Just one little thought about all the sessions and not being able to do them all. I get that. I'm kind of agonizing over the picking and choosing too, as they all sound fabulous to me, and I'm sure they all will be. But...I had the privilege to be able to attend the Indiana conference last summer, and am thrilled that we were able to work it into our budget and schedule to be able to come again to Texas this year. The thing that still sticks with me the most from my experience in Indiana last summer is not so much what I gained from the sessions I attended - although I did gain much from those too - but how amazingly wonderful it was to spend a couple of days among so many beautiful, like-minded women. I even ended up missing one of the breakouts I had intended to attend because I found myself enjoying a coffee and a chat with a few other ladies in a quieter setting than the mealtimes - still one of my fondest memories of last year's Conference! All that to say...don't worry too much about getting to all.the.right.sessions. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them. And the fellowship - the just being there with so many other like-minded people - meeting these friends I had talked online for years in real life and getting to hug their necks - that was the best part for me. And that part stays the same no matter if you get into your first choice of the breakouts.

Jen in North Carolina - Mama (Seminary Grad!) to dd19(!) (College Freshman), ds16 (Y10), dd 14 (Y8)
Moderating in Language Arts/Narration
Moderating in Language Arts/Narration