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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. NotesEdited by Miss Frances Blogg, Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectus or other papers they may print. NEW BRANCHES. The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to staring Branches in the following places:-- ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * The Members of the Library Committee beg to acknowledge with many thanks the gift of the following books, two volumes, Special Reports, Education Department, from M. E. Sadler, Esq.; Brush Work, from Mrs. Steinthal; copies of Workers without Wage (Carrington), First Book of Botany (Youman), Child Pianist (Curwen), from Mrs. Robins. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Belgravia.--On Friday, February 10th, a meeting will be held at 50, Ennismore Gardens (by kind permission of Mrs. Farrer), at 3.30, when Miss Johnson, B.A., will give a lecture on "The Future of our Girls." A course of six lectures on "Sick nursing of Children," will be given by Mrs. Davis (cert. London Hospital, certs. Phys. Hygiene, etc.), at 39 Elvaston Place, on six consecutive Thursdays at 11.30, commencing February 2nd. Nurses are admitted to these lectures. Fee for the course, 10s. A series of four "Conversations" on "Helps in Household Difficulties," will be given at 40, Pont Street, on four consecutive Wednesdays at 11/30, commencing on February 8th. Fee for the course, 3s. Particulars as to French classes (Gouin method), Natural History Club, and Talks to Children's Nurses, may be had from the Hon. Sec., Mrs. Cockburn, 39, Elvaston Place, S.W. Hyde Park and Bayswater.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. L. Franklin (50 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park), at home Thursday mornings.--January 25th, a lecture was announced to be given by Rev. H. Russell Wakefield, M.L.S.B. Particulars will appear in the next issue.--February 14th, Miss Alice Woods (Principal of the Maria Grey Training College), will lecture on "The Sphere of Parental Choice and Responsibility," at 5 o'clock, at 21, Cleveland Square (by kind permission of Mrs. Cameron); E. Roberts, Esq., in the chair. Tea and coffee, 4.30. Hockey for adults and children has recommenced. A series of six talks based on Home Education and Parents and Children will be given to children's nurses by Miss Flower (ex-student of House of Education), at 26, Drayton Gardens, on Mondays at 3.30, commencing February 6th. Fee 2s. 6d. for the course. Names should be sent in at once. St. John's Wood.--A meeting was held on Monday, December 19th, (by kind permission of Mrs. Binney), at 118, Adelaide Road, Stanley Griffith-Jones, Esq., taking the chair. A paper was read by the Rev. J. Kirkman on "The Courtesies of the Street." In February, Miss Fanny Johnson will lecture on "How to make London interesting to London children." Richmond and Kew.--The annual meeting was held on January 26th, at Asgill Lodge (by kind permission of Mrs. Foulkes), when Mrs. Clement Parsons gave a lecture on "A child's introduction to Poetry." A meeting is announced for February 28th, when Mr. Garrod will speak on "Co-education." Woodford and Wanstead.--On January 9th, at Grove Hall, Wanstead, a lecture was given by Miss Simpson, of Leeds, the subject being "Cats and Dogs." Mr. Spedding-Curwen presided. As it was holiday-time the larger number present consisted of little ones--for whose benefit the subject had been chosen--and they listened with much intelligent interest to Miss Simpson's clear and suggestive address, and readily answered some of her questions, chiefly referring to the delightful diagrams shown by means of lantern and slides, which were kindly displayed by Mr. Spedding-Curwen. Miss Simpson's lecture will do much to increase the love for an interest in these favourite home pets, and, we also hope, lead to a right study of them. At the close of the meeting a vote of thanks was proposed and heartily passed to Miss Simpson. Miss Fowler, of Woodford, then spoke a few words on the subject of a Natural History Club, which she is most desirous of forming. About 15 children and their parents gave in their names as intending members. It was then decided that a meeting should shortly take place in order to organise and put into practice this very interesting and healthful Branch of the P.N.E.U. work. We know we shall have the hearty good wishes of members of its other branches.--The next monthly meeting will be held at "Monkhams," Woodford, by the kindness of Mrs. Hills. The subject of the lecture will be "The Philosophy of Education." given by Dr. A. T. Schofield, M.D. Forest Hill.--A paper was read at Penthyn Lodge, Westwood Park, on December 16th, by Miss G. M. Johnston, on "The Use of the Environment in Education." The chair was taken by Mr. Dalston, and the paper was followed by a discussion, in which Miss Cocks, Mr. Beer, Mrs. Gray, the Chairman, and others took part. It was suggested that during the summer Miss Johnston should assist parents and children of the Branch in discovering some of the features of their own environment. The membership of the Branch stood at 31 on December 31st. Four new members have joined for 1899, and there has been one resignation. Weybridge.--A meeting is announced for March 26th, at the Corner House, Ellesmere Road, at five o'clock, when Mr. R. McNeill will lecture on "The Control of Children's Reading." Ipswich.--Prospective Arrangements.--On February 21st, a lecture will be given by Dr. Helen Webb on "The Formation of Habit," at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, at three o'clock. H. Brown, Esq., M.D., will take the chair.--On March 9th, "Forgetting," by Mrs. Miall, at the High School, at three o'clock. Miss Youngman will take the chair.--April 21st, "Herbert Spencer," by T. G. Rooper, Esq., H.M.I., at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, at eight p.m. Chairman, Canon Thompson. Reading.--P.N.E.U. Natural History Club.--On Dec. 13th the first meeting of the winter season took place at Mr. Hayward's house at 6 p.m. The Rev. A. H. Cunningham gave a short talk to some thirty-five members (chiefly children) on the Earth and the Fixed Stars. He first showed the relative positions of the various constellations by means of diagrams, and then led the children into the garden and helped them to name the stars of which he had spoken to them. The night was clear and the constellations showed brightly.--On Dec. 20th the Rev. W. H. Campbell gave the first of his astronomy lectures at 6 p.m., in the Abbey Hall (kindly let by Messrs. Sutton and Sons). The seats were arranged round the walls of the hall; in the centre the position of the sun and orbits of the planets were marked out in chalk. Eleven children represented the sun and planets and their satellites. Mr. Campbell spoke of their relative sizes, their movements and characteristics. He put out the lights in the hall and gave one bright light to the sun and showed how it affected the planets. The children were much interested and accorded a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Campbell for his kindness in lecturing.--The next lecture took place on Jan. 17th, when Miss Simpson, Extension Lecturer, Victoria University, spoke on "The Life History of an Insect."--The January number of the quarterly magazine edited by the committee of the Reading N.H.C. is now ready, price 6d., by post 7d., or 2s, 4d, for the year. It may be obtained from Mrs. Hayward, Hazelwood, Kendrick Road, Reading. Glasgow.--The second meeting of this branch was held on Thursday, Dec. 8th, at 28, Park Circus, by kind permission of Mrs. Bilsland. Miss G. J. Crocker, Bachelor of Oratory, delivered a most interesting address on "Physical Culture," or, as she termed it, The Gospel of Grace. She dwelt on the undefinable charm of a gracious presence, and showed that there is no reason why we should not even grow old gracefully. The system of physical culture which she recommends and teaches must not be confounded either with gymnastics or calisthenics. It requires no "properties" of any kind, nor does it need any great exercise of strength. The lecturer gave examples of some of the exercises, and showed the beneficial effect of learning to breathe properly. At the close of the lecture, which was not without touches of humour, the usual votes of thanks were given. Proofread by LNL, June 2020 ![]() |
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