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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. NotesVolume 7, 1896, pgs. 237-240 Edited by MISS FRANCES BLOGG, Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. The Library Committee acknowledge, with many thanks, the gift of the
following books by their authors:-- Also of the following:-- From Mrs. Franklin--"Official Report of Women Workers"; "History of Scotland" (Mackenzie); "Levana" (Jean Paul Richter); "First Book of Psychology" (James); "Fresh Lights from Ancient Monuments (Sayce); "Historical Reader" (Longmans); "First Lessons in French" (Gouin); "Firs Year of Scientific Knowledge"; "Care of Infants (Jex-Blake); "Moral Training" (Miss Sherriff); Monthly copy "Journal of Education." From Mrs. Spencer Curwen.--"A Song, please" (C. Hutchins Lewis); "Songs and Games for the Kindergarten" (Tisdale & Gilbert); "Medly of Song" (Mrs. Scoggins); "Saltaire Kindergarten Games" (Lois Bates); "Saltaire Action Songs" (Lois Bates). Also, "A plea for a simpler life" (Dr. George Shene Keith), from Mrs.
Keith. BELGRAVIA.--On March 26th Canon Scott Holland gave an exceptionally able address on "Goads." After speaking of education as simply evocation--the calling out of capacities and setting nature free--he went on to suggest that although all this was in a measure true, yet we could not dispense with the spur, with the violent pressure of examinations, and the painful "grind." He begged his audience to distinguish two stages--two purposes--two alms in education. (1) The evocation of gifts. (2) The evocation of the self that possesses and uses these gifts. The development of capacities is not the goal--but the calling forth of a central will; a spring of character, a force of judgment which makes up "individuality." The distinction should be forced on the child. "You and your instincts are two, not one, and they are to be driven apart as life grows." Canon Scott Holland then spoke of Concentration, Equity, and Response, as three signs of educated judgment--all of them involving discipline; and then went on to assure his audience that "the will won't put out its power without a squeeze," and thence the use of "goads." The lecture was given at 50 Ennismore Gardens (by the kindness of Mrs. Farret), and was listened to with the deepest interest by about 90 members and friends. HYDE PARK AND BAYSWATER.--(Hon Sec., Mrs. E. Franklin, 9, Pembridge Gardens. "At Home," Thursday mornings). On March 17th a paper was read by Mrs. Franklin to the Reading circle on "The influence of Education on Imagination." The next meeting of the Reading circle will be on May 12th, at 9 o'clock, at 9, Pembridge 33, Cavendish Square (by kind permission of Mrs. Symes Thompson), on "Children's Work in connection with the Budget." E. Symes Thompson, Esq., M.D., in the chair. Brush drawing classes to children and adults, and French and German classes (Gouin method) will be resumed in May. Names should be sent in at once for the Wednesday Natural History Excursions, under Mr. Rowbotham's guidance, for children from 7 upwards. Fee, 10/--for 10 lessons. Cricket, junior (girls and boys under 12), and senior (girls) on Mondays and Thursdays, commences May 4th, under superintendence of a master. Fee, 10/-. Further particulars from Mrs. Franklin. HAMPSTEAD AND ST. JOHN'S WOOD.--On March 20th a meeting was held at The Ferns' School, 153, Finchley Road (by the kindness of Miss Borchardt). Mr. F. Bond, M.A., F.G.S., contributed a paper on "What not to teach," which, in his unavoidable absence, was kindly read by Miss Borchardt. There was a good discussion. Miss Hall addressed this branch on April 22nd, on "Country Rambles." The last meeting of the session will be held during this month, when Mrs. Steinthal will read a paper on "How I teach my children." CLAPHAM.--The March meeting was held on the 25th, at 8 p.m., at 13, Cedars Road, Clapham Common, by kind invitation of Mrs. Beveridge. Miss Edith Barnet greatly impressed her audience by an excellent address on "Out-of-School Education." The Rector of Clapham in the chair. There was no April meeting; the next paper will be read by Miss Pace on May 4th. FINCHLEY.--Miss Helen Webb, M.B., delivered an address on "Habit," on February 27th, at Meadowside, North Finchley (by kind permission of Mrs. Clayton). Mr. McClure, President of the branch, presided, and there was a good attendance of members and others, who were much interested. A meeting was held on March 26th, at Christ's College, Finchely (by kind permission of Mr. Philipson), Miss Wells, of Hampstead read a paper on "Expediency versus Development in Education." READING.--The fifteenth ordinary meeting was held on Saturday, March 21st, at Acham House (by kind permission of Miss Abrams). H. M. Wallis, Esq., J.P., took the chair. An address was given by Mrs. E. L. Franklin (Hon. Sec. Hyde Park and Bayswater Branch) on "Natural History Clubs, as a means of furthering the Study of Nature." At the close of the meeting, interesting collections of specimens were examined and much appreciated by members. It is hoped that an impetus has thereby been given to the newly formed Natural History Club in connection with this branch. The next meeting will be held on May 30th, when the Rev. W. Hume Campbell, M.A., is expected to give an address on "Memory." EASTBOURNE.--On the 17 March an address was given by the Rev. Rowland Cardwell, Vicar of Fulham, on "The Religious Education of children." The lecturer urged that parents should be definite in their teaching, recalling the fact that children of the poor are more systematically instructed than our own in this particular. He approved of children being taught forms of prayer and hymns and passages from the Bible, even before they could fully grasp their meaning, so that they should be laid to store in the young retentive memory. Fathers should not forget that their teaching and example is necessary as well as the mothers. Parents also should realize the fact that children do not love them by instinct in the same way that parents love their children--the love and confidence must be won by the parent before influence and teaching can begin. The speaker concluded with the remark that children are heaven-sent messengers to their parents, so that parents have as much to be taught by the children as to teach them. A drawing room meeting was held at Ingleside, on March 24th, when a much appreciated address was given by Miss Wedgwood, which it is hoped will be repeated later. It was found necessary to postpone the April meetings, Mr. Roberts' lecture will, therefore, be given early this month, at All Saints' Vicarage (by kind permission of Mrs. Woodward), on "The co-relation of mental and physical education." HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARD'S.--On February 22nd, at the Hastings and St. Leonard's College, Cumberland Gardens, a lecture was given by Rev. F. R. Burrows, M.A. of Ancaster House School, on "Geography: a Neglected Subject at Home and in School"; chairman, P. Pritchard, Esq. (Chairman of the Local School Board). On March 28th, at Miss Tiddeman's Studio (by kind permission), a lecture was given by Dr. Downes, of Eastbourne, on "Backward Children"; Chairman, A. Lewis Ward, Esq. During this month a paper will be read by Miss Beth Finlay, on "University Life for Girls". SOUTHPORT.--Although this branch has not sent in reports to the last two numbers of the Review, owing to the illness of the Secretary, the meetings have been highly successful this session. The first was held in November, at the house of the President, South Lawn, Rawlinson Road. Lady Wheler took the chair. Miss Simon read a paper on "Teaching and Education," which was so appreciated that it aroused discussion amongst those who had no intention of speaking. The second lecture, in December, was again held at South Lawn, Lady Wheler presiding. Mrs. Miall, of Leeds, who spoke on the subject of "Teaching a Modern Language," delighted her audience, and as many school teachers were present and exchange of experiences followed. The next two meetings were held at the residence of H. C. Mocatta, Esq., Clive House, Queen's road. At the Febraury meeting the Rev. J. Williams took the chair, and Dr. Maccall gave a capital and condensed lecture on "Heredity," illustrating largely. Discussion followed. Miss Mason, Foundress of the Union, gave an address at the March meeting on "The Future of the P.N.E.U." Mr. Mocatta presided. Her words were listened to with reverent attention, as she stirred the hearts of both teachers and parents by her inspired understanding of child nature, and her divine ideals for their education and future. Every meeting was thoroughly well attended. The Branch numbers 52 members, and many have expressed their intention of joining. Both parents and school teachers fall in with the ideas of the Union and in Southport it is decidedly a "Parents' and Teachers' Union." Mrs. Dixon, 8, Preston Road, Hon. Sec., will be glad to answer any enquiries. SCARBOROUGH.--On February 12th (by invitation of Miss Theedam), Mrs. Miall read a paper on "Play." In a most philosophical and logical way, Mrs. Miall argued her points, claiming for children more of nature's playground and less routine of life. Everyone felt they had listened to a most interesting and inspiring paper. Miss Theedam presided. On March 18th a small meeting was held (by kind invitation of Mrs. Godfrey), when Mrs. Edward Wallis read a paper on "Punishment." The discussion that followed proved the value of the paper, which dealt with the law of natural results as the standard rule for correction. Extracts from Herbert Spencer, Mr. Rooper (Parents' Review, 1885) and Miss Mason's "Home Education" were read, in addition to the paper. Mrs. Godfrey presided. This meeting was the last of the winter session. BROUGHTY FERRY.--Dr. Emily Thompson gave a lecture to members and their friends on Thursday, March 5th. The subject was "Some Dangers of the Developmental Periods." There was a good attendance, and all present were much interested, and felt that much was said which was both suggestive and useful. EDINBURGH.--It was found necessary to postpone the lecture which was announced for April 7th, until Tuesday, May 5th. The Title is "The Teaching of Natural History as an Educational Discipline," by Mr. Arthur Thomson. FARNWORTH, LANCASHIRE.--A drawing room meeting was held on April 1st, at the house of Mrs. Harold Barnes, when Miss Staley, of new Brighton, read a paper on "Parental Responsibility." A short discussion followed, and ten ladies promised to join the P.N.E.U., should a branch be formed in the district. Proofread by LNL, Apr. 2021 ![]() |
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