
Consequence of Ideas, Sophie's World, and 10 Books That Screwed Up the World

Correlated in 64 readings:
Consequence of Ideas (186 pgs) (3 chapters skipped because they're covered in 10 Books),
Sophie's World (544 pgs), and
10 Books That Screwed Up The World (260 pgs)

Term 1 (22 readings)

The Consequence of Ideas Introduction: Why Philosophy? (pg 7-12)
Sophie's World Ch 1: The Garden of Eden
Sophie's World Ch 2: The Top Hat
Sophie's World Ch 3: The Myths
Sophie's World Ch 4: The Natural Philosophers
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 1 The First Philosophers: Thales 500 BC, Pythagoras 500 BC, Heraclitus 500 BC, Parmenides 500 BC, Zeno 450 BC, Empedocles 450 BC, Anaxagoras 450 BC (pg 13-26)
Sophie's World Ch 5: Democritus 400 BC
Sophie's World Ch 6: Fate
Sophie's World Ch 7: Socrates 400 BC
Sophie's World Ch 8: Athens
Sophie's World Ch 9: Plato 380 BC
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 2 Plato: Realist, Idealist 380 BC (pg 27-38)
Sophie's World Ch 10: The Major's Cabin
Sophie's World Ch 11: Aristotle 340 BC
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 3 Aristotle: THE Philosopher 340 BC (pg 39-50)
Sophie's World Ch 12: Hellenism (Cynics, Epicureans)
Sophie's World Ch 13: The Postcards
Sophie's World Ch 14: Two Cultures (Rome, Judaism)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 4 Augustine: Doctor of Grace 426 AD (pg 51-64)
Wiker 10 Books: Ch Intro: Ideas Have Consequences
Sophie's World Ch 15: The Middle Ages (Aquinas)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 5 Thomas Aquinas: Angelic Doctor 1260 (pg 65-78)

Term 2 (21 readings)

Sophie's World Ch 16: The Renaissance 1350-1555 (Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton)
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 1 The Prince Machiavelli 1513
Sophie's World Ch 17: The Baroque 1590-1725
Sophie's World Ch 18: Descartes 1631
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 2 Discourse on Method Descartes 1637
Sophie's World Ch 19: Spinoza 1670
Sophie's World Ch 20: Locke 1680
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 7 Spinoza 1670, Leibnitz 1700, John Locke, 1680: Modern Empiricism (pg 91-102)
Sophie's World Ch 21: Hume 1739
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 8 David Hume: Skeptic 1739 (pg 103-116)
Sophie's World Ch 22: Berkeley 1740
Sophie's World Ch 23: Bjerkely
Sophie's World Ch 24: The Enlightenment 1651-1794
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 3 Leviathan Hobbes 1651 (Enlightenment)
Sophie's World Ch 25: Kant 1784
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 9 Kant: Revolutionary Philosopher 1784 (pg 117-132)
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 4 Inequality among Men Rousseau 1755
Sophie's World Ch 26: Romanticism 1760-1850
Sophie's World Ch 27: Hegel 1820
Sophie's World Ch 28: Kierkegaard 1841
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 11 Kierkegaard: Danish Gadfly (pg 147-158) 1841

Term 3 (21 readings)

Sophie's World Ch 29: Marx 1848
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 5 Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx, Engels 1848
Sophie's World Ch 30: Darwin 1859
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 7 Descent of Man Darwin 1871
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 6 Utilitarianism Mill 1863
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 8 Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche 1886
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 9 The State and Revolution Lenin 1917
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 10 The Pivot of Civilization Sanger 1922
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 11 Mein Kampf Hitler 1925
Sophie's World Ch 31: Freud 1928
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 12 The Future of an Illusion Freud 1927
Sophie's World Ch 32: Our Own Time (Sartre)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 13 Husserl (1900-20), Heidegger (1927), Jean-Paul Sartre (1943) (pg 173-186)
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 13 Coming of Age in Samoa Mead 1928
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 14 Sx. Behavior in the Human Male Kinsey 1948
Wiker 10 Books: Ch 15 The Feminine Mystique Friedan 1963
Sophie's World Ch 33: The Garden Party
Sophie's World Ch 34: Counterpoint
Sophie's World Ch 35: The Big Bang 1930's?
The Consequence of Ideas Conclusion (John Dewey (1900-1930), Pragmatism pg 199-204)
Wiker 10 Books: A Conclusive Outline of Sanity

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