
It Couldn't Just Happen

by Lawrence Richards
A 36-week schedule you can print out and stick in the book.

Week 1
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: Counting the stars pg 8
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: How Big is the Universe? pg 9
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: How can we measure star distances? pg 10
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: Did our universe have a beginning? pg 11

Week 2
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: An orderly universe pg 2
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: The law of entropy pg 13
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: Why doesn't everyone believe in God? pg 13
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: More wonders pg 15
ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: An astronaut's world pg 15

Week 3
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: What is the solar system? pg 17
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: What are the other planets like? pg 17
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Landing on Mercury? pg 18
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Landing on Venus? pg 18
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: We land on Mars pg 19

Week 4
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: The outer planets pg 20
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Jupiter, king of the planets pg 20

Week 5
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Saturn, the ringed planet pg 21
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto pg 21
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Dead planets pg 21
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: The odd planet pg 22
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Why is the sun so important pg 22
ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: A zone of life pg 24

Week 6
ch 3 The Odd Planet: What if pg 26
ch 3 The Odd Planet: Rivers in the sea pg 27
ch 3 The Odd Planet: What could go wrong pg 29
ch 3 The Odd Planet: The greenhouse effect pg 29

Week 7
ch 3 The Odd Planet: The terrible termites pg 30
ch 3 The Odd Planet: Holes in the air pg 31
ch 3 The Odd Planet: A major mystery pg 31
ch 3 The Odd Planet: That fundamental law of nature pg 32

Week 8
ch 4 World in the Making pg 35
ch 4 World in the Making: Shaking the foundations pg 36
ch 4 World in the Making: Disappearance of the dinosaurs pg 36
ch 4 World in the Making: Was earth struck by a giant asteroid pg 38

Week 9
ch 4 World in the Making: The "death star" theory pg 39
ch 4 World in the Making: Continents that move pg 40
ch 4 World in the Making: Cataclysms on earth pg 42
ch 4 World in the Making: What about the Genesis flood pg 42

Week 10
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth pg 44
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: Mountains where they shouldn't be pg 45
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: How old is the earth pg 46
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: How scientists use fossils to determine age pg 46
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: What is radiometric dating pg 47

Week 11
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: What's wrong with radiometric dating pg 49
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: From the beginning pg 50
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: What was earth like when it was created pg 51
ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: Will the mysteries ever be solved pg 52

Week 12
ch 6 How Science Works pg 56
ch 6 How Science Works: How scientists test their ideas pg 57
ch 6 How Science Works: It's not really that easy pg 58
ch 6 How Science Works: Developing better theories pg 59
ch 6 How Science Works: Good science and bad science pg 60

Week 13
ch 6 How Science Works: The "ruling theory" trap pg 62
ch 6 How Science Works: Is scientific proof possible pg 63
ch 7 "Life" in a Test Tube pg 65
ch 7 "Life" in a Test Tube: Either/or pg 65

Week 14
ch 7 "Life" in a Test Tube: What do evolutionists think happened pg 66
ch 7 "Life" in a Test Tube: Stanley Miller's experiment pg 67
ch 7 "Life" in a Test Tube: What is in a cell? pg 68
ch 7 "Life" in a Test Tube: How do we know pg 69

Week 15
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: The moths that changed pg 73
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: Other changes and evolution pg 74
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: The theory of evolution and evolution pg 75
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What are genes and chromosomes pg 76

Week 16
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What about those moths pg 77
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What experiments show pg 78
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: We're there "hopeful monsters" pg 79
ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What does the Bible say pg 80

Week 17
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What is a fossil pg 82
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What do fossils have to do with the theory of evolution pg 83
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What did Charles Darwin think about fossils pg 84
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What are strata pg 85
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: Other probems, too pg 89

Week 18
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: Taking wings pg 90
ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: Evidence is for creation pg 91
ch 10 The Same Yet Different pg 94
ch 10 The Same Yet Different: Is similarity proof pg 96

Week 19
ch 10 The Same Yet Different: Why is homology not good evidence pg 97
ch 10 The Same Yet Different: What are problems with homology pg 98
ch 10 The Same Yet Different: What about other similarities pg 99
ch 10 The Same Yet Different: What does the evidence show pg 100

Week 20
ch 11 The Wonders of Design pg 102
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The woodpecker pg 103
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The amazing penguin pg 104
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The temperature bird pg 105
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The first zipper pg 106

Week 21
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: Directional signs pg 106
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The first sonar pg 107
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The first kite pg 107
ch 11 The Wonders of Design: An unusual cooling system pg 108

Week 22
ch 12 More Wonders of Design pg 110
ch 12 More Wonders of Design: More examples of design pg 111
ch 12 More Wonders of Design: A termite's home is its castle pg 111
ch 12 More Wonders of Design: Life inside the castle pg 113

Week 23
ch 12 More Wonders of Design: Dancers with wings pg 113
ch 12 More Wonders of Design: On the march pg 114
ch 12 More Wonders of Design: Will insects take over the world pg 115
ch 13 When it Takes Two pg 117

Week 24
ch 13 When it Takes Two: Mutualism in the oceans pg 118
ch 13 When it Takes Two: Insects and plants pg 119
ch 13 When it Takes Two: Insects and orchids pg 120
ch 13 When it Takes Two: More mimics pg 121
ch 13 When it Takes Two: Wonders everywhere pg 122

Week 25
ch 14 The Family Tree pg 126
ch 14 The Family Tree: Piltdown man pg 127
ch 14 The Family Tree: What's new pg 129

Week 26
ch 14 The Family Tree: Why so many mistakes pg 130
ch 14 The Family Tree: Where did humans really come from pg 131
ch 14 The Family Tree: Either, or pg 133

Week 27
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful pg 134
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: Life in this world pg 135
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: You and your body pg 135
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: Inside your body pg 135
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: The world's best pump pg 136

Week 28
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: The oxygen exchange pg 136
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: Rushing rivers within pg 138
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: How many cells in your body pg 139
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: Eyes to see pg 140
ch 15 Amazing and Wonderful: Ever new pg 140

Week 29
ch 16 In God's Image pg 142
ch 16 In God's Image: How does the brain work pg 143
ch 16 In God's Image: Your nervous system pg 143
ch 16 In God's Image: Grey matter pg 144

Week 30
ch 16 In God's Image: The true you pg 145
ch 16 In God's Image: What evolutionists can never explain pg 147
ch 16 In God's Image: God's gift pg 147
ch 16 In God's Image: You for always pg 148

Week 31
ch 17 A Sure Word pg 152
ch 17 A Sure Word: Knowing about God pg 153
ch 17 A Sure Word: What's so special about the Bible pg 154
ch 17 A Sure Word: The Bible's historical accuracy pg 155
ch 17 A Sure Word: Can we prove the Bible's origin pg 156

Week 32
ch 18 How We Know We Can Trust What Jesus Said pg 160
ch 18 How We Know We Can Trust What Jesus Said: Prophecy about Jesus pg 160
ch 18 How We Know We Can Trust What Jesus Said: The evidence of miracles pg 163
ch 18 How We Know We Can Trust What Jesus Said: We're Jesus' miracles real pg 164
ch 18 How We Know We Can Trust What Jesus Said: What did Jesus teach about beginnings pg 166

Week 33
ch 19 What the Bible Teaches About Creation: How many choices are there? pg 168
ch 19 What the Bible Teaches About Creation: What we learn about creation from the Bible pg 169
ch 19 What the Bible Teaches About Creation: When did God create pg 171

Week 34
ch 19 What the Bible Teaches About Creation: Did God create in consecutive 24 hour days pg 172
ch 19 What the Bible Teaches About Creation: The Genesis flood pg 173
ch 19 What the Bible Teaches About Creation: What we can and cannot know pg 175

Week 35
ch 20 Alive Now and Forevermore pg 177
ch 20 Alive Now and Forevermore: What about you? pg 178
ch 20 Alive Now and Forevermore: What does lie in the future pg 178
ch 20 Alive Now and Forevermore: Resurrection ahead pg 180

Week 36
Couldn't Just Happen - none

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