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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. NotesVolume 12, 1901, pgs. 70-80 Edited by Miss Russell, Sec., 26, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. N.B.--Kindly write on one side of the paper only. Miss Blogg has resigned her Secretaryship of the P.N.E.U., and her place has been taken by Miss J. M. Russell. New Branches The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting
Branches in the following places:-- ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Belgravia--On Dec. 3rd, at 4, Grosvenor Crescent (by kind permission of Mrs. George Arbuthnot), a meeting was held, Mr. Biddle in the chair, to receive an address by the Bishop of Stepney on the "Relationship of Mothers and Sons." Members of other branches were invited to be present, and the attendance was so large that it was found impossible to afford accommodation for everyone, many having to go away disappointed. There must have been at least 200 present. The lecture, which was an interesting one, dealt exhaustively with maternal influence from every point of view, and indicated how this influence could be of practical service to a boy on coming in contact with the dangers which very often meet him on first going to school. At the conclusion of the address, Mr. Biddle dealt shortly with the subject which had been treated, and an instructive discussion ensued. It is hoped that the address will be printed in a later number of the Parents' Review. The next meeting of the branch will be held at Mortimer House, Egerton Gardens (by kind permission of Mrs. Parrish), on Jan. 17th, 1901, at 3.30 p.m., when Rev. Theodore Wood will lecture on "Life in a Pond," with impromptu sketches in coloured chalks. The children of members are specially invited. Bolton--Mrs. Miall gave her very interesting paper on "Our Boys" to the members of the Bolton and Farnworth Branches, at the Baths, Bridgenian Street. Unfortunately there was a small attendance, but the paper was much enjoyed by those who were able to be present. Cradock, Cape Colony--The last meeting of the season of the local branch of the Parents' National Educational Union was held in the Supper Room, on Sept. 19th. In the absence of the President, the Rev. R. M. Lee was voted to the chair. After the usual business the Hon. Treasurer read a satisfactory financial statement which was adopted, and Miss Hockley was called upon to read her paper on "Mental Development of Children," which it is needless to say was a thoughtful, suggestive and helpful introduction to a useful and practical discussion of the subject, in which Mrs. James, Mrs. Henchman, and Messrs. James and Butler took part. The chairman closed the discussion in an instructive address, and Miss Hockley, in acknowledging a vote of thanks, replied on various points raised in course of the discussion, and it was announced that the next session would commence early in the winter. Darlington--In Feb. Miss Lucy Harrison, head mistress of Mount School, New York, will give an address on "The Cultivation of the Literary Taste in Children."--Mar. 19th, W. A. Spafford, Esq., M.A., on "Is There a Science of Education?"--Miss Mary Simpson, of the Yorkshire College, will continue her course of Natural History lectures: Feb. 25th, "Coltsfoot"; Mar. 25th, "Calkins"; May 6th, "A Woodland Flower"; June 3rd, "Bees." Dulwich--Before the members of this branch, on Oct. 23rd, and interesting lecture was given by Miss Maguire on "Historic London and its teaching for the Child."-On Nov. 22nd Miss Annie Evans lectured on "St. Francis of Assisi" which was illustrated by beautiful lantern slides.--On Dec. 6th Mrs. Clement Parsons lectured on "Education as understood by the P.N.E.U." This lecture was especially arranged for visitors, in the hope that next year some of them might become members of this branch.--On Jan. 14th it is arranged that Professor Hulme should lecture on "Our Flag--the Union Jack"; and on Feb. 14th William Stuart Low, F.R.C.S., has kindly promised a lecture on "Heredity." Eastbourne--On Nov. 22nd (by kind invitation of Mrs. Jay), an evening meeting was held at St. Anne's Vicarage, when Miss Farnell, of Bayford House, Hampstead, gave an interesting lecture on "The Study of the Beautiful." There was a large attendance of members and invited guests, and some discussion took place. Edinburgh--The opening lecture of the winter course was delivered by Dr. Helen Webb, on Nov. 23rd, at 27, Moray Place (by kind permission of Mrs. Trayner). The chair was taken by Lord Maclaren. Dr. Webb's treatment of her subject, "Neurotic Children," showed a thorough knowledge and wide experience of the difficulties associated with the education of children possessing a highly sensitive nervous temperament. There was a large audience which thoroughly appreciated a most interesting and helpful paper. The second lecture will be delivered on Dec. 18th, at 7, Heriot Row, by the kind permission of Mrs. Greenfield. The Rev. Harry Miller will read a paper entitled "A Boy's Religion." Farnworth--At a meeting held on Nov. 22nd, the members of this branch decided to attend the Bolton lectures this season. By this means we hope to have better audiences, and the expense will be shared by the two branches. Glasgow--The first meeting of the session was held on Nov. 22nd at Redlands, by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Mirrlees. The Rev. Jas. Stalker, D.D., delivered a suggestive address on "Temperament." After dwelling on the unlikeness of children even in the same family, and on the need of studying the individual child, the lecturer explained that temperament (literally mixture) is a term derived from the old belief that human nature consists of four elements, that the individual is sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, or melancholic, according to the element that preponderates. . . However doubtful these distinctions may be on physiological grounds, they are really to be seen exemplified in every group of children. The practical import to us is that each temperament has its peculiar temptations. . . . But there is a bright side. Each temperament has its own possibilities of good. . . Some discussion followed as to the practical bearing of the lecture on education and as to how far parents are warranted in trying to repress or to cultivate a strong natural bent in one direction. Dr. Stalker reminded the members that it has been said that we partake more strongly of each temperament in succession as we pass from childhood to old age. The meeting closed with the usual votes of thanks. Harrow--Two lectures have been given lately to this branch--one on Nov. 15th, at 3.30 p.m., at Mrs. Herbert's house in Roxborough Park, by Mrs. Dowson, on "Service and Rule," and the other by Mrs. Clement Parsons, at Northwood College (by the kindness of Miss Buchan Smith), on Dec. 13th, on "A Waverley Novel for a Child." Both lectures were fairly well attended. In the course of a very thoughtful address, Mrs. Dowson said that to get the organic idea of society into a child's head, and the fundamental dignity of service, would be doing him a great service. Mrs. Clement Parsons gave us some very inspiring suggestions as to how to introduce Scott's novels to the child, and how to make them endeared to him. She said that through all his writings there blows an out-of-doors atmosphere--there is nothing enervating in them; and she went on to suggest that one should read one salient scene aloud, and added that "an anecdote dramatically told is the best way of driving in memory's nail." That one should not be afraid of giving scrappy information, because there will be plenty of time to specialise later on, and that one's main object after all is to open up vistas and widen the world in the days of childhood. The lecture was keenly appreciated by all present, specially by the elder girls of Northwood College, who were able to be present. Hastings and St. Leonards--On the 29th of Nov., at St. John's College (by kind permission of Miss Blunt, the Principal), a lecture was given by Miss Beth Finlay, subject, "The Restlessness of Modern Youth." The chair was taken by Miss Blunt. The lectures arranged for young people on "The Wonders of Creation," By Mr. Cecil Carus Wilson, will probably begin Friday, Feb. 8th. Hyde Park and Bayswater--Hon. Sec., Mrs. Franklin, 50, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park. "At Home" Thursday Mornings--On Saturday, Jan. 19th, a lecture to children will be given at 3.30, at 50, Porchester Terrace, by Mrs. Crump (F.R. Hist. S.), on "Nursery Life 300 Years Ago."--On Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, at 5 o'clock, at 29 York Place, Baker Street, by kind permission of Mr. E. T. Bull, who will take the chair, Miss Isabel Fry will lecture on "Economics and Every Day Life."--Swedish drill and drawing classes are being arranged. Ipswich--The annual meeting of this branch was held on Dec. 5th, at the High School. Much regret was expressed at the loss of our Secretary, Mrs. P. H. Bagenal, owing to her removal from this neighbourhood. The President, Lady Farren, asked if any member would volunteer to act as Secretary; no affirmative response being made, Mrs. F. G. Bond, who has been carrying on the duties (pro tem.), consented to act for the remainder of this session. After the election of committee for 1901, a most inspiriting address was given by Miss Frances Blogg, on "Development and Growth in the P.N.E.U." The following lectures have been arranged for this session:--"Influence of Home in the School," by Miss Kennett; "Professions and How to Choose Them," by Hon. and Rev. Canon Lyttleton; "Neurotic Children," By F. Ward, Esq., M.D.; "Children and Romance," by Mrs. Clement Parsons; "The Spirit life in Childhood," by Rev. W. E. Fletcher. In connection with our Natural History Club, a series of "Talks and Walks with Children" will be given by Mr. F. Woolnough, Curator of the museum. St. John's Wood--A meeting was held on Oct. 19th, when a discussion was opened by Miss Eva Young, her motion being "That Punishment should never be used in Home Education." Miss Young considered that control, but not punishment, is all that is necessary. The motion, however, was lost.--The second meeting of the Branch was held on Nov. 27th. Mr. White Wallis gave a most interesting description of the human eye, dealing with the commonest forms of defective sight. The lecture was fully illustrated by models and diagrams, and the Chairman (Major Lamorock Flower) spoke on the near-sightedness of our soldiers as compared with the Boers. Leeds--A meeting was held on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, at which Dr. Lucy Buckley gave an interesting address on "Some Nervous Manifestations of Childhood." After pointing out various ways in which the hypersensitive brain shows itself in children, Dr. Buckley emphasized the fact that nervous diseases are becoming more frequent, especially among the educated classes, and that this is the case with our children, as well as with ourselves. She considered that one cause of this is the hurry and excitement in which we live, and that, though change of work may be rest to grown up people, it is not so to children, but is only exciting. We are too apt to give them a great variety of occupations, and not enough real honest leisure. There was a fair attendance. Lewes--A meeting took place on Wednesday, Dec. 5th. About 55 people were present, in spite of a terribly wet afternoon. Mr. Bicknell's address, "About Stars and the Easiest Way to Know Them," was very much enjoyed. Fourteen new members have joined the branch this season. Richmond and Kew--An address was delivered on Nov. 26th at the High School, Richmond, to a large audience, by the Warden of the Lady Warwick Hostel, Reading, on "Agriculture as a Work for Women." An interesting account was given of their very excellent scheme, but questions elicited the fact that it is still in its infancy. Dairy work is taught without a cow! Horticulture, bee cultivation, and poultry farming on twelve acres of suburban land. The arrangements of the houses for the girls seemed very satisfactory.--A lecture to members and their children was given to about 100 young people, with their parents and teachers, on December 7th, by the Rev. Theodore Wood, on the "Wonders of Ant Life." Everyone listened enthralled to the wonderful stories of these very wonderful insects. Mr. Wood is an accomplished lecturer, and has the great power of illustrating his lectures by drawings on the blackboard. Young and old came away delighted and instructed.--On Jan. 24th we hope to hear the Hon. and Rev. Canon Lyttleton, on "Character and Surroundings." Wakefield and District--Miss Ravenhill gave a most instructive and interesting lecture on Dec. 3rd, on "The A. B. C. of Child-Hygiene." There was a very fair attendance of members in spite of a wet afternoon. Miss Ravenhill gave some most practical information on the various forms of food for infants and little children, the importance of fresh air, suitable clothing and the proper amount of sleep and exercise. Woodford and Wanstead--The autumn session was opened on Wednesday, Oct. 31st, by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Beecham Martin, Wanstead College. Mrs. Clement Parsons gave her most interesting lecture on "Simplicity." The audience showed by their extreme attention and subsequent discussion how near the subject was to many present. The winter's work was afterwards spoken of. The Secretary announced that the nucleus of a small permanent lending library was formed. There was quite a demand for Canon Lyttleton's "Home Safeguards," etc., some copies being on sale at the close. In December, extracts from Canon Lyttleton's book, "Mothers and Sons," are to be read and discussed. The next lecture is a public one, by Mrs. Lemon, Hon. Secretary of Society for Protection of Birds. Proofread May 2011, LNL ![]() |
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