
Parents' Review Article Archive

The "P. R." Letter Bag.

Volume 12, 1901, pgs. 155-156

(The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of Correspondents.)

Dear Editor,
The article on the "Dangers and Difficulties of Child Study" interested me deeply. The lecturer made one remark which I am sure would have been put in a different way had she attended the meeting at the P.N.E.U. Conference on May 8th, at which the subject of Children's Country Holidays was discussed, and Mr. Ernest Hart gave particulars of the splendid help which some of our young people give to town children by taking them for walks and teaching them natural history. She would not speak as she does of the "luckless little Londoner, who cannot have a peaceful fortnight in the country without an examination at the end of it," if she knew how they hang in groups in the lanes, longing for the shops and scenes of excitement which are "home" to them, and begging passers by to "give I some'ut to do." If more workers in this great and growing harvest could be found, would not a few simple questions at school on their return on what they have seen prolong the break of school routine, and remind them of the happy days spent in looking at nature with eyes less absolutely closed than they are at present? It is a work which, in my opinion, P.N.E.U. parents should do all they can to induce their young people to take part in. Much may also be done by sending boxes of specimens up to London for botany lessons.

Yours truly, M. L. Hart Davis.
Dunsden Vicarage, Reading, Dec. 15th, 1900.

Dear Editor,
Will you kindly ask the readers of the Parents' Review if they can tell me of a good first book in geography, and also a first arithmetic, for a little girl just 7? I have liked the books that I have got from recommendations in the "P.R. Letter-bag" so much that I have ventured to trouble you. Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours sincerely, L.W.
19, Maison Dieu Road, Dover, Jan. 4th, 1901.

Dear Editor,
I should be most grateful if any readers of the Parents' Review could tell me of any books or papers suitable to give to young working men, dealing simply and straightforwardly with the subject of purity and with the temptations with which they are likely to meet in this connection. Also whether there is anything of the nature of a league of purity to which they can belong, which is simple and manly in character. I hope and think these questions are not entirely outside the scope of the Parents' Union. I should most gladly receive any information sent to Mrs. F., c/o Miss Russell, 26, Victoria Street, and I hope anyone able to give me information will be kind enough not to withhold their help.

Dec. 14th, 1900.

Dear Editor,
I should like, if I may, to ask the opinion of members as to the following points in connection with the religious teaching and training of very young children. One feels that in this, as in all other matters, the God-given mother-instinct is not everything, and we young mothers may be saved from many dangers by the equally God-given experience of older ones, if they will not mind being troubled to think of us and to give us their help and counsel. We lose much if they pass by on the other side, and feel it is not their affair.

(1) On what plan would you first present the Gospel story to little children, and at what age or stage of development would you first tell them of the death and resurrection of our Lord?

(2) Does the danger of parrot-like repetition outweigh the advantage of strong early impressions on the memory, if little children learn Scripture and hymns when parts of what they learn may be rather beyond their understanding?

(3) At what age would you begin to let them join in public services and family prayers?

(4) Can any members recommend "Sunday" books for tiny children, which are reverent in tone, well-written and interesting; and also any notes of Bible lessons for very little ones? For books we need something about the level of the mere little moral tale.

Yours truly, Florence Fremantle.
Holton Park, Oxford.

Proofread by LNL, May 2011