
Aesop's Fables

The Aesop for Children, illustrated by Milo Winter, sold by Scholastic Books, is the version recommended for its very nice illustrations. This version is also online at Project Gutenberg. On the Year 1 36-Week Schedule, page numbers are given for where the fable is found in this version of Aesop's Fables. Aesop's Fables are also posted on various websites online. Here is a list of the fables scheduled in the 36-week schedule and its online version or an alternate if the specific Milo Winter one was not found by itself online.

Almost all of Aesop's Fables are wonderful and worthwhile. The ones chosen for AmblesideOnline were chosen for their familiarity or interest, but almost any substitution will be useful if you prefer to use other Aesop's Fables in place of, or in addition to these.

The online fables are linked to While not the only site to post Aesop's Fables, it is very extensive and gives some background information about Aesop.

The fables have gone through many translations, and morals were a later addition not included by Aesop. For comparison, at the bottom of this page is a fable from the Milo Winter book, and the same fable from the online website. A sample illustration by Milo Winer is also posted to show why this particular edition is recommended.

Year 1 Aesop Fables Schedule

Week 1
The Wolf and the Kid (pg. 7) online
Tortoise and the Ducks (pg. 8) not online, but this is the most similar

Week 2
Belling the Cat (pg. 11) online
The Eagle and the Jackdaw (pg. 12) online

Week 3
The Boy and the Filberts (pg. 12) online
Hercules and the Wagoner (pg. 13) online

Week 4
The Kid and the Wolf (pg. 13) online
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (pg. 14) online

Week 5
The Fox and the Grapes (pg. 16) online
The Bundle of Sticks (pg. 16) online

Week 6
The Ass and his Driver (pg. 18) online
The Oxen and the Wheels (pg. 18) online

Week 7
The Lion and the Mouse (pg. 19) online
The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf (pg. 20) online

Week 8
The Gnat and the Bull (pg. 21) online
The Plane Tree (pg. 21) online

Week 9
The Farmer and the Stork (pg. 22) online
The Sheep and the Pig (pg. 22) online at another site, top of page

Week 10
The Travelers and the Purse (or axe) (pg. 24) online
The Lion and the Ass (pg. 24) not online, but this one makes an adequate substitute

Week 11
The Frogs who Wished for a King (pg. 25) online
The Oak and the Reeds (pg. 28) online

Week 12
The Boys and the Frogs (pg. 29) online
The Crow and the Pitcher (pg. 30) online

Week 13
The Ants and the Grasshopper (pg. 30) online
The Ass Carrying the Image (pg. 31) online

Week 14
A Raven and a Swan (pg. 31) online
The Two Goats (pg. 32) not online, but this one uses different circumstances to illustrate the same moral

Week 15
The Ass and the Load of Salt (pg. 32) online
The Lion and the Gnat (pg. 34) online

Week 16
The Leap at Rhodes (pg. 34) online; same story with a different title
The Wild Boar and the Fox (pg. 36) online

Week 17
The Ass, the Fox and the Lion (pg. 36) online
The Birds, the Beasts and the Bat (pg. 37) online

Week 18
The Lion, the Bear and the Fox (pg. 37) online
The Hares and the Frogs (pg. 39) online

Week 19
The Fox and the Stork (pg. 40) online
The Travelers and the Sea (pg. 41) online

Week 20
The Stag and his Reflection (pg. 42) online
The Peacock (pg. 42) online

Week 21
The Mice and the Weasels (pg. 44) online
The Wolf and the Lean Dog (pg. 44) not online but this one, also about promises, makes an adequate substitute

Week 22
The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers (pg. 47) online
The Monkey and the Cat (pg. 50) not online, but this one is also a good fable and can be substituted

Week 23
The Dogs and the Hides (pg. 51) online
The Bear and the Bees (pg. 52) not online, but this uses a different story to illustrate the same moral

Week 24
The Fox and the Leopard (pg. 52) online
The Heron (pg. 54) not online, but this similar story illustrates the same moral

Week 25
The Fox and the Goat (pg. 57) Not pg.58 online
The Cat, the Cock and the Young Mouse (pg. 59) not online, but this story illustrates the same moral of not judging by outward appearances

Week 26
The Wolf and The Shepherd (pg. 59) online
The Farmer and His Sons (pg. 61) online

Week 27
The Goose and the Golden Egg (pg. 62) online
The Astrologer; sometimes called The Astronomer (pg. 65) online

Week 28
Three Bullocks and a Lion (pg. 66) online
Mercury and the Woodman (pg. 66) online

Week 29
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (pg. 69) online
The Milkmaid and her Pail (pg. 74) online

Week 30
The Goatherd and the Goat (pg. 75) online
The Wolf and the Housedog (pg. 77) online

Week 31
The Quack Toad; sometimes called The Quack Frog (pg. 78) online
The Cat and the Fox (pg. 82) online

Week 32
Two Travelers and a Bear (pg. 83) online
The Dog and His Reflection, or The Dog and His Shadow (pg. 84) online

Week 33
The Hare and the Tortoise (pg. 84) online
The Fox and the Crow (pg. 87) online

Week 34
The Lions Share (pg. 90) online
The Northwind and the Sun (pg. 91) online

Week 35
The Ass in the Lion's Skin (pg. 93) online
The Bees, and Wasps and the Hornet (pg. 94) not online, but this story, though having a different moral, makes a nice substitute

Week 36
The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle (pg. 96) online

A Raven and a Swan: Comparison of Two Versions

from the Scholastic book illustrated by Milo Winter:
A raven, which you know is black as coal, was envious of the Swan, because her feathers were as white as the purest snow. The foolish bird got the idea that if he lived like the Swan, swimming and diving all day long and eating the weeds and plants that grew in the water, his feathers would turn white like the Swan's.
So he left his home in the woods and fields and flewdown to live on the lakes and marshes. But though he washed and washed all day long, almost drowning himself at it, his feathers remained as black as ever. And as the water weeds he ate did not agree with him, he got thinner and thinner and at last he died.
A change of habits will not alter nature.

A raven saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools.  But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.
Change of habit cannot alter Nature.

Swan Illustration for A Raven and a Swan by Milo Winter; the website does not have illustrations.

Note: The Scholastic book illustrated by Milo Winter includes the addition of a moral after each fable; the website includes morals for some fables, but not all, and the morals don't always match the ones included in the Scholastic book for the same fable.

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