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Edited by Miss Frances Blogg.
Volume 10, 1899, pg. 749
Edited by Miss Frances Blogg. Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W.
To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print.
New Branches.
The Exectuive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:--
Croydon.--Names may be sent pro tem., P. Rands, Esq., Brighty, Bensham Manor Road.
Brussels.--Names may be sent pro tem., Madame de Goeij, 35, Rue du Moulin.
Guildford.--Names may be sent pro tem. To Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Ewhurst Rectory, near Guildford.
Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Blogg.
The Secretary is requested to announce that Dr. Laing Gordon is quite unable to give any lectures in connection with the Union during this winter
Belgravia.--Lectures and classes are being arranged for November, 18, which notice will be sent to members at an early date.--Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Cockburn, 39, Elvaston Place, S.W.; Hon. Treasurer, The Lady Helen Lacey, 29, Cavendish Road, N.W.
Bolton.--The first meeting will be held on October 19th. Miss Annie Evans is expected to give a lecture on "Art-teaching for Children" in November. Mrs. Bulley has promised to give a lecture to nurses in December. The Natural History Class will meet on Thursday afternoons, Miss Taylor having kindly consented to give the lectures again this winter.--Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Harold Barnes, Crompton Fold, Bolton.
Bournemouth and Boscombe.--Botany Club for Children.--A Bournemouth (Hon. Secretary, Miss Agnes Rooper), on 16th September, when 12 juvenile botanists, from 8 to 14 years of age, sent in for competition very carefully dried and correctly named collections of wild flowers. Most of the competitors had painted as well as dried the specimens, and two had filled "nature note-books." There was some difficulty in awarding the prizes so successful were the exhibits.
Derby.--On September 30th, our Branch had a pleasant excursion to Tutbury Church and Castle. Dr. Milnes gave a very interesting lecture on the development of Gothic architecture, pointing out in particular the characteristics of Norman work, of which Tutbury Church is so excellent a specimen. In the castle he showed the principles on which the fortifications of feudal times were built. The excursion, which was partly intended for children, was fairly attended in spite of threatening weather.--On October 14th, the Branch had another excursion, which was led by Mr. Arnold-Bemrose. This time we were geologists, and Mr. Arnold-Bemrose succeeded in interesting parents and children greatly in the millstone and limestone at Crick. There was a good attendance, and everyone enjoyed the day.
Edinburgh.--On Saturday, October 28th, there will be an exhibition of "Collections of Common Things" made by the children during the holidays.--On November 9th, Mrs. Franklin will give an address at 4, Charlotte Square, at 4 o'clock, by kind permission of Dr. and Mrs. Barham.--December 4th, George Smith will read a paper, entitled "What a Boy Reads," at 13, Royal Circus, at 4 o'clock. Dr. Helen Webb will lecture on "Habit," at 29, Charlotte Square, by the invitation of Dr. and Mrs. Berry Hart.--February 5th, at 25, Moray Place,--Goodchild will give an address at 4 o'clock.--Talks with nurses will be conducted by Miss Anderton, at 4, Charlotte Square, on the evenings of November 1st, 15th, 29th, and December 13th, from 8 to 9. Fee for the course, 2s. All nurses are invited.--A small educational library is in course of formation. Books may be had any morning, between 11 and 12 o'clock, on application to Mrs. Andrew.--Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Berry Hart, 29, Charlotte Square.
Farnworth.--The first meeting of this Branch was held at the Vicarage, by kind permission of Mrs. Butler. Mr. Butler have a most helpful and sympathetic address on the teaching of religion to children. There was a good attendance of Members, and the paper was much appreciated. This Branch joins Bolton for Miss A. Evans' lecture on "Art." It is hoped that Miss Roberts, now of Cheltenham College, may visit us again, and papers are promised by Mr. Edwards, of the Grammar School, and by the President. The Natural History Class is unavoidably given up till after Christmas.
Hampstead.--The November lecture will be given by J. Russell, Esq., B.A., on the 17th inst., on "An English Educational Reformer (R. H. Quick)." On December 12th, Mrs. Boole will speak on "The Relation of Pupil to Teacher in Science." The Hon. Secretary will be glad to supply Members with cards of invitation for friends for either of these meetings. It is hoped Members will endeavour to help in securing good attendances in this way.--Hon. Secretary, G. G. M. Herbert-Smith.
Hastings and St. Leonard's.--Seven lectures are arranged for the evening session:--(1) "On the Gouin System of Teaching Languages," Mess. Mauria Jacob; (2) "Learning by Heart or by Doing," Mrs. Miall; (3) "How the P.N.E.U. may help its Members," Mrs. E. Franklin; (4) "Child Study," Dr. Langdon-Down; (5) "Home Teaching of Religious Truth," Rev. H. E. Victor; (6) "The Inculcation of the Spirit of Reverence," Miss Carta Sturge; (7) "Universities' Camps for Public School Boys," Col. Seton Churchill. No. 2 will be given on Tuesday, November 7th, at three o'clock, at Caple-ne-Ferne, by kind permission of Mrs. Tubbs, who will preside.
Leeds.--The first Meeting of this Branch will be on October 24th, when Miss Evans will give a lecture on "How to Show Children our National Gallery."--On November 14th, Miss Burnaby, of Bradford, will address a meeting on "The Speaking Voice."--Small reading circles are being formed to work through the course on "Education," drawn up by the National Home Reading Union.--The Committee is giving a reception on October 18th to members and outsiders, in the hope of increasing the membership of this branch.
Reading.--Natural History Club.--The Fourth Annual Exhibition of Natural History Collections, made by members of the Club, will be held on Saturday, November 11th, 1899, 2.30-5.30 p.m., in the Abbey Hall, by kind permission of Messrs. Sutton and Sons. At 4 p.m., the Rev. W. H. Campbell has kindly promised to talk to the children about the swarm of meteors (the Leonids), which are expected on November 14th, 1899. The talk will be illustrated by lantern slides. Nature note-books, drawings, collections (however small) of flowers, seeds, vessels, grasses, ferns, shells, fossils, insects, etc., will be received for Exhibition. Those collections that were shewn in 1898 will not be shewn again unles they have been added to. Any questions for the judges as to names of specimens, etc., should be enclosed with the collections. All Exhibits must reach the Porter, at the Abbey Hall, not later than 5 p.m., on November 10th, addressed to the Hon. Secretary, and bearing the owner's name and address. The Committee will take all possible care of exhibits entrusted to them, but cannot be held responsible for them. Members are particularly requested to remove their exhibits on Saturday evening after the Exhibition closes at 5.30 p.m.--Hon. Secretary, K. L. Hart-Davis, Dunsden Vicarage.
St. John's Wood.--The first meeting of the Winter Session was held on Friday, October 13th, at 44, Finchley Road, by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Penrose. Miss Maynard, of Westfield College, read a most interesting paper on "Various Planes of Life," which was followed by a discussion. C. E. Rice, Esq., M.A., kindly acted as chairman.--On November 3rd, Miss Helen Webb, M.B., will lecture on "Habit," and on December 8th Dr. Schofield will read a paper on "The Springs of Character."--The Reading Circle will meet on the first and third Wednesdays in the month.
Southport.--The arrangements for the coming Session are as follows:--1899. October, "How to Teach Music to Young Children," by Miss Stead; illustrated by Miss Greaves and pupils. November, "The Ablett System of Drawing" (illustrated), by Miss Dixon. 1900. January, "Children's Eyes," by Dr. Rhus-Wood. February, "Music of Shakespeare's England" (illustrated), by Miss Gilchrist. March, "The Place of Athletics in Education," by Dr. Barrett.
Wakefield and District.--The following Lectures have been arranged for this winter:--The session opens with a lecture from C. D. Olive, Esq., on "Memory and Forgetfulness." Miss Worn and Miss Sidford have also promised lectures, the former upon "Early Childhood," and the latter on "Art and Enjoyment." Mr. E. Cooke's classes have reopened. Any ladies wishing to join the Botany Class for Adults, held at Lady Bramston's house, should communicate with the Hon. Secretary of the Branch, Miss Lucy Shakespeare, Kingsley Gate, Berkeley Place, Wimbledon.
Woodford and Wanstead.--The winter term begins on October 27th, when Dr. A. Smythe Palmer will give the first Lecture, on "Baby Talk," at Mrs. Smith Harrison's, Woodford. Other lectures to be arranged in due course.
Proofread July 2011, LNL
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