Beta Testers Wanted: Grid Schedules
Announcements/RE: Beta Testers Wanted: Grid Schedules
Tried the regular Year 4 - internet is slightly slow tonight, took a minute or two to load, and another 1-2 minutes to copy over, and further lag (below)

* Can't edit at your link
* Copied, could edit but annoyingly slow (delay even in hitting a letter) -- I consider this unusable
* Had to open or save as a PDF (which I can then print)
* Not lined up - on page one the *notes have bumped to two, there is a blank page after term 2 and term 3's final table is split over two pages, 8 pages total.

Downloaded as an ODT, using Open Office Writer: ALL the merges are gone, including the header row of each table. The file is 11 pages. I could fix this very easily, however I might have to flip between the ODT and the PDF to do it properly. I think many would have difficulty, especially if they were on a smaller device.

Downloaded as DOCX using Open Office Writer: Looks identical to the one on Google docs, same page issue, which I fixed by removing the blank line(s) at the top of the page, above the tables.

I'm running Firefox in Ubuntu Linux on a desktop computer. HTH! I don't envy your formatting woes at all and I appreciate the chart schedules many, many times a year. Thank you for providing them!
Amy, who wishes to be a hobbit :)
Two homeschool graduates (DS20, DS19)
Currently homeschooling (DS16, DD13)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Beta Testers Wanted: Grid Schedules - by Lani - 09-20-2015, 06:03 AM
RE: Beta Testers Wanted: Grid Schedules - by Lani - 09-20-2015, 01:15 PM
RE: Beta Testers Wanted: Grid Schedules - by Amy Jo Hines - 09-22-2015, 02:17 PM
Beta Testers Wanted: Grid Schedules - by Jaam1224 - 10-01-2015, 08:42 AM

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