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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. NOTES.Volume 10, 1899, pg. 63 Edited by Miss Frances Blogg, Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. New Branches. The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:-- ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * The Library Committee begs to acknowledge with many thanks the gift of the following books from their authors:--The Unconscious Mind, by A. T. Schofield, M.D.; The Key to Psychology and Philosophy (pamphlet), by W. M. Storrar, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin.; also four copies of Home Education and four of Parents and Children, a gift from the Bayswater Branch to the Central Library. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Belgravia.--A most interesting address was given at 39, Graham Street (By kind permission of Miss Wolseley Lewis), on November 22nd, by Canon Lyttleton, on "The teaching of Old Testament to children." A slight account of this lecture will appear in a forthcoming number of the Parents' Review. --Miss Carta Sturge addressed an interested audience on "The Place of Poetry in Education," at The Dowager Countess of Northesk's, on December 6th,--On January 27th, Mr. F. Ryland will address the Branch on "How to teach our boys and girls the Rights and Duties of Citizenship."--In February, Miss Johnson, of the Richmond High School, will give one of her interesting addresses.--There will be lectures in February and March (one on a Health subject), and courses of lectures on "Housekeeping," by Mdlle. Ninet, and on "Sick nursing of Children for Mothers and Nurses," by Mrs. Davis, Health Lecturer to the County Council and formerly Nurse at the Children's Hospital.--Also a series of six "Talks to Children's Nurses," fee 3/-, held by Miss Flower, in February. Further details of these lectures and courses will be given on the January programme. Members desirous of joining, or of letting their nurses join any of the above courses, are requested to send in their names to the Hon. Secretary at once.--French classes (Gouin method) for children, will be held by Mdlle. Forckel, at 21, Hyde Park, S.W. (by the kindness of Hon. Mrs. Muir MacKenzie), on Tuesdays and Fridays, at 4 p.m. Fee for the course of twelve lessons, £1 1s.--Classes for Brushwork and Music (Mrs. Curwen's method) will be arranged if sufficient names are sent in to the Hon. Sec. Any members having classes at their own house, to which they would admit the children of other members, are invited to send particulars at once to the Hon. Sec. for announcement on the forthcoming programme.--Subscriptions to the Branch (5s. or 10s., including the Parents' Review) are now due, and should be sent to The Lady Helen Lacey, 29, Cavendish Road, N.W.--Members are earnestly requested to make the Union known to their friends by sending programmes, leaflets, and cards for the lectures, and each to endeavour to get at least one new member during the current year. Hyde Park and Bayswater.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. L. Franklin (50, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park), at home Thursday mornings.--November 21st, Dr. Schofield gave a most useful and inspiring lecture on "The Philosophy of Education," at 98, Harley Street (by kind permission of Mrs. Fletcher), Mrs. Howard Glover in the chair.--December 13th, Mrs. Clement Parsons read a paper, entitled "When I was a Child," at 33, Phillimore Gardens (by kind permission of Mrs. Freeman). Dr. Gladstone, F.R.S., occupied the chair. Mrs. Parsons gave the most delightful picture of beautiful childhood, and her lecture was marked by the literary distinction and deep insight into child nature which P.N.E.U. members have learnt to expect from her. The useful hints and the noble ideal she held up to her audience must have sent them away stimulated in every way. Mrs. Parsons followed the child in its building of "its house of thought" from earliest infancy to youth and maidenhood, and thus gave food for thought to the parents of growing girls and boys, as well as to those of little ones.--The next lecture will be held on January 25th, when the Rev. H. Russell Wakefield, M.L.S.B., will lecture on "Parents in the Educational System," at five o'clock, at 20, Stratford Place (by kind permission of Mrs. Mudie Cook), Sir Joshua Fitch in the chair.--Tea and coffee, 4.30. Classes for brush-drawing and handiwork. hockey for adults and for children, gymnastic classes, &c., recommence on January 17th. St. John's Wood.--A paper was read by H. Nesbitt, Esq., on the "Interdependence of History and Literature," at 8, Carlton Hill (by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. H. Perrin), on Tuesday, November 22nd.--The subject will be "The End of Education--Knowledge or Power?" Forest Hill.--On November 18th, a paper was read at 2, Honor Oak Park, by Mrs. Scharlieb, M.D., on "Physical Education." The chair was taken by Mr. G. Elliman. The lecturer dealt with the first principles of physical education, under the headings, air, food, exercise, rest, and clothing. There was a large attendance of members and friends, who listened with appreciation. A gymnastic class for little boys for the winter months has been started at the House of Education, 9, Honor Oak Road. Highgate.--Two well attended meetings have been held, one on October 17th, when Mrs. Walter Ward, of the Norland Institute, read a paper on "Nursery Nurses, and their Duties," and the other on November 11th, when Miss Helen Webb, M.B., gave her paper on "Neurotic Children" to a very appreciative audience. Wimbledon.--On Friday afternoon, December 2nd, at Mrs. Todd's invitation, a meeting was held at Elmdene, Ridgway, when Mr. Rowbotham lectured on "Nature-teaching." He pointed out how parents who had no extensive knowledge of science might still help their children, by study and observation, and gave some very valuable hints for good courses of lessons in which the child's own surroundings can be utilised. Harrow.--On December 2nd, there was a meeting at 4, Lyon Road, at which Miss Gertrude Tuckwell, gave an address on "Factory Legislation and Dangerous Trades." In the course of a most stirring description of the complaints that the Factory "hands" bring in to the Office of the Women's Trade Union League (of which Miss Tuckwell is secretary), she said that continually there were complaints about the temperature of the rooms the girls work in, about the ventilation, about overcrowding, and about the machinery. She mentioned en passant [in passing] that often the iron shuttles, in flying to and fro, hit the girls, and they constantly lose their eyes from this cause. This proves the necessity for guards for the shuttles. Then, as regards the workers at the Potteries, raw lead is exceedingly dangerous, yet is still used in preference to fused lead, which is non-injurious. Touching on the match-making trade, Miss Tuckwell mentioned that the "hands" engaged in it suffer from "fossage"--decay of the bone. Another point to be noted is that even if the workers in these dangerous trades do not suffer, their children do. Hardly ever do the women workers have a living child, and even if it lives, it is a wretched miserable being, and often dies later on in infancy. The League have a nurse working down in the Potteries country now, and a little while ago Miss Tuckwell went down to see the patients. She declares that the worst among them seemed literally as if they were suffering from the ravages of an epidemic. The women Inspectors are doing a grand and plucky work among the workers. They find out where regulations have been evaded, and where they are in urgent need of improvement; for there are many cases where the regulations for work at present existing are thoroughly inadequate; and she added, "but people have been tinkering at the Potteries for twenty years, but nothing has been done." The workers suffer under a general apathy, and the employers are extraordinarily obtuse. The whole lecture was one of unusual interest, and was absolutely convincing. On December 10th, at 8 p.m., Mrs. Clement Parsons gave a lecture on "Childhood and Romance." She urged that parents should commune with memories of their own personal reminiscences, and enforce the dictum that experience in teaching children is "a lantern at the masthead that throws its light far forward;" and if the mother have ten minutes herself she cannot do better than call up her own red letter days and memories of where the "shoe pinched," and where the water ran off the back of circumstance. Mrs. Parsons suggested, in the course of her address, that the ear rather than the eye is the avenue to imagination. It may not be out of place to put forward here, as the result of strong conviction, the obiter dictum that members of country branches should remember that a certain amount of esprit de corps is an absolute requisite, and that it is not fair to the members, or to the secretary, or to the lecturer, that first-rate lecturers should be invited to come down and deliver a lecture only to find rows of unsympathetic chairs, and an audience chiefly conspicuous by its absence of numbers. Woodford.--A meeting was head at Bellegrove, Snaresbook (by the kindness of Mrs. Warner), when a lecture was given by Miss Edna Walters, on "Arithmetic with Eyes and Hands," dealing chiefly with the metric system of calculating, a subject which interested all present. Questions were asked, and Miss Walters replied most readily. The meeting was unusually large and satisfactory. After the lecture Mrs. Spedding Curwen introduced the new hon. secretary, Mrs. Albert Wilson, successor to Mrs. Spedding Curwen, who, after seven years of office is compelled to resign owing to more important duties which she has undertaken. It was arranged that the next lecture should be a public one to be given by Miss Simpson (Leeds), during the holidays, in order to enable the children to accompany their parents. The subject to be "Cats and dogs," with lantern illustrations.--In February, Dr. Schofield has kindly promised to lecture on "The Philosophy of Education." Hastings and St. Leonards.--On October 17th, at Ancaster House (by kind permission of Mrs. Burrows), an address was given by Lady Baker on "Sympathy with our Children." The chair was taken by the Rev. F. R. Burrows.--On November 29th, at Miss Tiddeman's studio (by her kind permission), Mrs. Harkness read a paper on "The responsibility of children to each other." The chair was taken by Mrs. Lucas-Shadwell.--A meeting is arranged for January 14th, at Manora, Hollington Park (by kind permission of Mrs. Bright), when Miss Frances Low will lecture on "How the National Gallery may be made attractive to young people." Farnsworth.--A meeting of this branch was held at Carlton Villas (by kind permission of Mrs. J. E. Almond), on Monday, December 5th, when a paper on "Froebel" was read by Miss Roberts, of the Farnworth High School. The paper following the one prepared by Miss Roberts on "Pestalozzi" last year, was much enjoyed by the members. There was a good attendance.--The next meeting will be at the end of January, when Mrs. H. A. Barnes, president of this branch is expected to read a paper. Bolton.--A meeting of this branch was held at Werdale (by kind permission of Mrs. Howard Crook) on Monday, December 12th, when Miss Mason's Home Education was discussed. There was a good attendance and an interesting discussion, all the members feeling glad of the opportunity of studying the book.Madamoiselle Duriaux comes to the branch on January 16th for a lecture on "French Teaching." Glasgow.--The opening meeting was held at Redlands, on November 14th, when Mrs. Mirrlees delivered an interesting address on "Heart Culture." She defined heart culture as the feeling and love for all things that are pure, simple, true, and of good report, pointing out that the highest mental culture is perfectly compatible with true womanliness. Dividing human life into the four periods, growing time, weeding time, sowing time, and harvest time, she dwelt on the great responsibility of the mother. The development of character is even more important than the acquisition of attainments. She contrasted Dante's view of life, in which training is considered useless before the age of ten, with that of Froebel, in which the first seven years are held to be all-important, and all training not founded on religion to be non-productive. The speaker strongly deprecated the idea that all religious questions should be left alone till children arrived at years of discretion. She believed that a sound religious training should be given very early. (Some discussion of this point ensued). Mrs. Mirrlees, in resuming, said that training of the heart requires much thought on the part of mothers. Good motives should be insisted on. (Some discussion arose on this also. The danger of self-consciousness and hypocrisy were referred to, and the risk of "digging about a children's roots," while some thought the child should be taught to do good for the sake of those around it simply). In conclusion, Mrs. Mirrlees warned parents against an injudicious severity in case of apparent lapse. Such lapses often meant growth of character and should be most carefully dealt with. The parent should always possess the child's confidence without demanding it, and this confidence should persist through childhood and youth up to manhood. Thus, in every way, we should cultivate the heart's affection, which ought always to exist. Mrs. Robertson proposed a vote of thanks to the President for her excellent lecture. Richmond and Kew.--A meeting of the branch was held in a Hall in Richmond, at the invitation of four of the Richmond members, when Dr. Thorne lectured on "The Danger of Dust and the Safety of Sunshine." Prospective arrangements are--January, annual meeting and lecture by Mrs. Clement Parsons, on "A Child's Introduction to Poetry"; February, Mr. Garrod, on "Co-Education"; March, Mrs. Miall, on "Our Boys." Southport.--On October 27th, Mrs. Spencer Curwen lecture on "The Art of Music Teaching," in the Albany Chambers. The attendance was large. Mrs. Curwen held the attention steadily, and after tea, many questions were asked and discussed. There is always a large percentage of people at such meetings who are slow to realize that there is any better system afloat anywhere in the world than their own familiar one, but the meeting aroused in the minds of many a wholesome agitation. The system was practically unknown in the town, but now music teachers and parents have warmly taken up Mrs. Curwen's method, to the already great pleasure and profit of those average and below average children who were considered somewhat hopeless under denser methods.--On December 9th, a capital lecture was given by Mr. Newton Petit, a leading dentist. It was put so simply and was so fully instructive as to change the "thinking" of many minds into certain "knowing" what is best for their children's welfare respecting teeth. There were forty persons present at the meeting, which was held at the house of the Rev. Henry Mocatta, Queen's Road.--The next lecture will be early in February. The subject is, "Children's Speech," by Mrs. Mills Harper, a well-known elocutionist. Fifteen new members have been enrolled this year. Bournemouth.--This branch has just been inaugurated. Lady Dodesworth is the president; Mrs. Gunton Turner, hon. treasurer; and Miss C. Agnes Rooper, hon. secretary. Lewes.--A branch of the Union has been started in Lewes, Sussex. For the first season, three lectures have been arranged for, viz.:--"An address on the uses of the Union," by Mrs. Howard Glover, Jan. 28th; "The Teaching of Modern Languages," Mdlle. Duriaux, Feb. 24th; "The Parent as Prophet," Rev. A. J. W. Crosse, Vicar of Rye. April 18th, There is every reason to hope that the branch will be successful. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * The Pestalozzi Society will hold a public meeting on January 4th next at 8 p.m., at the College of Preceptors; Bloomsbury Square, to commemorate the Centenary of Pestalozzi's removal to Stanz, an event which deeply affected his subsequent labours and permanent influence. Proofread by LNL, June 2020 ![]() |
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