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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ PNEU Notes.
Parents' National Educational Union. It was found impossible to organise an Executive Committee of the above Union for September, as all Committee members excepting the Chairman and Secretary were far away from London. We hope to convene a meeting in October, when no doubt many families will be returning to town for the winter season. E. C. SHARLAND, Organising Hon. Secretary. ---------------- The months of August and September have been no more favourable for work in the provinces than in London. Preliminary meetings have been held at a few watering-places - Scarborough, Bangor, Llanfairfechan, Llandudno - with what results will be seen later. We hope to see a prosperous branch established at Scarborough, under the fostering care of Archdeacon Blunt. Bilingual conditions in the Welsh towns will probably tell against P.N.E.U. work. Arrangements are being made for an organising tour, beginning, at Sheffield, working southward, through Cambridge to the coast, crossing country by way of Cheltenham, and working northwards again by Birmingham and Wolverhampton. Further suggestions or invitations for meeting in any towns (en route or within manageable distance, will be gladly received and considered. Any such suggestions shoutd be forwarded without delay. CHARLOTTE M. MASON, Hon. Sec. ----------- To our Readers: -- "The Review is a family possession," writes a valued correspondent. We are not quite sure that this was our original intention, but perhaps it is not a bad thing that the children should take the Review as evidence that their parents are in earnest about bringing them up; its very presence in a household may be a sort of protest against the "casual" method, or want of method. But our Christmas Number must be a "family possession" in quite another sense. Will our readers help us to contribute something to the family joy of Christmastide? We want: -- Home handicrafts, suggestions for Christmas-boxes, new games, conundrums, acrostics, Christmas legends, Christmas customs of many countries, notes of good books for Christmas reading and for presents, racy anecdotes, jokes, jeux d'esprit of all sorts, even (very good) puns, charades, in fact, anything which is likely to amuse or interest. We believe there is so strong a feeling of community among our readers that all will be glad to put something into the common store, and that we shall have a delightful Christmas Number. Contributions should reach the publishers, if possible before the end of October. We do not ask for original matter, but the good things which reach us should not be hackneyed. And now, a word for ourselves. The keen sympathy and appreciation of our readers is most encouraging. "Such good writing!" "So deeply interesting!" "Such a help!" "How did we ever do without it?" are the sorts of things people are good enough to say continually about the Parents' Review. Such an effort to meet the wants of educated parents has never before been made, and we are truly glad and thankful that it should meet with so hearty a response. But our readers will recognise that a magazine can be kept at the level of the Review only at great cost, and that it is absolute necessary to make the work self-supporting. We depend very much upon personal sympathy and personal co-operation, because, as the Parents' Review is a new thing, the expression of a new idea, it does not yet make its appeal to the general public. People wonder "what 'tis all about" until it is introduced to them by their friends. Would our readers remove all cause of anxiety, enable us to make the Review still more attractive, and still more helpful? The way is easy: Will all so minded get, at least, two friends to send post cards with the following order to their booksellers? -- Please supply With the Parents' Review for the year beginning February, 1890. By so doing our readers will not only help us, but will engage in an educational mission; for though we do not assume that every line between the two covers is important to every parent, we do claim that no thoughful parent could read a single number from cover to cover without receiving some stimulating and inspiring ideas. Will those of our readers who are good enough to send copies to friends ascertain first whether their friends are already subscribers. Anyway, will they kindly remember that the postage is 1½d. -------------- ERRATA - SEPTEMBER NUMBER. Page 532, last sentence. "The events of an infant's life . . . are worth noting on account of their close connection with his intellectual development, and we have therefore kept a record of his food, his ailments, his travels, and all his outwards life from the first. But in accordance with the title given, we will confine ourselves to his knowledge and powers.'" Typed by happi, May 2016 |
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