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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. Notes.Edited by Miss Frances Blogg, Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. New Branches. The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:-- Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Blogg. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * The Library Committee beg to acknowledge with many thanks the gift of the following book, Some Observations of a Foster-Parent (J. C. [John Charles] Tarver), from Mrs. Whiteley. Belgravia.--On Friday, March 3rd, a lecture will be given by Mr. C. Carus-Wilson, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., &c., on "The Wunders of Rain," at 27, Prince's Gardens (by kindness of Lady Campbell)--On Thursday, March 9th, Dr. G. H. Savage will lecture on "Nervous Children and Their Training," at 65, Queen's Gate (by kindness of Mrs. Rawstorne).--A course of six lessons on "How to give Religious Instructions to Children" is being given by Sister Agnes Mason, at 50, Ennismeric Garden (by kindness of Mrs. Farrer), on Tuesdays, at 11.30.--Also a brush drawing class for children, by Mrs. Cooke, at 65, Queen's Gate, on Mondays, at 9.15. Lectures on "Sick-Nursing of Children," on Thursdays, at 11.30, and "Helps in Household Difficulties," on Fridays, at 11.30--Particulars of above classes, etc., apply to Mrs. Cockburn, 39, Elvaston Place. Hyde Park and Bayswater.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. L. Franklin (50, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park), at home Thursday mornings.--Two very excellent lectures have been given. One at 38, Bryanston Square, on "The Parent in the Educational System," by the Rev. Henry Russell Wakefield, M.L.S.B., and one at 21, Cleveland Square, on "The sphere of Parental Scope and Responsibility," by Miss Alice Woods, Principal of the Maria Gray Training College. Both lecturers dwelt most ably on the co-operation of parents and teachers, and the respective work of home and school. It is much to be regretted that the large branch was not better represented, and that two important educationalists should have addressed comparatively small audiences. There was a fair discussion after both lectures.--The next lecture is on Thursday, March 2nd, at 5.30, at 20, Stratford Place (by kind permission of Mrs. Mudie Cook), when Mr. M. Sadler will lecture on "Dr. Arnold of Rugby." G. M. Freeman, Esq., Q.C., in the chair. Dulwich.--Since the beginning of the year we have had a capital lecture from Miss F. Johnson, on "How to make London interesting to children." It was held at Belair (by kind permission of Mrs. Evan Spicer), on January 13th, and on the 19th, about twelve of the Dulwich Members met at The Chestnuts, Dulwich Common, for a "Business Drill," at which Miss Blogg kindly presided.--On February 22nd, Mr. Carus Wilson gave his lecture on "The Marvels of Ice and Glaciers," Dr. Laing Gordon in the chair.--On March 17th, Mr. Ryland is to lecture on "How to teach the rights and duties of citizenship to boys and girls," at Hillsboro, Alleyn Park (by kind permission of Mrs. Mallinson).--The annual general meeting will probably take place on April 6th. Richmond and Kew.--The annual meeting was held (by the kind invitation of Mrs. Foulkes) at Asgill Lodge, on January 26th. Prof. Radford Thomson proposed the re-election of the old officers and committee. This was carried. A very able lecture followed, on "A Child's Introduction to Poetry," by Mrs. Clement Parsons. There was a large attendance of members and friends,--For March, Mrs. Miall is announced to lecture on "Our Boys." Forest Hill.--The first annual meeting of this Branch was held at Manor House, Honor Oak Road, on January 27th (by kind permission of Mrs. Gray). The Committee's report was read by the Hon. Secretary, and the statement of accounts by the Hon. Treasurer, to whom hearty votes of thanks were accorded. Miss M. Oxenham Cocks was re-elected as Hon. Secretary, and Mrs. Laing Gordon Hon. Treasurer. Mrs. F. C. Smith and Mrs. Beer were elected on to the Committee in place of two members who resigned; the remainder of the Committee were re-elected. Mrs. Gray was re-elected Branch Representative. The Rev. A. F. R. Bird occupied the chair. The meeting was followed by an ordinary meeting, when E. Langley, Esq., read a paper on "Music as a factor in education," which led to an interesting and animated discussion.--On February 10th, the Chairman of the Committee, the Rev. A. F. R. Bird, invited the members of the branch to meet the members of the local branch of the Teacher's Guild. The members are deeply indebted to Mr. Bird for a most enjoyable evening. Mr. F. C. Hepworth gave an altogether admirable lecture upon and practical demonstration of the "X" rays. Wimbledon.--On Saturday, January 28th, by kind permission of Mrs. Lettman-Johnson, a meeting was held at Alenbro', Ridgway, when Sir Charles Elliott, K.C.S.I., gave an interesting account of the facilities for technical education now offered by the London School Board. After the lecture the Rev. F. S. Colman pointed out the necessity of suiting the technical classes to the needs of the districts in which they were held, in order to ensure their success, and C. D. Olive, Esq., raised an interesting question as to whether the technical classes of the London School Board were sufficiently thorough to replace the training given at foreign schools, such as Zurich, for English boys desiring to become civil or electrical engineers. C. Luttman-Johnson, Esq., who was in the chair, then brought the meeting to a close by thanking the lecturer heartily for the pains he had kindly taken to give us exact information on a subject of general interest. Harrow.--On February 11th, a meeting was held, by the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, at the Châlet, Harrow, when the Ven. Archdeacon of Middlesex lectured on "How to Teach the Old Testament to Children." In the course of a very interesting address the Archdeacon remarked that thoughtful Biblical criticism had done a great deal towards the elucidation of various difficult books of the Bible. Christian people, he said, do not hold that the books were inspired, but the writers. There was an idea that the writers were constrained, and that these words were written down--this theory requires to be slightly altered, for the records differ one from another; consequently, the dictation idea was obliged to be dropped. We mean by inspiration that certain people were guided in a special way by God to write certain things, when they could not find them out for themselves; but their individuality was not interfered with, the personality of the writers was not destroyed. That which man could not know he was directed to; that which he could know he was to write in his own manner. Dr. Thornton urged that children should have the reality of the Bible brought home to them as vividly as possible--that they should be taught so to view the Old Testament as to see through it the Christ. He added that he habitually translated the text of the Bible into modern English in teaching children. Rev. F. W. Joyce, vicar of Harrow, was in the chair, and spoke a few words at the conclusion of the meeting. Woodford.--On Wednesday, February 1st, a highly educative, helpful, and intensely interesting paper was read by Dr. Schofield, on "The Philosophy of Education," at Monkhams, Woodford, by the kind permission of Mrs. A. Hills. Dr. Schofield's paper was listened to with earnest and intelligent interest by a large audience. Special emphasis was laid on the importance of allowing children of tender years to be trained unconsciously--by their surroundings, their earliest impressions, and by nature. All the unconscious education is received by observation and reflection on the Divine and natural laws around, and not by the artificial. In listening to Dr. Schofield's emphatic appeals for a wiser government of our little ones, it was impossible to avoid the thought and hope that all parents and teachers should possess some simple but decided knowledge of the brain and its marvellous workings. Two books recently published will be found of the greatest help to a clearer understanding of the psychological method of training children, one being The Unconscious Mind, by Dr. [Alfred T.] Schofield, to be obtained from the P.N.E.U. library; the second The Brain-machine: Its Power and Weakness, by Dr. Albert Wilson. The chair was taken by Dr. Smythe-Palmer.--The next meeting will be held on March 3rd, by the kindness of Mrs. Cripps, at Maycroft, Woodford Road, when Miss Blogg, secretary of the P.N.E.U., will speak on the aims and work of the Union, and discuss the future work of this Branch. Lewes.--The first meeting of this branch was held on January the 21st, when a very charming address was given by Mrs. Howard Glover, on "The help parents may gain from the P.N.E.U." The chair was taken by the Rev. H. Marrable, Vicar of Malling; a short discussion followed the address. Since the preliminary meeting at the end of October, thirty-two members have joined, the majority had never heard of the Parents' Union before, but are warmly interested. The next monthly meeting will be at St. Michael's parish room, when Mdlle. Duriaux will give an address on "Language Teaching." A small library for the use of members has been placed at Mr. Fricker's, 43, High Street, Lewes; gifts of books on educational subjects will be much valued. Bournemouth and Boscombe.--Meetings for discussion of various subjects in connection with the Union are arranged for one afternoon each month from October to May. Darlington.--The inaugural meeting of this branch was held on February 16th, at Lady Dale's house, when Mrs. Franklin gave the address, which was thoroughly appreciated. Bolton.--A meeting of this branch was held on Monday, January 16th, in the Spinner's Hall, when Mdlle. Duriaux gave a most interesting lecture on "French Teaching." One of the Board Schools kindly lent six children, who most successfully illustrated the lesson at the close of the lecture. It is hoped that classes for teaching on this method may be started in Bolton. Farnsworth.--A meeting of this branch was held in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday, January 24th, when the members were kindly entertained by Mrs. A. Barnes. A most interesting paper was read by the president. Mrs. H. Barnes, on "The Education of Girls fifty years ago, compared with present-day Education." There was a good attendance and the members thoroughly enjoyed the paper. A meeting was held on February 13th, when the Rev. F. Adams, B.A., read a paper Reading.--A meeting of this branch was held at the Abbey Hall (kindly lead By Messrs. Sutton & Sons) on Monday evening, January 30th. The chair was taken at 7.30 by H. W. O. Hagreen, Esq., art master at Wellington College. A large audience had assembled to hear a lecture on "Art Teaching for Children," by F. Morley Fletcher, Esq., of Reading College. The lecture, which was a most interesting and instructive one, was illustrated by studies in brush drawing, the work of young boys attending the Alma Road Board School, Bermondsey. A good discussion followed, in which several members took part, and this was concluded by some able remarks from the chairman on the relationship of brush drawing to the older forms of instruction. The programme for 1899 is a most attractive one and includes the following lectures:--March, "The Infant Mind," by Dr. Florence Armitage; May, "Work for Girls after leaving school," By Mrs. Steinthal; July, "Co-operation between Parents and Teachers," by Miss L. E. Haigh.--September, "Concrete Arithmetic," by Dr. Luxmoore, D.Sc.; November, "Individualism in Education," by Mr. T. G. Rooper, H.M.I.--Natural History Club. The third lecture of the Winter Session took place on January 17th, at the Abbey Hall (kindly lent by Messrs. Sutton & Sons). It was a wet evening so that the numbers were not quite so large as usual. Mr. Hastings Gilford took the chair. The lecture was given by Mr. L. Treacher, of Twyford, who shewed a large number of interesting lantern slides on the formation of chalk. The pictures shewed both the microscopic shell-fish of the chalk age, and also the large and formidable animals of the period. A series of maps and diagrams gave a good idea of the position and extent of the chalk strata in Europe. Leeds.--A meeting of the Leeds branch was held on February 16th, when Miss MacMillan spoke on "The Nervous System: Its Growth and Decay."--On March 16th, the Rev. M. Kaufmann will speak on "Training and Culture." Wakefield and District Branch.--Although a preliminary meeting had been held in October, what was really the first meeting of this branch took place on February 1st, at Bishopgarth, by the kind invitation of the Bishop of Wakefield and Mrs. Eden. Mrs. Clement Parsons gave a most interesting and instructive address on "When I was a Child." There were between fifty and sixty people present, and at the close of the meeting, thirty-two enrolled themselves as members of the branch.--On March 6th, Mrs. Boyd Carpenter will lecture on "Habit, or the Growth of Moral Effort."--In April there will be a discussion, and in May Mrs. Steinthal will speak on "Work for Girls after leaving School." Hastings and St. Leonards. On January 14th, at Manora, Hollington Park, by kind permission of Mrs. Bright, a lecture was given by Miss Frances Low; subject, "How to make the National Gallery a Pleasurable Place to Children." A few lantern slides were shown, and the chair was taken by Miss Agnes Ward.--A lecture to children on "Our Iron Roads" was arranged for last month (illustrated by lime-light slides), by A. C. P. Coote, Esq. Derby.--On February 7th, the annual meeting was held. Mr. Tollit, head master of Derby Grammar School, took the chair. Apologies for absence had been received from Canon Furneaux, head master of Repton; Mrs. Maynell, of Maynell Langley; and his Honour Judge Smyly, the vice-presidents. The President, Mrs. Parez, and a large number of members and friends were present. After the report and accounts had been read and adopted, the Hon. Org. Secretary of the Union, Mrs. Franklin, gave an interesting and stimulating address on the work of the Union, and how it may help its members. Some new members were enrolled, and it is hoped that some of Mrs. Franklin's suggestions may be carried out. Southport.--Mrs. Mills Harper delivered her lecture on "Children's Speech" at the house of Miss McGowan, Park Avenue, on the evening of February 8th, the hostess introducing the speaker. There were thirty-five persons present. Mrs. Harper urged that the art of good reading should be thoroughly taught in schools. She remarked that monotonous reading was invariably the want of understanding of the subject, and that words even likely to present any confusion to a child's mind should never be passed over, but promptly explained. She pleaded that children should be allowed the freest use of their lungs when in the open air, not only from a health point of view, but as a sure means of cultivating every note of the speaking voice. Mothers should make it a constant care to see that the nose is thoroughly kept in use for breathing purposes, and early check any disposition to speak with a "back-draught" sound--an ugly and injurious habit. Stammering was too little touched upon to satisfy the mothers. Children should be surrounded as much as possible by refined accents from the earliest childhood. The address was illustrated with interesting and humorous experiences and stories. Birkenhead.--On Tuesday, January 31st, the Rev. Elmer and Mrs. Harding kindly entertained the members and their friends at St. Aidan's College. After refreshments and some music, Mrs. Franklin gave an interesting address, on "What we mean by education," which was followed by two or three speeches from gentlemen present. At the close of the meeting several new names were added to the list of members. Edinburgh.--On Tuesday, January 17th, Professor Simon Laurie read an exceedingly interesting paper, on "The Teaching of History." The lecturer criticised freely the present system of history teaching and strongly urged the importance of teaching children the history of their own country. The discussion at the close of the lecture was taken part in by several gentlemen, who have made a special study of the subject. There was a large audience. Glasgow.--On February 8th, Dr. T. A. Stewart, one of H. M. Inspectors of Schools for Scotland, delivered a most interesting lecture on "Literature and Youth," at North Bank, Dowanhill (by kind permission of Mrs. J. R. Blackie). The lecturer contrasted the wonder of childhood with the imagination of youth, and spoke of the great power for good and evil exercised by imagination, which is, indeed, the basis of all art. Taking up the important question, what a book should or should not be, Dr. Stewart referred briefly to the character of modern fiction, illustrating his meaning from the works of various well-known authors. After some allusion to the "best hundred books," the lecturer spoke of the merits of reading societies, and pointed out the use of a history of English literature, and the value of a commonplace book. Some concluding remarks on the best guide to good literature completed a most able and suggestive address. Proofread by LNL, June 2020 ![]() |
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