lord under a) and b) during the forty days.
"Three cunning last assaults prepared the foe." Describe each briefly and answer the query, "What fragments gather we for our distress?" How may these temptations come to us?
What was St. John's purpose in writing his Gospel? Mention, a) some religious ideas characteristic of St. John, b) some titles of Christ peculiar to this Gospel.
Write a short resume of a) The Holy Grail, or, b) of three of Keble's poems that you enjoyed, quoting lines where you can.
The general name by which the Hebrews called the "wilderness" was the pasture. Explain this by giving some account of the scenery through which the Israelites passed. In what respects is this scenery now changed?
"He loved him as he loved his own soul." Give an account of this friendship.
What happened at Adullam, Engedi, Gilboa, Ziklag? Tell the whole story in two cases.
Describe the journey of St. Paul to Antioch and his first sermon there. What was the result of his preaching?
What do you know of (a), the healing of the lame man, (b), the call of Timothy, (c), St James?
"The people sat in darkness." "I am the Light of the world." Show the full meaning of these statements.
Describe David's success and his trials at the Court of Saul.
What do you know of David as an outlaw?
Give an account of St. Paul's great sermon at Antioch.
"The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men." Where and by whom was this said? What ancient story is referred to?
Write an essay on, --"If any thirst, come unto Me and drink."
Why was the capture of Jerusalem by David so important? How did David establish it as the capital?
What was Nathan's message to David? Why was it sent, and what was the result?
Give an account of St. Paul at Athens, and the subject of his speech before the Areopagus.
What do you know of Priscilla and Aquila, Gallio, and the city of Corinth in St. Paul's time?
"Whereas I was blind, now do I see." Write the story with comments.
"Ask what I shall give thee." What did Solomon ask of God? What do we know of his knowledge and power?
"Describe the visit of the Queen of Sheba and the magnificence of Solomon.
Write the story of Jeroboam and the prophet Abijah.
"Suffer me to speak unto the people." Write what you can of St. Paul's address on this occasion.
Describe the journey of St. Paul in a ship of Adramyttinm.
Write notes on "and who is my neighbor?"
Give an account of the secret annointing of Saul. By what signs was God's approval to be shown?
"Nay, but we will have a king." What warnings did Samuel give to the people in this connection, and how did he present the king? What was the constitutional position of the king?
"Shall Jonathon die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel?" When were these words need and why?
"As long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord." Describe the occasion when these words were used, and quote from Hannah's thanksgiving.
Describe the vision of St. Peter. What was its significance?
Give some account of the Church of Antioch, and of the city.
Give an account of Saul of Tarsus as regards a) his education b) his conversion.
Describe the mission of a) Ananias b) Barnabas, to Saul.
Show fully how our Lord's teaching of forgiveness affected people who heard it. Quote our Lord's words.
Describe the overthrow of the Philistine power and the acts of certain nameless heroes.
Give a sketch of David's Psalm of Thanksgiving when his troubles were over, or, of his "last words."
What do you know of the Church at Corinth and the Epistles to the Corinthians?
What was the condition of the Church at Ephesus?  Sketch the Epistle.
Comment on (a), "Before Abraham was I am," (b), "Did this man sin?" (c), "What is truth?"
How did Solomon organise the building of the Temple? Give a summary of his Dedication.
"To your tents, o Israel!" Describe the cause and the course of the Great Rebellion.
Why did Jeroboam set up two calves of gold? Describe the denunciation that followed at Bethel.
Give an account of St. Paul's defence before Felix.
What was the substance of St. Paul's epistles, (a), to the Colossians, (b), to Timothy?
When did Christ say,--"I thank Thee, O Father"? Describe the occasion.
Describe the founding of Christ's Kingdom. What are the laws of His Kingdom? (roughly grades 7-9)
For what purpose were priests instituted? (Book studied, Dr Abbot's Bible Lessons.) (roughly grades 10-12)

English History (perhaps US History?) - 3 questions such as:

"The peace of Wedmore marked the temper of the man." What events led to this peace, and what were the conditions of it? Discuss the above quotation.
a) "He aimed at the education of his people"; b) "he created English literature." How did Alfred set about a), and whence did he get help? Give some account of his work under b).
What two principles guided Alfred as Lawgiver? Discuss the way in which he followed both.
Write a short account of the Arthurian legend.
Give some account of the causes that led to the quarrel between Henry II and Thomas a Becket.
What do you know of Simon de Montfort and his work?
Write a short account of Robert the Bruce.
What do you know about Roman Camps and Roman Roads in Britain? Mention any you have seen.
Why are English people described as Anglo-Saxons? Give some account of the history contained in this term. What traces of it have we still?
Describe the conversion of Mercia.
Describe the career of Wolsey, his peace policy, his attitude towards the Renaissance, his power as legate, and his fall.
What do you know of Wareham, Cranmer, Fisher, Ridley, Latimer? Sketch portraits of three of these men if you can.
Give some account of the causes that led to the quarrel between Henry II and Thomas A Becket.
What do you know of Simon de Montfort and his work?
Write a short account of Robert the Bruce.
Show how Britain has come to possess so great an Empire. or, Give an account of some great inventions of the Twentieth Century.
What do you know of the Labour Party and Socialism?
Give some account of Lord Kitchener's command in Palestine, and his last command in the Great War.
What do you know of a) the foreign policy of King Edward VII b) the Union of South Africa?
Write a short account of Polar exploration. What do you know of the most recent expedition?
Give some account of the religious difficulties which disturbed Elizabeth's reign. Name the principal persons concerned.
Name a dozen famous men of the days of "Great Elizabeth." Give an account of three of them.
Describe the King's (Charles I.'s) gradual decline from constitutional government.
Describe the New Model Army and trace the growth of Cromwell's power.

General History (World or French History) - 2 questions such as:

Write an account of (a), Clovis, (b), the government of Charlemagne.
Describe the coming of the Northmen.
Describe the condition of Germany when Charles V. became Emperor.
Give a sketch of Luther's career and of the Diet at Worms.
Show that "the Nile is a vast historical volume."
Sketch the history of civilization in the Pyramid Age.
Give an account of the war with Flanders in 1298. What was the end of it? What do "Flanders Poppies" stand for?
What do you know of (a), the Sicilian Vesper, (b), the Estates General, (c) The Knights Templars.
 What reminders have we in the British Museum of Nabopolassar and of Darius?
Give an account of the war with Flanders in 1298. What was the end of it? What do "Flanders Poppies" stand for?
What do you know of (a), The Sicilian Vesper, (b), The Estates General, (c), The Knights Templars?
What reminders have we in the British Museum of Nabopolassar and of Darius?
What do you know about the Vedas and their writers? What do you know about the Vedas and their writers?
Give some account of German world policy.
What do you know of Napoleon III? What "tremedous disasters" occurred in his reign? or, What do you know of the Third Republic? What two great men helped to form it?
"At the end of July, 1914, the Grand Fleet disappeared from view." Describe Admiral Jellicoe's policy. or Who were the chief Pyramid builders? What do you know of each?
What do you know of a) the Commune b) the New Constitution (French) of 1875?
Give a short account of the pictures in the rock tombs of Egypt.
What do you know of the Fourth Crusade to Jerusalem?
Describe the opening of the Thirty Years' War. What do you know of Tilly, Wallenstein, and Gustavus Adolphus?
Describe the Rosetta Stone. How was it discovered, and how interpreted? What do you know of Darius?

Geography - 3 or 4 questions such as:

Give a map of Essex, marking the various places of "pilgrimage" that you would like to visit, and describe two of them.
Make a plan of Winchester, putting in the streets, chief buildings and the river. Write a list of six scenes that a) are said to have taken place, b) really did take place in Winchester.
"India was easily conquered, just as Italy and Germany fell an easy prey to Napoleon." Explain this, and show that "the conquest of India was not in the ordinary sense a conquest at all." Discuss the conditions which make the government of India by England a possibility.
Explain, with a diagram, the general appearance and course of a glacier.
Give a map of Scandinavia, putting in the chief physical features, and write a short account of the scenery. Between what parallels do Norway and Sweden lie?
Write "A Letter From High Latitudes" about Iceland.
Give an account of one of the "Famous corsairs of France."
Name and describe three groups of the islands of Polynesia.
What causes affect climate?
Give an account of Belgium, adding anything you can about its recent history.
Give a map of Spain, putting in the boundaries, towns, and chief physical features. Describe this "Sunny South."
What difficulties have neutral countries to face in tie of war? Give examples.
What is the air made of? What do you understand by evaporation and condensation?
Give some account of New Zealand with map.
What do you know of (a), Nelson's favorite studies, (b), his manner of life on board ship. With what parts of the world was he familiar?
Give an account of Belgium, adding anything you can about its recent history.
Give a map of Spain, putting in the boundaries, towns, and chief physical features. Describe the "Sunny South."
What difficulties have neutral countries to face in time of war? Give examples.
What is the air made of? What do you understand by evaporation and condensation?
Give some account of the Wars of Religion in the Netherlands, with dates.
Give some account, with a map, of Egyptian Thebes.
What do you know of the higher life of the Egyptian Empire?
A ballad on "The Lost Fight of the Revenge."
Describe in detail (a), the valley of the Gagnes, and (b), the Deccan.
What do you know of Korea and Thibet?
Give some account of Jeypore.
Describe the "great chase" of Villeneuve.

Citizenship/Morals/Government/Economics - 3 questions such as:

Write, a), as far as you can in the words of Alfred, his preface to Cura Pastoralis,--This Book is for Worcester, or, b), Asser's account of King Alfred at Work.
Discuss four different forms of a), courage, b), loyalty, that you have come across in your term's reading. What duties towards others does Justice claim from us?
Describe the vision of Philosophy that appeared to Boethius. Ho did he "lay bare his wound,"and by what "few small questions" does She seek a method of treatment?
(a), "Veni, vidi, vici," (b), "To cross the Rubicon." What events in Julius Caesar's life gave rise to these popular sayings? Describe Caesar's great victory at Alesia.
Show that we are all paid labourers. What do you understand by Integrity? In what various ways should integrity be shown?
What duties has a British citizen toward the Empire? What is the value of the common citizenship?
What have you to say about drifters and dawdlers, small thefts, bargains, borrowed property? Discuss "we are all born equal."
How and why did Agis set about the reformation of the City of Sparta?
What are the powers and what the limitations of the House of Commons? What qualities should we look for in a Member?
What do you know of the Government of Mansoul? How do Hunger and Thirst behave? Show that they may change in character.
Give an account of the way in which Brutus and Cassius prepared for the battle of the Philippian Fields. How did Lucilius save the life of Brutus?
What do you know about the Government of Mansoul? How do Hunger and Thirst behave? Show that they may change in character.
Give an account of the way in which Brutus and Cassius prepared for the battle of the Philippian Fields. How did Lucilius save the life of Brutus?
What is our duty towards foreign countries?
"India is a continent and not a country." Explain this, and say what you know about the peoples and religions of India.
What is our duty towards foreign countries?
"India is a continent and not a country." Explain this, and say what you know about the peoples and religions of India.
 "To think fairly requires knowledge and consideration." Illustrate by an example, and mention three subjects upon which the nation has to think fairly today.
Describe the progress of Aemilius through Greece.
Give the substance of the speech of Aemilius on the death of his two sons.
 What is to be said for and against military services as the duty of a citizen?
"Truth is not violent." How does Botticelli portray this? What may we learn from this picture?
Describe the triumph of Emilius after his victory over Persius.
Friendly Societies are both good and bad. What do you know of their good work? How may a man know a bad Society?
"He is a boy of good principles." What do you understand by principles?
"He did excel all the young men of his time." Who was he? Show how he excelled, and describe the meeting with the Numantines.
Explain fully what is meant by the electorate. Show that the parliamentary vote is a right and a duty.
Show how the Body is equipped with Servants, and how each has its perils, and how each of these may be met.
Compare and contrast the characters of Cassius and Brutus, giving illustrations.
How did Cassius comfort Brutus after the latter had seen a spirit?
Show fully by what courts and what judges Law is administered.

Alcibiades, Form III
"Socrates' love and following of young men was indeed a thing sent from the gods." Tell two stories to show that Alcibiades valued it.

Alexander Part I, Form III
1. Describe (a), the meeting of Alexander with Diogenes, (b), how Alexander crossed the river Granicus.
2. How did Alexander spend his days at a time of leisure?

From another term:
Describe (a), the personal appearance, (b), the early education of Alexander the Great

Alexander Part II, Form III
1. On what occasions were the following words used? Tell the whole story in two cases. (a), "If I drink alone, all these men will faint." (b), "See where he lies, weeping like a slave upon the ground." (c) "One tear of a mother's eye will wipe out ten thousand such letters."
2. How did Alexander talk with the Philosophers of India?

From another term:
"Alexander loved to remember and reward the worthy deeds of men." Give two instances in details, OR, "To live at pleasure is a vile thing, and to travel is princely." Why did Alexander thus rebuke his friends? Tell the whole story

Aristides, Form III
1. Tell what you know about Aristides as high treasurer of all the revenues of Athens.
2. Give an account of the conversation between Aristides and Themistocles before and after the battle of Salamis.

From another term:
It is said that once when a just man was commended in the theatre "all the people straight cast their eyes upon Aristides." Give two instances to explain why the audience thought at once of Aristides, OR, b) Give an account of the conversation between Aristides and Themistocles before and after the battle of Salamis.

Brutus , Form III (programme 106)
"Brutus tasted the benefit of Caesar's favour." Give instances, OR How did Phaonius "brake the strife" between Cassius and Brutus at Sardid. What led to it? Tell the whole story.

Cato (the younger), Form III
"He reformed the discipline of the Commonwealth of Rome by his wise precepts, good manners and holy institutions." Write a short account of Cato illustrating this inscription.

Cleomenes, Form III
What were some of the things that Cleomenes "thought most fit and honourable for a prince" in private and in public life?

Coriolanus, Form III
"Moreover he (Martius) said 'they nourished against themselves the naughty seed and cockle of insolency and sedition." Give some account of this rebellion of the people. How did Martius behave?

Demosthenes, Form III
"He won him marvellous fame for his great eloquence and plain manner of speech." By what means did Demosthenes attain this distinction?

Gracchis, Form III
Describe (a) one law, and (b) one action which won for Caius Gracchus "great love and commendation."

Julius Caesar, Form III
1. Write about two of the following, in connection with Julius Caesar, --(a), "He was not kept as a prisoner..but rather as a prinnce." (b), On his reading the history of Alexander. (c), The crossing of the Rhine. (d), "He fell into many thoughts with himself" when he came to the Rubicon. (e), The soldiers at Brundusium "straight changed their complaints and minds."

Julius Caesar, Form IV
1. Sketch briefly the character of Julius Caesar, and say to what events in his life the following sayings refer,--
2. (a), "A man can be but once undone, come on."
3. (b), "Time of war and law are two things."
4. (c), "Thou has Caesar and his fortune with thee."

Nicias, Form III
a) Give two stories to show that Nicias favoured the people of Athens "with a natural fatherly love," OR, (b), Show what part Nicias took in the campaign against Syracuse.

Paulus Aemilius, Form III
Show how Aemilius (after his victory at Pydna) made his visit to Greece "an honourable progress and also a commendable," or b), Describe the behaviour of Perseus after the battle of Pydna.
Describe the progress of Aemilius through Greece. Or, Describe the triumph of Aemilius after his victory over Persius.
Give the substance of the speech of Aemilius on the death of his two sons.
Show how Aemilius (after his victory at Pydna) made his visit to Greece "an honourable progress and also a commendable," or b), Describe the behaviour of Perseus after the battle of Pydna.
Describe the triumph of Aemilius after his victory over Perseus.
Describe the progress of Aemilius through Greece.
Give the substance of the speech of Aemilius on the death of his two sons.
Contrast, in the manner of Plutarch, the characters of Aemilius and Perseus. Give incidents in illustration.

Paulus Aemilius, Form IV
Describe the progress of Æmilius through Greece.
Give the substance of the speech of Æmilius on the death of his two sons.
Contrast, in the manner of Plutarch, the characters of Aemilius and Perseus. Give incidents in illustration.

Pericles, Form III
How did Pericles seek to win the favour of the people? Why did Pericles decide to make Athens a city of great beauty and by what means did he carry out his plans?

Pompey, Part II, Form III
1.Describe the third "Triumph" of Pompey. Why does Plutarch say, "O, happy had it been for him if he had died" at this time?

Other questions for Pompey:
Describe the occasion when Pompey and Sulla each saluted the other as "Imperator," and show how Pompey later made an enemy of Sulla.

Write a letter from Pompey describing ONE of the following,--(a), His campaign in Spain, (b), a meeting with Sulla, (c), his work in taming the pirates of the Mediterranean Sea.

Pompey, Form IV
1. "So great an Empire....could not contain the covetous desire of these two men." Give some account of Pompey and Caesar in this connection.

Pyrrhus, Form III
What counsel did Appius Claudius give the Senate after the first battle with Pyrrhus? Describe the second battle at Asculum.

Solon, Form III
(a), "They chose Solon general reformer of the law." OR (b) "Thus had Solon glory, for saving the honour of one king and the life of the other" Give the whole story.

T. Q. Flamininus , Form III
Describe the campaign of Titus in Epirus, showing how he made the Greeks willing to submit to him.

Themistocles, Form III
Why and by what steps did Themistocles persuade the Grecians to become "good mariners and passing seamen?" Describe briefly what happened at Salamis.

From another term:
Why did Themistocles go to Persia? Give some account of him at the court of Xerxes.

Timoleon, Form III
The success of Timoleon ''came of a most noble and fortuntae courage." Illustrate this from the story of the battle at the river Crimesus.

Dictation. (unprepared) - 1 task, such as:

The Knights of the Round Table, page 50, "So as . . . . world."
A History of English Literature, page 56, "From the ruin'd shrine . . . . lake."
Act L. Scene IV. "This quest ... delicato."
Act I. Scene V. "They met me ... shalt be!"

Or else, no dictation because "Spelling will be taken into account throughout the papers."

Composition - 2 questions such as:

Write ten lines, in the metre of The Passing of Arthur, on a) Camelot, or, b), some scene that took place there, or,
A scene for acting from Emma, or The Warden, or,
Write a short letter to The Times on the coal strike from a), a mine owner, b), a miner.
Write an account for your School Magazine on,--"And so the Princess was happily married" or, "And the Prince called for three cheers for the Begum of Bhopal."
Write some verses on one of the following.--Sir Galahad, Ulysses, Sigurd, The Coming of the Swallows, Shackleton's Grave.
Lines, in blank verse, that must scan on one of the following, --Scylla and Charybdis, The White Lady of Avenal, The Prince of Wales in India.
An essay, in the style of Carlyle, on some heroic personage of today.
An account of--The Climbing of Mt. Everest, or, "My favourite walk in June."
A ballad, which must scan, on--The Prince of Wales, or, Volumnia, or, a robin, or, Aeneas.
Some verses which must scan (not doggerel) or one of the following,--the floating mists (of fogs) of autumn, Sir William Wallace, Evander.
Write (a), a scene for a christmas play from Ivanhoe, or (b), a description of three of your favorite games, or (c), a letter to a friend in India on general news.
Some verses which must scan (not doggerel) or one of the following,--the floating mists (of fogs) of autumn, Sir William Wallace, Evander.
Write (a), a scene for a christmas play from Ivanhoe, or (b), a description of three of your favorite games, or (c), a letter to a friend in India on general news.
Write an essay on the reception of the Prince of Wales in Bombay. Can you quote any of the stanzas made by the students?
Write a scene for acting from Cranford or Amos Barton.
Write 20 lines in the metre of the Idylls on one of the following--The Prince of Wales in India, Watts' "Sir Galahad," The Sailing of the "Quest," or Aurors.
Write an account of the welcome given to the Prince of Wales at Baroda (or some other city).
Write some verses on one of the following - Watts' "Una and the Red Cross Knight," "A Crystal Orpheus," or "Jan Ridd."
Write something for the P.U.S. Magazine and send, if good enough, to Miss N. Pott, c/o P.N.E.U. Office.
(Compose an essay?) on,--(a), The  last ascent of Mount Everest, or, (b), The Prince of Wales' last mission, or, (c), a concise sketch of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
(Compose some?) lines on,--(a), a group of trees as seen by a painter, or, (b), Ulysses, or, (c), signs of the times.
Write an essay on (a), the "Melancholy Jacques," or, (b), an election speech, or, (c), and account of a bad night at Woodstock.
(Compose some?) lines which must (scan?), not doggerel, on one of the following,--The visit of Ulysses to Hell, Wireless, Clouds.

English Grammar - 1 parsing assignment such as:

      1. Analyse, parsing words in italics--
                                         "And then the two
          Dropt to the cove, and watch'd the great sea fall,
          Wave after wave, each mightier than the last,
          Till last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep
          And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged
          Roaring, .  .."

            "I wander'd lonely as a cloud
            That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
            When all at once I saw a crowd,
            A host of golden daffodils."

          "O blithe new-comer! I have heard,
          I hear thee and rejoice:
          O Cuckoo! shall I call thee bird
          Or but a wandering voice?"

      "Now lay thine ear against this golden sand,
      And thou shalt hear the music of the sea,
      Those hollow tones it plays against the land,
      Is't not a rich and wondrous melody?"

          ''Sallow autumn fills thy lap with leaves,
          Or winter yelling through the troublous air,
          Affrights thy shrinking train
          And rudely rends thy robe."

      "More bounteous aspects on me beam,
          Me mightier transports move and thrill,
        So keep I fair through faith and prayer
          A virgin heart in work and will."

        "Then move the trees, the copses nod,
        Wings flutter, voices hover clear:
        O just and faithful knight of God!
        Ride on! The prize is near."

     "I shot an arrow into the air-
     It fell to earth, I knew not where;
     For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
     Could not follow it in its flight."

     "At Charing-Cross, hard by the way,
     Where we (thou know'st) do sell our hay,
     There is a house with stairs;
     And there did I see coming down
     Such folk as are not in our town,
     Forty at least, in pairs."

AND another question, such as:

Give instances of, a), induction, b), deduction. How may we avoid error in reasoning? Give examples, if you can, from your term's reading.
Write some notes on the influence on the English language of, a), Italian in the time of i) Ascham, ii) Spenser, iii) Milton, iv) Jeremy Taylor, b), Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries, c), French in the time of Charles
Give, in sentences, four examples each of transitive and intransitive verbs.
Give, in sentences, examples of four kinds of (a), pronouns, and, (b), adjectives  OR What do you know of the original meaning of the verbs,--can, shall, will, may, must, ought? Into what classes are adverbs divided? Give examples of each.
What are the uses of (a), the adjectival, (b), the noun sentence? Give six examples of each.
What are co-ordinate sentences? Give examples.
When should Who be used and when Which? Give examples. How can we tell what verbs to use after a collective noun? Examples.
Give examples, in sentences, showing, (a), verbs that take two nominatives, (b), the use of the Dative Case, (c), verbs that take two objects.
When should Who be used and when Which? Give examples. How can we tell what verbs to use after a collective noun? Examples.
There are eight kinds of a) Subjects, and eight kinds of b) Objects. Give examples of each in (a) and (b).
Show in what different senses be, fer and mis are used as prefixes.
Write notes on the plural forms - ladies, kine, children, cloths, clothes, shot, shots, mice, news.
What are the five cases? Give examples and show the uses of each. or 2. Use, in sentences, the past tense of--beat, crow, win, shrink, bid, smite, eat, tear, lie, tread.
Give words in which the following suffixes occur - sion, our, ure, icis, let.
(Give?) a list of Latin suffixes for adjectives.  Show the (??) of half-a-dozen.
What do you understand by style in composition? Give those rules. In which do young people most frequently fail?
Give rules, with examples, for the use of the colon, the semi-colon, the comma.
Give a list of (a), words derived from the names of persons, (b), words derived from the Latin,--ago, altus, animus, corpus, flos, dens, caput, litera, locus, do.

Literature - 3 or 4 questions such as:

Describe the character of a), Galahad, b) Launcelot, c), Percivale, quoting any favourite lines in connection with each.
Write, in the style of Malory, of, a) how Merlin saved Arthur's life, or, b), how the letters were found in the Siege Perilous.
"Saunders Mackaye," says Carlyle, "my invaluable nearly perfect." Give some account of him, and discuss, from Alton Locke, Kingsley's attitude to the Chartist movement.
Jane Austen "worked with so fine a brush" on a "little bit (two inches wide) of ivory." Discuss this. Mention any biographical touches in Emma, and show wherein lay a) the strength, b) the weakness of character of the heroine.
Write in the style of Joinville of how St. Louis (a) did justice in his land, (b), took possession of Damietta.
Describe the "lists" at Ashby de la Zouche from Ivanhoe.
Describe a scene in King John in which King Philip and King John meet.
Trollope says he "knew every flame of the eye" of the actors in his series. Describe some scene in The Warden which, a), you think justifies this, or, b), gives indications of thought and manners which differ from those of our day.
Compare and contrast the treatment of the Arthurian legend by a), Malory, b), Tennyson.
Give some account of (a), The "Father of English Song" or (b), The "Father of English History."
Write, as you would set, a scene from Julius Caesar, in which Caesar and Casca appear.
Write, as far as you can in the style of Malory, of "how Sir Lancelot and Sir Lionel departed for to seek adventures."
What do you know of the Mabinogion?
What were the "Moralities"? Give an account of Everyman.
"Erasmus is gone." Give some account of his visit to Chelsea. What does Erasmus say of Luther?
Write the christening scene in Henry VIII, or any other you prefer.
Write, in the style of Joinville, of how St. Lewis (a), did justice to his land, (b), took possession of Damietta.
Describe the "lists" at Ashbey de la Zouche from Ivanhoe.
Describe a scene in King John in which King Philip and King John meet.
Write a sketch of the "Sage of Chelsea," and give, as far as you can in his style, a short paragraph about Darte.
Write a resume of "The Princess," quoting favorite lines.
Write a sketch of Lady Macbeth.
Write a short account of Charles Dickens, and give a scene you have enjoyed from one of his books.
Make a list of the poems you have read by Tennyson, and quote lines from three of them.
Show what part the witches take in the play of "Macbeth."
What do you know about "Atlantis"? Write, in Bacon's style, an essay of his.
What was Spenser's plan for "The Fairie Queene"? Describe his stanza, Write the story of "The Fairie Queene," Book I., Canto I.
Write a scene which has struck you from "Kenilworth."
Name some poets of to-day with the poems you know.
What do you know of the "Parson Poet," Herrick and Marvell? Quote some lines or passages.
Give some account of Bunyan and his great work.
Tell the story of "Samson Agonistes," quoting ?? lines.
Write an essay showing for what reasons Carlyle takes Cromwell for a hero.

Arithmetic - 3 questions, in addition to 3 questions in either geometry or algebra or Euclid:

Reduce 1.175 and 4.16 to vulgar fractions in lowest terms.
Express 7 8/16 and 7 5/18 as decimals and subtract one result from the other.
Find the cost of papering the walls of a room 15 ft. by 13ft. and 9 ft high; paper 21 inches wide at 2/- for 12 yards.
A town increases at the rate of 2.5% every year; it has now 68921 inhabitants; how many had it three years ago?
Given that 27.7274 cubic inches of water weigh 1 lb., and that ice is 93 times as heavy as water, find to the nearest inch the edge of a cube of ice weighing one ton.
The area of a rhombus is 96 sq. ft; if one diagonal be 12 ft., what will be the length of the other?
In selling a house, a man made a profit of £80; if this profit is 8% of the cost of the house, what was the cost?
A grocer buys 8 cwt. Of coffee at £15 a cwt. and sells it at 3f- a lb. Find his profit.
I mix 4 cwt. Of tea which cost £14 with 1 cwt; at £11 : 4 : 0 per cwt,; at what price must I sell it per lb. To gain 6d. on each lb. sold.
If 36 articles cost £3 : 9 : 9, what will 37 articles cost?
How many days should 35 men take to finish a work of which 27 have done half in 30 days?
Find the income tax on £1283 : 7 : 6 at 5/- in the £.
Find the simple interest on £525 for 5 years at 8 1/3%
In what time will £540 amount to £712 16s. at 4%?
Find the amount and increase of £625 10s. at 5% in 2 years.
(Calculate?) the difference between the Banker's Discount and the True Discount on a bill for £1000 due in 10 weeks at 3 1/2 %.
(Determine?) the cash value and the income derived from ?6788 of 8% stock at 99.
Which is the better investment, 8 per cents. at 89 or 4 per cents. at 110?

The three angles of a triangle are together equal to two right angles.
If the bisector of the vertical angle of a triangle is at right angles to the base, the triangle is isosceles.
If the opposite sides of a quadrillateral are equal, the figure is a parallelogram.
Through a given point to draw a straight line parallel to a given straight line.
To construct a square on a given side.
Show that every point which is equidistant from A and B lies on the straight line bisecting AB at right angles.
Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area.
Prove that a parallelogram is divided by its diagonals into four triangles of equal area.
Prove that the area of a square = (side) squared.
Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallelograms are equal in area.
Prove that a parallelogram is divided by its four diagonals into four triangles of equal area.
If a straight line cuts two other straight lines so as to make the alternate angles equal, then the two straight lines are parallel.
(Draw?) a right angled triangle the square described on the hypoteneuse is equal to the sum of the squares described on the other two sides.
To draw a triangle equal in area to a given quadrilateral.?? ??
(??der) 65 feet long reaches to a point in the face of a house 63 feet above the ground. How far is the (foot?) from the house?

In a triangle ABC right-angled at C, a=8, b=15; find c and write down the values of sin A, cos A, and tan A.
Prove that the radius of the circle which passes through the mid-points of the sides of a triangle is half the circum-radius.
If two triangles are equiangular to one another, their corresponding sides are proportional.
Prove that the three angles of a triangle are together equal to two right angles by supporting a line drawn through the vertex parallel to the base.
In a parallelogram the perpendiculars drawn from one pair of opposite angles to the diagonal which joins the other pair are equal.
Construct a triangle, having given the perimeter and the angles at the base.

Divide 92 into two parts so that one-third of one part may exceed one-seventh of the other part by 4.
Divide £650 between two persons so that one may have £20 more than half what the other has.
Plot the point (0.0), (8.0), (8.6), and show how many units of area the triangle contains.
What do you understand by the power of a number? Give examples. Distinguish between 3a and a3 [to the third power].
Find the value of, -- 9a2 + 11a2 + 8a2 -- 4a2. If a =6, b=1, c=6, x=4, find the value of, 7/15 7/15 acx, x5/64, 3/8x3.
Find two numbers differing by 57 so that one is 20 times the other.
Multiply 8x squared + 4x + 1 by 2, by -2, by 4x squared.
Divide x squared - 5x + c by x - 2.
Multiply (a + b)x + (b + c)y - {(a - b)x - (b - c)y}

Science/Natural History - about 5 questions, often divided into subjects such as astronomy, botany, astronomy, etc.

Describe an experiment which illustrates the possible arrangement of electrons within the atom. If the electron theory be true, how does it help us to understand, a), an electric charge, b), an electric current?
What are the chief classes of the Vertebrata? Mention some of the earliest known specimens in each class. What plant fossils may be found, and in what kinds of rocks do they occur?
Write a short description of Selborne and of Gilbert White's observations on, a), the fossil shells, b), the stone of his district, or,
Write, in the style of Gilbert White, a letter on, a), the birds, or, b), the pond life, or, c), the small mammals of your neighbourhood.
Describe, with drawings, a) the buds and bud scales of the beech, horse chestnut, violet, b) the development of an acorn, c) the marks on a sycamore twig, d) three kinds of underground stem.
Describe botanically a daffodil, a tulip, an arum.
What are the three great systems of shooting stars? How is it that they are visible to us? When may we expect them?
Make a chart of a) Perseus, or b) of a constellation you have watched this term, and its neighbouring stars.
Describe the surface of the moon, and explain what is meant by "the phases of the moon."
Describe and illustrate the processes of digestion.
What plants would you expect to find in a hedge, in a ditch, and on a moorland? Describe fully one of each.
Describe, with diagrams, six kinds of leaf-buds, or cotyledons, that you have examined.
What part history is contained in a piece of tourmaline and a piece of marble?
What methods of leaf-protection are employed by herbs and trees?
Write notes, with drawings, on the special studies you have made this term.
What do you know of the Herbivora? What animals does this class include? Give a life sketch of one of them.
Describe, with drawings, the growth of a seedling.
Explain "the leaves are the food factories of the plant."
Describe the wild fruits you have found, naming, if possible, the natural order of each.
What is a glacier and how is it formed? Give a diagram. Describe some of the motions of the sea.
How would you recognize a Norman building? Can you describe one?
Most substances can assume the three forms of matter in succession. Give and describe examples.
Describe a thermometer and account for its changes.
What is light? What do we see? How does sight give us knowledge?
What do you know of (a), the manatee, (b), the whalebone whale (sketch of skeleton), c), porpoises and dolphins? or 1. Describe (a), quartz crystals, (b), felspar, c), mica, (d), hornblende. In what rock do these occur?
What do you know of insectivorous plants? Name those you know.
What circumstances strike you in a walk in summer?
What do you understand by, (a), electrical attraction, (b), repulsion, c), conductors, (d), insulators, (e), methods of obtaining electricity?
Prove that "you never see matter itself," and show how sight gives us knowledge.
Describe with drawings, the growth of a seedling.
Explain "the leaves are the food factories of the plant."
Describe ten wild fruits you have found, naming, if possible, the natural order of each.
What do you know of the English Renaissance under Inigo Jones and Christopher Wren? (architecture)
Describe the surface of the moon, and explain what is meant by the "phases of the moon." (astronomy)
What have you to say about lava, plutonic rocks?
Describe in detail the lily family. Name some other monocotelydons.
What records can you make of wild fruits seen this term?

Picture Talk - 1 question, such as:

Describe Jan Steen's "An Old Woman Reading".
Describe, with a rough sketch of the composition, "Grace before Meat," by Jan Steen.
Describe Durer's "Vision of St. Eustace."
Describe Corot's "Evening on the Lake," with a rough sketch of the composition.

Drawing - 3 assignments such as:

An illustration (with name) from Julius Caesar.
A memory sketch from one of the pictures you have studied.
A design in twigs for a frame.
Draw an original illustration from The Monastery.
Draw a design in catkins for a March calendar.
Draw a study of an interior.
A tree study.
An illustration from Harold.
A memory sketch of "The Bent Tree."
A cat in three positions.
An illustration from King John.
A memory sketch of "Squirrels."
An original illustration from As You Like It.
A study of a dog.
A design in wild fruits for a book cover.

Music Appreciation - 1 or 2 questions such as:

How many kinds of Children's Music are there? Give examples of each type. In what category would you place Schumann's "Scenes of Childhood" and why?
Write a few lines on any five of the following,--Clara Wieck, "Trazmeret"; the "Lied" or art-song; Florestan; G.A.D.E.; Jean Paul Richter; Schumann's use of the "Marseillaise".
Give an account of the meeting between Grieg and Liszt, or, enumerate shortly any mannerisms which you may have observed in Grieg's music.
Write three lines on any five of the following: Ole Bull, Vinge, Troldbaugen, Peer Gynt, Alexander Grieg, Ludwig Holdberg, Niels Gade.
Write a few lines on any three of the compositions of Brahms you have enjoyed.
How many kinds of Children's Music are there? Give examples of each type. In what category would you place Schumann's "Scenes of Childhood," and why?
Write a few lines on any five of the following:--Clara Wieck; "(?)raumarai"; the "Lied" or art-song; Florestan; G.A.D.E.; Jean Paul Richter; Schumann's use of the "Marseillaise."
Write a short account of the Brahms-Wagner controversy, or, relate some of the incidents connected with the intimacy of Brahms with the Schumann family.
Write three lines from any five of the following:--Joseph Joachim, Johann Strauss the younger, the "Sos(?)atensatz," Marxsen, the two versions of the "Waltzes," Brahms' treatment of German folk song Remenyi.

Music (such as playing an instrument) -  Examine in work done.

Singing - Father to choose an English, a French and a German song, and three exercises.

Recitations - Father to choose two Bible passages of ten verses each, a poem and a scene from Shakespeare.

Foreign language - Charlotte Mason's students had about 3 questions EACH (!) in French, Italian and German.

Write, in French, a resume of a) La Trahison de Ganelon, or, b) La Vengeance.
Supply the comparisons, a), exercise 133, page 169, Nos. 1-10, b),exercise 132, page 168, Nos. 1-10.
Give the reason for the last letter in dos, repos, marchand, il pend, court, il ment, main, cuir, buffon, respect, and use in sentences the homonymes of bas, lait, os, voix, mal, cygne.
Write, in French, a short account of Galethswine.
Describe, in French, a visit to Versailles, or, an incident from Les Ailes de Courage.
Use, in sentences, the comparative and superlative of,--jeune, bon, bien, petit, peu.
Make sentences, using the French for,--I believe. Do you not believe? They do not believe. Would you believe? Does he believe?
Describe, in French, "Un Naufrage," or, write an incident from Le Serf.
Translate into French, page 172, I., 1-15.
Describe in French, "Un Acoidant de Chemin de Fer." or, "L'Homme de Neige."
Repeat, il a un livre six times, inserting the following words and making the necessary changes,--plusieurs, beancoup, bous, trop, bien, trop peu.
Write excercise I. 4, page 164, sentences 1-12.
Write, in German, a resume of Parsifal.
Translate, using in sentences--a quarter past three, half past six, ten minutes to nine, one and a half, three and a half, a fourth, twice, of one kind.
Use, in sentences, the words schon, noch, gern, erst, eben, am schnellsten, allerdings, sicherlich, uberall, hoffentlich.
Translate into German Longfellow's The Castle by the Sea, verses 1, 3, 5 or five lines from The Passing of Arthur.
Write, in German, twelve sentences, or a short resume of Aslauga's Ritter.
Write, in German, a short paragraph about a) Philomele, or b) Gustav Adolf.
Translate into German the conversation (on the auxiliary verbs of mood), pages 215 and 216.
Describe, in German, the picture to Lesson 8.
Make sentences using the Imperfect Indicative of,--fragen, antworten, strecken, sein, offnen.
Make sentences using the prepositions an, anf, in, unter, vor.
Recite, in German, Der Listige Reisende.
Give the Third Person Singular Present, Imperfect and Perfect Indicative of,--sprechen, finden, bitten, kommen, rufen, geben.
Make sentences using the following prepositions,--wuhrend, diesseit, durch, uber, um, hinter.
Describe, in German, the picture to Lesson 14.
Translate into German page 181 V.
Work Exercise II. (1), page 180,
Describe, in Italian, Le Studio del Pittore, and tell a short anecdote.
Translate into English and retranslate in Italian twelve lines from either of the cantos you have studied in Il Purgatorio.
Use, in sentences, a) the plural of fuoco, occhio, braccio, osso, uomo, tempo, frutto, b) the superlative of buono, bene, alto, acre, poco.
Make sentences, In Italian, using,--Is there? There is not. I had been. We were. He shall be. There will be.
Use, in sentences, the Italian for,--one, first, fifth, six, five.
Conjugate to the Imperfect Indicative and Past Definitive and Subjunctive Present of comprare.
Conjugate the Past Definite, Future and Conditional, of the verb essere.
Give the Italian for sentences 1-10, Exercise 7.
Give the Italian for,--Is there? There are not. There have been and there will be.
Translate with Italian (Perini) Exercise xvi, sentences 1-6, or (Grillo) Exercise 2, page 181, sentences 1-6.
Conjugate the Present, Past Definite and Conditional of finire, and the same tenses in the Passive Voice of stimare, OR Use, in sentences, the plural of l'amico, l'uomo, il grido, il braccio, il lapis.
Write the story of "Kohl, Wolf und Ziege."
Use, in sentences, the following verybs, with prefixes (a), separable, (b), inseparable,-- durchfahern, umgehen, unterhalfen, ubersetzen, ubertreten.
Use, in sentences, the Third Person Singular of the Present and Imperfect Indicative of konnen, durfen, mogen, sollen, wollen.
Translate in Italian Exercise 13, page 41.
Translate in three different ways-- Give it to me. Send it to him.
Give examples to show the use of ci, vi, ne,
Translate into Italian page 178, Exercise 2, 1-11.
Give rules, with examples, for the use of the Definite Article.
Translate,--A hundred francs. I am an Italian. Wine costs two francs a bottle. She is a good princess.
Recite the story of "Was Hanschen nicht lernt, das lernt Hans nimmermehr."
Which prepositions govern the dative only? Make sentences with four.
Use in sentences, the pronouns,--den, dessen, denen, ??em, das, jedermann.
(Translate?) with Italian (Perini) Exercise xvi., sentences 1-6, or (Grillo) Exercise 2, page 181, sentences 1-6.
Conjugate the Present, Past Definite and Conditional of furire, and the same tenses in the Passive Voice of stimare.
Use in sentences, the plural of l'amico, l'uomo, il grido, il braccio, il lapis.
Describe, in French, the story of Les Femmes Savantes.
Use the comparative and superlative of,--un bon clive, vous travailles bien, un mauvais exemple, ?? langue difficile.
Translate into French Exercise 22, page 165 IV., first half.

Latin - 3 questions in addition to foreign language:

Translate in six ways "Caesar sent soldiers to take the city."
Use in sentences, apud, ad, circa, ante, contra, ob, supra.
Translate into English, and retranslate into Latin, a) Horace's Odes, Book II, stanzas 1-3, and parse stanza 4; or, b) Virgil's Aeneid, Book VI, lines 14-22, and parse lines 54 and 55.
Rewrite with dicit: - Section 90, 1-14.
Answer, in Latin, the questions, section 88, page 41, or, 1. Use, in sentences, the Latin for, - of a good lord, small tables, O good boys, to great kingdoms, to a famous sailor.
Use, in sentence, the genitive and detive singular of,--judex, aetas, miles, trabs, hiems, dux.
 Translate into English and retranslate into Latin, page 168, "Unam rem . . . auget?"
Give the comparative and superlative of,--audax, prudeus, tener, niger, facilis.
Translate into Latin,--To err is human. We ought to speak the truth. Singing is pleasant.
Work Exercise * 101, page 49.
Translate into English, and retranslate into Latin, *120 page 50, OR Decline duo and tres, and make sentences, using the Latin for 21, 90, 16, tenth, seventh.
Translate into English and retranslate in Latin Exercise XVII., "Hodie . . . habetis."
Work Exercise XIX, (a), page 85.
Translate into Latin, (a), I dare to say, (b), I see him come, c) Does he hear you? (d), Who comes?
Translate into English and retranslate into Latin--Exercise 89 (a), "Hodie . . . dabit."
(??) Exercise 36 (e), using the adjectives,--tener, ??ster, bonus, justus.
(Write?) up six sentences to show the use of (a), the comparative, (b), the dative.

Drill (exercise/calisthenics) - Report progress.

Handicrafts - Outside friend to examine work. List of work completed to appear in Parents' Report.

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