Our Work.
Volume 13, 1902, pg. 388
House of Education.--Ladies who wish for Probationers in the summer should write at once to the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside. Ladies who wish to be admitted at Christmas should not delay their applications.
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A change has been made this winter by sending me the whole of the Students' Nature Work for the year, instead of only one book from each student. I have thus received 19 books from 10 students, which I place as under.
Class I.--I. H. M. Lake; 2, J. W. Devonshire; 3, S. Hirtzel.
Class II.--4, C. A. P. Tillman; 5, A. M. Cowdrey; 6, H. G. Russell; 7, M. C H. Noble; 8, R. M. Williams.
Class III.--9, E. Thomassett; 10, E. H. Laurence.
Miss Lake gains her position by her large amount of very good drawing, and the Notes--both Nature and Lecture--of the whole of the first class are very good and sound. In the second class there are some very good original notes. Miss Tillman has an amusing account of a heron mobbed by rooks, and Miss Cowdrey an excellent observation (illustrated) of nestling spiders.
In taking leave of the Ambleside Nature Note Books, I am glad to refer to the great success which has rewarded Miss Hodgson's teaching, and which is clearly shown by the steady advance that I have found from year to year in the average style, copiousness and correctness of the Nature Notes.
The Nature Notes, with illustrations, must always depend a good deal on the artistic talent and quickness of observation possessed by the individual students of each year and there is some very good drawing as well as observations this year.
I hope Miss Hodgson's successor, though it would be hardly possible to surpass her devotedness, may be able to equal her success.
(Signed) H. D. GELDART.
6th March, 1902.
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Miss Hodgson's resignation, after nine years of devoted and brilliantly successful work, is a calamity to the House of Education. She will always have the satisfaction of feeling that she has given direction and impetus to our work on two lines--Handicrafts and Nature Lore--of which I believe we shall always feel the benefit. We lose Miss Hodgson's unique power, but we have been fired by her enthusiasm, and Miss C. F. Barnett, her successor, was once among her pupils, and brings some other advantages to the College. Our loss may, we believe, be a gain to the cause of education in another field.
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We must also record our gratitude to Mr. H. D. Geldart for the noble service he has done for us for the last eight years as Reader of the Students' Nature Note Books. His criticisms have been a great stimulus to our work and his kind readiness to correspond with ex-students on Natural History questions has been a great benefit. We grieve that a failure in health makes it necessary for Mr. Geldart to give up this and other work.
C. M. MASON, Principal.
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P.N.E.U. Literary Society.--Subject for May:--Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
P.N.E.U. Translation Society.--Selection from Victor Hugo's Odes and Ballades.
Pen Selwood, Gervis Road, Bournemouth,
From whom all particulars may be obtained.
Typed by happi, Mar. 2020; Proofread by LNL, Apr. 2020