
Exam Questions CM Asked Her Youngest Students (grades 1-3)

These are questions taken from actual PNEU exams for Form I (about grades 1-3)

Bible - 2-4 questions such as:

Tell the story of Barak and Sisera.
Tell about Gideon and his three hundred.
Tell something of what happened on Easter Sunday.
What did Peter do at the Beautiful Gate?
What did Joseph tell his father about his dreams?
How did Joseph make himself known to his brethren in Egypt? Tell the whole story.
Tell the story of the rich man and Lazarus, or, about Zacchaeus.
Tell about the poor widow with two mites, or, about the blind man whom Jesus healed.
What do you know about Moses as a boy at school?
Tell about Moses and the burning bush, or a story of Moses and Aaron.
Tell about the wise men from the East.
Tell about the healing of the leper, or of the man who came through the roof.
Tell about the crossing of the Red Sea, or, how the Israelites were fed in the Wilderness.
Tell how Moses broke the tables of stone, or, how the Israelites worked for the tabernacle.
Tell how Jesus walked through the cornfields on the Sabbath day, or, about the man with the withered hand.
Tell about the feeding of the four thousand, or, about the Canaanite woman.
Tell how the Israelites crossed the Jordan, or, about Caleb
Tell the story of the fall of Jericho
Tell the parable of the Sower.
Tell how Christ fed the hungry crowds. How does He feed us today?
Tell the story of Moses striking the rock, or, about his  last birthday.
Tell a story about Balaam.
Tell the story of the Ten Virgins, or, about the marriage of the King's Son.
Tell one story of Jesus after He rose from the dead.

Writing - 1 question such as:

Write "How the leopard got his spots."
Write two lines of poetry from memory.
Print or write: "The little bird sits at his door in the sun."
Write a line of poetry from memory.
Print: "The fairies meet by night to play."
Write The catkins rain a shower of gold.
"His bushy tail was his upright sail." (Write or print)
The wren it sings a merry song.

English History - 2 or 3 questions depending on age, such as:

Tell the story of Agil and his son.
What did children play at in the old times?
Tell a story of Sir Ralph Abercromby
Tell how Princess Victoria came to be Queen, or, a story about President Lincoln.
What do you know about the battle of Balaclava, or, about the work of Florence Nightingale?
What do you know about the battle of Stamford Bridge, or, about Hereward the Wake?
Tell what you know about William the Red, or, about "The White Ship."
What do you know about Captain Cook in Australia, or, about how Lord Roberts saved the guns at Delhi?
Tell a story about the Duke of Wellington as a boy, or about Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Tell a story about (a) Lord Kitchener, or, (b) General Joffre.
What do you know about Viscount French?
Tell how the Romans came to Britain.
Tell about Vortigern and King Constans.
Tell about Nelson at sea.
Tell about Boadicea, or, about St. Alban.
Tell a story about Merlin and Arthur, or, about Rowena OR Tell about the wedding of Princess Mary.
Tell about the crowning of King Harold.
Tell the story of William the Red.
Why is there a monument to Thomas A. Becket in Canterbury Cathedral? Tell about him as a boy.
Tell about the Battle of Hastings
Tell the story of the White Ship.
Tell about Eustace, Count of Bonlogue, or, about Edmund Ironside.
Tell how King Alfred fought the Danes.
What do you know of Sir George Broughton, Dr. Sumner?
Tell a story about Coifi, or, about how King Alfred learned to read.
What do you know about Gregory?
Tell how the Prince of Wales came home.
What is a hero? What heroes have you heard of? Tell about one.

Tales - 1 or 2 questions, depending on age of student such as:

Tell a short fairy tale.
Tell about the assault on Doubting Castle.  What are we told about Mr. Want Wit?
Describe the journey of Skirnir to Svartheim.
Tell about two things Christian saw in the House of the Interpreter, or, about Mr. Worldly Wiseman.
Tell how Ulysses stole the Luck of Troy, or, about Scylla and Charybdis.
Tell a short fairy story and one of Aesop's Fables.
Tell how Christian fought with Apollyon, or, how Faithful was tried in Vanity Fair.
Tell how Ullyses invented the horse of tree, or, how he escaped from the Island of Calypso OR Tell about Ullyses and Eumaeus.
Tell a short fairy story or part of a "Just So Story."
Tell how Christian fared in Doubting Castle, or, how Hopeful and Christian came through the waters at last.
Tell how Ulysses came to his country disguised as a beggar, or, how Telemachus came to the swineherd's hut.
Tell a short fairy story, or, one of Aesop's Fables.
Tell how Great-heart fought with Giant Maul, or, about Mr. Fearing
Tell about Thesous and Ariadne, or about the slaying of the Minotaur.
Tell a short fairy story, or, one of Aesop's Fables.
Tell how Christiana knocked at the wicket gate, or, about what she saw at the Interpreter's House.
Tell how Jason won the fleece, or, about Thesus and the Great Stone.
Tell a short fairy story, or, one of Aesop's Fables.

Geography - 2 questions such as:

Draw the shape of the earth in a tray of sand, and show where the hot countries are and where the cold OR Describe a journey down the Thames.
Mention six things you would like to go and see in Ireland, and say where they are OR Tell something about the Black Country.  Where is it?
Tell about the Arabs at dinner.
Tell about the wild man of the woods and the great bird of the desert.
Can you explain why the sun never seems to remain still in the same place?
What do you know about the fiords of Norway, the Siberian plain, an Arabian desert?
How do we get summer? What causes the change of day and night?
What do you know about Belgium, or, about (a), the Gulf Stream, (b), the Red Man?
Describe a compass. What does it tell us?
Can you draw the shape of India? What do you know about (a) the climate, (b) the River Ganges? OR What do you know about (a) John Chinaman and (b) Hong-Kong?
Why do people never come the end of the world? How can we know its shape?
Tell about "leaves walking", or, about the Indian's blow-pipe,  OR What do you know about Lapland or, the Red Indians of America?
Draw a map of an imaginary country and put in some things that a map usually shows. Give your country a name.
Where does a river generally begin, and how does it find its way to the sea?
What do you know about Columbus? Tell six things about Canada.
What do you know about Galileo and his great discovery? How do we get day and night?
Tell how people cross the Andes and about the Steppes, OR Tell what you know about Tibet and about the Land of the Nile.
Describe a visit to Wales, or, a journey round North Britain.
What is latitude? How is it measured? What does it help us to know?
What is the shape of our earth? How can we know?
Tell about six ways in which people have made journeys and say to what country each way belongs.
What do you know about the sea? Name the five oceans and say where they are.
Take a sheet of paper for a map of Europe; put in the plains, mountains and rivers of Europe, naming them.
What are the four seasons?  How do we get them?
Tell six things about Thibet, or, Tell about the kite flyers and about Saucho and his visit to Oporto.
What did you see in the Seagull sailing up the Firth of Forth? (from Geographical Reader, Book II.)

Natural History (science) - 3 questions such as:

Describe two water creatures, and tell all you have noticed about them.
Describe the nicest walk you have had this term.  What did you find?
Tell the story of Leo.
Tell about Joey the Kestrel.
Describe two wild flowers you have found and two birds you have watched.
What do you know about "the dwellers in Sparrow Town"? Describe (a), the flowers of three shrubs that grow in the hedge, (b), three shapes of leaf OR Tell what you know about a hedgehog, or, about three kinds of flying animals (not birds).
Tell all you can about (a), a spider, (b), a skylark.
What do you know about the polar bear and the country he lives in? OR What can you tell about (a), a gorilla, (b), a chimpanzee, (c) a baboon?
Describe two kinds of wild fruit you have found and two birds you have watched.
Tell about "the nursery in the flowerpot" OR Describe three kinds of birds' nests. Where do birds sleep?
What do you know about the woodpecker? or, Tell about the old "Mugger" and some his relations.
Tell what you know about a stickleback, or, an otter.
Tell all you can about a giraffe. OR What do you know about (a) the African elephant, (b) the rhinoceros?
Describe three kinds of tree-buds and two catkins you have seen.
Tell about the "small green ball in the hedge-row," OR Tell about the birds you have fed this winter, and about two birds of prey.
What did the Rook tell "Tommy Smith"? What have you noticed yourself about a rook? OR Describe two animals you would find in a South American forest.
Tell how a seed grows How do its leaves work for the plant?
Tell how Mr. Sea-Bear talked with "Tommy Smith," OR Tell about three kinds of dog you have watched or read about.
Describe three wild fruits you have found and two animals you have watched.
Tell about the "strangers on the lake," or, What did Tommy Smith learn about a squirrel?
Tell the story of a turnip. How do plants store food?
What did the African elephant tell Tommy Smith?
Make a list of twelve wild flowers you have found and describe three of them.
Tell (a), about the Store House in the Hedgerow, or, (b), about a caterpillar, and describe two butterflies you have seen.
What did Tommy Smith learn about the grass-snake and the adder? or, What do you know about the following?  Where do they live? Ant-eater, armadillo, alligator, chipmunk, beaver?
Tell how three kinds of plants defend themselves from enemies.
What did Tommy Smith learn about the Emperor Penguin? or,  Describe a visit to a farmyard.  What could you see?
What have you noticed (yourself) about a spider?
Gather three sorts of tree leaf-buds and two sorts of catkin, and tell all you can about them.
What have you noticed about a thrush? Tell all you know about it.

Reading (Phonics) - 1 task, such as:

Father to choose unseen passage, marking words not known.

Numbers/Sums - 2 or 3 questions such as:

If  I have £52 ,, 7 ,, 0 ½ and I spend £43 ,, 17 ,, 0, how much have I left?
There are two numbers; their sum is 960; the greater is 527; what is the less?
If oranges are 10 for ninepence, how many shall I get for three shillings?
If 150 soldiers march in rows of 5, how many rows are there?
If John pays 1/- for his dinner, how many friends can he ask to dine with him for  £1 ,,  10 ,, 0?
I had 48 eggs.  I sold one dozen and a half to Mr. Smith and two dozen to Mr. Jones.  How many had I left?
How many legs have Mary, Jack and their dog Jock between them?
Make up eight in six different ways.
Tom has 321 picture postcards. He gave Henry 49 for 61 of his. How many had Tom then?
John wants to but a bicycle costing £5 13s. If he has £3 14s. 7½d., how much more does he need?
An express train runs 60 miles an hour; how far would it run from 10-20 a.m. to 11-30 a.m.?
Find the value of £2 13s. 4 d. -- (£1 1s. + £1 4s. 8d.).
If one bat cost £1 4s. 6d. and another 5s. 9d. less, how much does the second cost?
Bring to pounds, shillings and pence, 30074d., 10731d.
Tom earned 1s. 4d., 10d., and 11d., and he spent 2s. 9d. How much had he left?
Draw a line 6 inches long, and mark off ¼, ½, ¾ of it. How long is each piece?
Six men walked 8 miles each. How many more would each have to walk to make 60 miles altogether?
Three boys earned 2s, 4d, 3s, 7 1/2 d, 4s, 9 1/2 d. They then shared it equally. How much will each receive?
A wheel is 6 inches round. How many times would it turn around in going 9 feet, 6 inches?
A grocer divides 6 lbs of tea into 4 oz. packets. How many packets will there be? OR Find the value of seven motor cars at £384:17:8d. each.
If three pennies weigh one ounce, what would be the weight of £6 in pennies?
If morning school lasts from 9 - 11:30, how many minutes of school time are there?
Mary has half-a-crown and John has half as much. How much has Mary more than John?
Bob cut 2 feet then one foot six inches from a string four feet long. How much was left?
How much money would it take to give 20 children 2d each?
A man sold 400 oranges at 2 a penny. How much did he get for them?
One boy jumps 4'6", another 5'9 1/2", a third 6' 3 1/2". How far did they jump altogether?
Four boys buy a tricycle for 39/8, and all pay the same sum. How much does each pay? OR  £350 - (£154 + £188) =
Would it be cheaper to buy 13 balls at 15d. each or 29 at 6d. each?
How many years ago was the year 900? If a man born in 900 lived 70 years, how many years is it since he died?
What will 12 dolls cost at 1 1/2d. each?
How many 3 inch pieces of string fit in 2 feet?
How many letters weighing 4oz. will weigh 1 lb.?
A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter. How much would 7 pints of water weigh?
Find the number of feet in 114, 123, 135, 188 inches.
Jane saves 1s. 11 1/2d. and Mary four times as much. How much more has Mary than Jane? or, A clock lost 2 seconds every hour. How much would it lose in a week?
If a boy eats 3oz of sugar a day, how many pounds would he eat in a year?
If 8 pennies weigh 1oz, what would be the weight of £1 of pennies?
In how many ways can I weigh out 2lbs. Of sand?
If Mary buys 4lbs of butter at 1s. 3d. a pound and Jane 5lbs. at 1s. 8d. a pound, which of them pays most? By how much?
How much would it cost to stamp 60 letters at 1 1/2d. each?
Add together 1/2,  1/4, 1/3 and 1/8 of £1.
An express train runs 60 miles and hour.  How far would it run at this speed for 8-15 to 9-30?
A boy saved £1 : 19 : 8½.  How much more does he want to buy a bicycle costing £5 : 10 : 0? or, Subtract the difference between £172 and £284 from £300.
Reduce to pence £1087 : 5 : 11.
Multiply: 3896 x 376.
If eggs are 1 1/2 d. each how many could you buy for 4s.?
How many rows of peas could you plant in a bed six feet long, each row one foot from the other?  Draw a plan.
Measure a page of your biggest book and say how many inches it is round the book.

French - 2 or 3 questions such as:

Recite Lucienne découpe des images.
Tell, in French, about the pictures on pages 99 and 101.
Recite Le Chanson de la Laine.
Recite Minet et la Souris.
Tell something, in French, about the pictures on pages 47 and 49 in Illustrated French Primer, and recite Les Doigts.
Describe, in French, the pictures on pages 62 and 63.
Make sentences, using the words, -- mouton, corbeau, renard, chien, garçon.
Recite "The Concert," or, "Le Marriage de la Bécasse et de la Perdrix."
Tell, in French, what you can about the pictures on pages 40 and 41.
Recite "Les Doigts."
Point out and tell in French the parts of the body. (page 72)
Recite La Chanson de la Laine, or a scene from a French fable.
Say something in French about the pictures on pages 24 and 25.
Recite "In the Snow" or "Noel" and "Une, Deux, Trois."
Tell, in French, about the pictures on pages 76 and 80.
Recite some French verses, or, a scene from a French Fable.
Say something, in French, about the pictures on pages 84 & 35.
Recite "Skating" or, La Fin Du Conte.
Name, in French, and in sentences, the things in your schoolroom.
Make sentences with the words for 1, 3, 5, 9.
Sing "Savez Vouz Planter les Choux."
Tell, in French, about the pictures on pages 50 and 51.
Recite, in French, "An Adventure," or, "Les Trois Poules,"
Describe the pictures of pages 102 and 107.
Recite La Petite Fourmi qui allait à Jerusalem, or, a scene from a French fable.
Say something, in French, about the pictures on pages 88 and 89.
Describe "A Cloudy Day," or, "Les Doigts."

Picture Talk/Picture Study - 1 question such as:

Describe the picture by Burne Jones you liked best this term.
Describe "The Shepherdess" or "Feeding the Birds," by J.F. Millet.
Describe Watts' "Una and the Red Cross Knight."
Describe Jan Steen's "The Pedlar."
Describe Durer's "St.Christopher."
Describe Corot's "The Birdnesters."

Brushdrawing - 2 or 3 tasks such as:

The outline of an animal in brushwork.
Two marguerites on brown paper.
A picture (with name) of someone doing something you have read about in your Tales.
Two wild flowers you can find.
A picture of a man working in a field.
A picture (with name) of a story you have read in your Tales.
A branch of wild rose with hips.
A man leading a horse.
A picture (with name) of a story you have heard.
An ash or some other twig.
A Prince on an elephant.
Some hips or other berries.
A picture of a story you have read.
A rabbit.
A wild flower you have found.
A man climbing a mountain.

Recitations - 1 task such as:

Father to choose a hymn, a poem, and one passage from Judges.
Father to choose a hymn, a poem, a Psalm, and two passages from the Bible Lessons.

Music - Examine work done and 1 question such as:

What piece did you like best of the music you have heard this term?  Why?
Tell about some composition by Schumann you have heard.

Singing - Father to choose an English and a French song, and two Tonic Sol-fa exercises.

Drill - (exercise/calisthenics) - Drill, before parents.

Handiwork - Outside friend to examine work.

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