
Parents' Review Article Archive

The "P.R." Letter Bag.

Volume 12, 1901, pgs. 74-75

(The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of Correspondents.)

Dear Editor,
Now you must be at home, and I take the liberty you so kindly gave me, to write to you and give you sometimes short accounts of the educational work we are doing here.

Yesterday we had our second meeting, in my home parents' circle. I read to our members, "Habit is ten natures." I translated it till the physiology of habit. All the people assembled was at that moment wholly living of the ideas; that they were living of them, taking them in their souls, that they would not forget them, that next time they would come and ask for more, I was convinced of it, I felt it whilst I was reading. When I finished there were two or three voices about the taking away of the child's free will, but it very soon was made clear to every one present, that the will of the child is not made weaker through the laying, in early childhood, of good habits. I hope our modest work will prove successful. My great regret is not to have the right to affiliate my home circle to the Parents' Union; you were so kind to me, I am sure you would not have refused to us that favour.

Just now I am very much occupied in writing the paper I shall have to read at the committee of home education of the pedagogical society. I would so much like to make clear to my auditory the principles of your work, to make them understand the really excellent ways to sound education that lay in these principles, and the aid we could find in adapting them to our own work. Till now, alas! I am dreadfully dissatisfied with my poor paper. Since this autumn the Society takes in the Parents' Review, so that the members that understand English will read and learn through it a good deal.

One thing more that I also want to tell the members of our society is, how thoroughly kind and amiable English people are, and known to be, to strangers.

Excuse me for the length of my letter and receive my profound respects,
Yours faithfully,
Rasgoulaï H. Novitchkoff, No. 5, A. Reppman.
30th October, and 12th November.(1900)

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Bien Honorée Mademoiselle,
J'ai l'honneur de vous transmettre mes deux articles sur l'éducation morale" et "Quelques buts de l'éducation morale" [These pamphlets are printed in Russian.--Ed.]--en espérant que, peut-étre, ils seront d'une valeur queconque pour vous, Mademoiselle, comme la fondatrice de la Societé nationale de l'éducation paternelle en Angleterre, ou pour votre estimable Societé. Pour ma part, en prenant un intérét profound aux questions de l'éducation morale et en y consacrant tous mes loisirs, je serais bien heureux de recevoir de votre part vos ouvrages sur l'éducation morale ou ceux des members de votre societé, si vous trouverez possible me les faire parvenir. Chaque envoi en question sera recu avec une profonde reconnaissance. Veuillez bien addresser la reponse: Moscow, Hôtel de Ville, Bureau de Statistique Municipale, à Monsieur Constantin Wentzel.

Agréez, Mademoiselle, ma consideration la plus distinguee,
Votre très humble serviteur,
Moscow, Constantin Wentzel.
Le Octobre, 1900

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Dear Editor,
In reference to "O. Bertrand's" letter in Dec., 1900, I think she would find the colloquial French names of flowers in either of the following books:--Atlast d' Histoire Naturelle Végetaux,, by Moritz Wilkomm and J. Groenland, published by J. F. Schreiber, Esslinger. I think it costs 18fr., and can be had either in French or German. Probably Hachett, King William Street, W.C., could get it. Or Atlas de Poche des Plantes des Champs, des Prairies et des Bois, Series 1, 2 and 3, price 6fr. 50c. each, published by Paul Klincksieck, 3, Rue Corneille, Paris.
Yours faithfully,
Margaret F. Ferraaboschi.
74, Newlands Park, Sydenham, S.E.

Proofread by LNL, May 2011