
Parents' Review Article Archive


by Herbert Baynes.
Volume 4, 1893/4, pg. 655

[Probably Herbert Morton Walker Bayes, 1855-1928, British civil servant and orientalist, wrote "Dante and His Ideal," "Ideals of the East," and "The Way of the Buddha."]

From myriad subtle, solitary springs
     Which through a thousand hearts for ever flow,
     In moving melodies that come and go
And tremble into being, secret strings
Of liquid loveliness and sacred things
     Of earth and heaven, of gladness and of woe,
     Muse of the muses, thou, dost rise and grow.
Nor know we how, upon celestial wings
     Now soft and low, then eager, swift and strong.
     Our spirits thou dost bear. Thy sphere of tone
In hieroglyphs of God dost thou reveal;
     Idea, feeling, will--both right and wrong
     Are imagined there: the spirit naked, lone
We see, and where we cannot know--we feel!

Proofread by LNL, Jun. 2021